
jiāo lián jì
  • crosslinker;crosslinking agent;cross linker reagent
  1. 实验结果表明:在交联剂浓度为4%,pH≈7时棉织物,固色率96%。

    Experimental results indicate that the crosslinker concentration were 4 % , pH was 7 , fixation rate reached 96 % cotton fabric .

  2. 结果表明,随着引发剂A1及助交联剂B1用量的增大,改性PP的交联程度逐渐增大,强度及韧性都显著增强。

    The results showed that with increasing initiator and assistant crosslinker concentration , the crosslinking degree increased , followed by increased strength and toughness .

  3. LED封装用液体交联剂的制备与表征

    Synthesis of Liquid Crosslinking Agent for Light Emitting Diode Encapsulant

  4. 以壳聚糖与三磷酸钠为交联剂交联制得水杨酸胃漂浮小丸,并考察交联溶液pH和干燥方法对小丸漂浮情况和释放行为的影响。

    Salicylic acid pellets floating in stomach were prepared with chitosan using sodium tripolyphosphate as cross-linking agent .

  5. PVC交联剂DB的合成与表征

    Synthesis and Characterization of Cross - linking Agent DB for PVC

  6. 采用过氧化物引发剂与助交联剂组合对聚丙烯(PP)进行交联改性。

    Polypropylene ( PP ) was modified by peroxide initiator and assistant crosslinker .

  7. ST和PVA的最佳交联剂为戊二醛。

    Glutaraldehyde was the best cross - linker of starch and PVA .

  8. 随交联剂的增加、pH值的增大、温度的升高成胶时间均变短。

    The gelling time will be shorter if increase the crosslinking agent , the pH value or the temperature .

  9. 添加炭黑和交联剂的EVA半导电复合物性能研究

    A Study On Properties of EVA Composites Added Carbon Black and Crosslinkage Agent

  10. 交联剂DB对聚氯乙烯的交联改性

    Modification of PVC with cross - linking agent DB

  11. PVC/LLDPE/EVA/交联剂共混体系中增容-交联协同作用的研究

    Study of Compatibilizing-crosslinking Synergism in PVC / LLDPE / EVA / Crosslinking Agent Blends

  12. 以不同链长的聚乙二醇为交联剂,考查了两种链长交联剂对pH敏感水凝胶的溶胀行为、降解性质以及释药性能的影响;

    The swelling , degradation and the drug release of the pH-sensitive hydrogel crosslinked by polyethylene glycol with different chain length were studied .

  13. 采用酰化试剂A、酰化试剂B、交联剂和表面活性剂改性脱脂大豆粉,研究了各种方法改性后的脱脂大豆粉的粘接性和抗水性。

    Adhesiveness and water resistance of soybean glue based on defatted soy flour modified with acylating reagent A , B , cross-linking reagent and surfactant were discussed .

  14. 为寻求一种优于戊二醛(GA)的新型生物瓣膜材料交联剂,作者从可行性探索的角度,用气态六次甲基二异氰酸酯(HDI)处理川西牦牛心包材料。

    Gaseous hexamethylene-diisocyanate ( HDI ) was used to treat yak pericardium .

  15. 水相粘度和渗透率下降系数表述为交联剂浓度、聚合物浓度、pH值和成胶时间的函数。

    The aqueous relative permeability reduction factor and viscosity are functions of the polymer concentration , gel agent concentration , pH , and gel time .

  16. 讨论了交联剂和抑制剂的用量及NCO/OH对分散体及其涂膜的影响。

    The influence of the levels of crosslinker and inhibitor and the ratio of NCO to OH on dispersion and its film are also discussed .

  17. 结果发现,结晶速度K随聚酯含量增加而增大,随聚醚分子量的增大而增大,交联剂使结晶速度K减少。

    It was shown in experimental results that the crystallization rates increase with the increase of the polyester content and the molecular weight of polyether .

  18. 引入适当的交联剂、扩链剂及键合剂可使GAP推进剂力学性能达到较高的水平。

    By adding proper crosslinking agent , chain extender and bonding agent , the mechanical properties of GAP based propellants can be tailored to a higher level .

  19. 将废旧腈纶用常压碱法水解,用N羟甲基丙烯酰胺作交联剂制备高吸水性树脂。

    High water-absorbent resin has been prepared using the useless acrylic fibres alkaline hydrolysis under the normal pressure , using the N-hydroxymethyl propylene acryl amine as the crosslinked agent .

  20. 双半缩醛交联剂BHA在织物整理中的应用

    Application of bi - hemiacetal crosslinking agent BHA in fabric finishing

  21. 利用阳离子交联剂DE,将丝胶蛋白固着在大豆蛋白纤维上,确定了DE和丝胶交联改性大豆蛋白纤维的较优工艺。

    Cationic crosslinker DE was used to cure sericin on soybean protein fibers , and an improved process for this combined modification was detd .

  22. 该高温暂堵剂由HG改性树脂、交联剂、HS固相颗粒组成。

    This agent consists of HG modified resin , cross linking agent , and HS solid particles .

  23. 在PVC/PE共混体系中加入交联剂和引发剂能产生PVC-CO-PE共聚物,这种共聚物在共混物中可起到增容剂的作用。

    Addition of crosslinking agent and initiator to PVC / PE blends generates PVC-CO-PE copolymers , which should act as the compatibilizer of the blends .

  24. 用多羟基化合物作成胶剂与交联剂BF配制了选择性堵水剂。

    A selective plugging agent was prepared from polyhydroxy - compound as gelling material and cross - linking agent BF .

  25. 以S萘普生为模板,N乙烯基吡咯烷酮为功能单体,二乙烯基苯为交联剂分别按照摩尔比1/4/10、1/4/20和1/4/30合成了分子印迹聚合物(MIP)。

    Molecularly imprinted polymers were prepared using S-naproxen as a template molecule , N-vinylpyrrolidone as a functional monomer and divinylbenzene as a crosslinker .

  26. 以N,N'-亚甲基双丙烯酰胺为交联剂,过硫酸钾为引发剂,采用微波技术一步合成粉末状高吸水树脂。

    A super-water-absorbent resin was synthesized by the method of microwave polymerization using N , N ' - methylene-bis-acylamide as a crosslinking agent and ammonium persulfate as an initiator at one step .

  27. 应用此法分析2D醚化树脂、交联剂及织物中微量甲醛,结果满意。

    The test results were satisfactory when this method was used in analyses of trace HCHO in etherified 2D resin , cross-linking agents and textiles .

  28. 通过水溶液聚合法,以过硫酸盐为引发剂,N,N亚甲基以丙酰胺为交联剂,添加不同含量的硅藻土,合成高吸水性树脂。

    With potassium sulfate as initiator , N , N-methylenebisacrylamide as cross-linking agent , and adding diatomite of different contents , the high water-absorbent resin of cross-linked polyacrylamide was synthesized by solution polymerization .

  29. 以及在聚乙烯醇中加入交联剂戊二醛(GA),交联改性后,缩醛膜的阻气性能与所加交联剂戊二醛的量的关系;

    And the relationship between gas-barrier properties of cross & linked film and GA content in PVA also was studied , after adding GA into PVA .

  30. 通过将P(NIPA/AMPS)二元凝胶在体视光学显微镜和偏光显微镜进行观察表明,交联剂浓度越大,交联网络越紧密,网格越小。

    P ( NIPA / AMPS ) hydrogels were observed on microscope , which shows that with the increase of the concentration of crosslinking agent , the crosslinking network becomes more compact and the gridding is smaller .