
  1. 从介绍公共交通社区的概念和实例入手,阐述土地利用形态对公共交通的重要作用,指出发展公共交通导向的土地利用形态是解决我国城市交通问题的根本出路

    The author expounds the important role of the land use form to the public transport by introducing the concept and cases of public transport community , and puts forward an idea that to develop land use form guided by the public transport is the effective solution . Traffic

  2. 建立交通管理社区警务体制刍议

    A Tentative Study on the Foundation of Community-Police System in Traffic Control

  3. 随着彩色图像数字技术和计算机技术的发展,视频监控被广泛应用于视频会议图像传输以及银行、交通、社区等重要部门的安全监控中。

    With the developments of digital colour image device and computer technology , video surveillance has been widely used for many applications , such as network video-conference , safe protection of many important places , and so on .

  4. 近年来,公共场所安全事故时有发生,如交通枢纽、社区、地铁等也都存在很多安全隐患,直接威胁着人类的生命财产安全并带来不同程度的经济损失。

    In recent years , security incidents at public place occur sometimes , some place such as the transport hub or subway also have many security risks , which threat human life and property and bring economic loss with different levels .

  5. 城市交通问题的治本之路&公共交通社区与公共交通导向的城市土地利用形态

    The public transport community and the urban land use form guided by the public transport