
  • 网络trading bank;transaction banking
  1. 渣打银行交易银行业务集团负责人凯兰福西特(karenfawcett)表示,在支持国内企业进军海外方面,中国国内的银行一直富有“战略性且积极大胆”。

    Karen Fawcett , group head of transaction banking at Standard Chartered , says domestic Chinese banks have been " strategic and aggressive " in their support of national enterprises that are venturing abroad .

  2. 洛永勤表示,该行私人财富管理部门和交易银行部门均打算在未来三年实现收入翻番。交易银行部门帮助企业进行现金管理。

    Mr Rankin said the bank 's private wealth management division and its transaction banking unit , which helps companies manage their cash balances , each aimed to double revenues over the next three years .

  3. 直接以货币支付的交易银行月度对帐单和付讫的支票是否直接由财务部门收取?

    Are monthly bank statements and paid checks received directly by the accounting department ?

  4. 要让吸储银行远离市场,就有必要创建独特的交易银行,让聚焦客户的零售和商业银行以中介而非主要参与者身份与它们打交道。

    To keep deposit-taking banks out of markets , it would be necessary to create distinct trading banks and for customer-focused retail and commercial banks to deal with them as agents rather than principals .

  5. 这意味着巨额资金在银行系统中四处流动,暂时存放在ipo交易托管银行的帐户中。

    That means huge flows of money swishing around the banking system , temporarily being lodged with the custodian bank of the IPO deals .

  6. 告发者调查了剥夺电子设备的ATM电脑网络,在交易到达银行前就停止交易密码以阻止黑客犯罪的可能性。

    Prosecutors investigated the possibility to cease hackers to deprive ATM computer network owned by card electronics , ceasing the pin codes during the transmission before they ever reach the bank .

  7. 而对于这样的交易,银行往往也会接受较低的佣金,希望能在所有IPO过程中都赢得领导地位。中石化的交易中预计也会出现这种局面。

    Banks will also typically accept lower fees on deals like this in the hope they will win a leading place on any IPO – as expected will happen in the Sinopec deal – down the line .

  8. 本课题的目标是实现校园卡系统中的银行业务,即校园卡金融交易在银行系统中的实现。

    The campus-card financial deal is carried out in bank system .

  9. 结清未清算的银行交易纽约银行同业清算系统

    Settlement of outstanding bank transactions Clearing House Interbank Payment System

  10. 交易的银行转账办妥了吗?

    The transfer protocol is in place with the bank ?

  11. 信用卡交易安全银行还需做些什么?

    What should banks do for credit card trade ?

  12. 由于与撮合交易的银行之间的联系,股票分析师的独立性已大打折扣。

    The independence of equity analysts is compromised by their association with deal-making banks .

  13. 由于股票和债券价值蒸发、公司暂停交易,银行在亚洲的手续费收入不断下滑。

    Fees in Asia are falling as stock and debt offerings evaporate and companies hold back on deals .

  14. 与基于交易的银行业务和资本市场的直接融资不同,基于关系的银行业务与借款者有着特殊、密切的关系。

    Different from the transaction-oriented banking and direct funding , relationship banking develops close relationship with the borrower .

  15. 高频交易是银行自营交易员和新一代电子交易设备采用的大额交易。

    HFT is high-volume trading used by banks ' proprietary traders and a new breed of electronic trading outfits .

  16. 能够有充足财力在这种环境中交易的银行为数不多,它们自身也将成为未来的利基市场。

    The rare banks that have the resources to operate in this environment will have a business niche to themselves .

  17. 换言之,当交易变成银行承兑票据,这项交易就变成了承兑银行的一种无条件的责任。

    In other words , when the transaction becomes a BA it becomes an unconditional obligation of the accepting bank .

  18. 由下月起,所有提供高风险零售网上银行交易的银行都可以让客户申请双重认证。

    All banks offering high-risk retail Internet banking transactions will allow customers to apply for two-factor authentication from next month .

  19. 美国和欧洲大陆也已达成了大量此类交易,银行业人士预计,此类交易数量将继续上升。

    A number of transactions have been completed in the US and continental Europe , and bankers expect this to grow .

  20. 调查还发现,由于越来越多的顾客选择在网上或通过电话进行交易,银行分支机构的重要性正在下降。

    It also found that the Bank branch was declining in importance as more customers chose to transact online or by telephone .

  21. 它可以是有形的如外汇交易所,也可以是无形的如通过网络系统交易的银行间外汇交易。

    It can be tangible-such as foreign exchange , it can be intangible-such as the interbank foreign exchange transactions through the network system transactions .

  22. 获利于内部对冲基金、私人股本公司或自有账户交易的银行集团,不应得益于明确或隐含的政府担保。

    Groups that profit from in-house hedge funds , private equity firms or trading for their own account should not benefit from implicit or explicit government guarantees .

  23. 这或许反映了金融城对数学技能越来越大的需求,因为交易和银行业务的其它领域已经变得更加数学复杂化。

    This may reflect the increasingly high demand for their skills in the city , as trading and other areas of banking become ever more mathematically complex .

  24. 一些可以至少追溯到19世纪的公开记录曾显示房地产交易比银行账户或股票投资更为透明。

    Public records , dating back to at least the 1800s in New York , set real estate apart as more transparent than bank accounts or stock portfolios .

  25. 政府还成立了一家新的机构,以帮助德国国家银行对那些由于银行间市场关闭而不得不停止交易的银行票据进行贴现。

    The government responded by injecting huge amounts of public money into the banks and by creating a " bad bank " for the assets that could not be priced .

  26. 鉴于时间限制和信息缺乏,为这些交易获得银行贷款几乎是不可能的,因此,它们必须用100%的股权融资。

    It is almost impossible to arrange bank debt for such deals given time constraints and lack of information , so they must be funded with 100 per cent equity .

  27. 尽管相对之前最多60亿美元的预测有所下降,但接近该交易的银行人士表示,30亿到40亿美元的募资区间是最有可能的。

    While even that represented a drop from earlier talk of up to $ 6bn , bankers close to the deal have suggested that a $ 3bn - $ 4bn range was most likely .

  28. 可以确定的少数几点之一是,巩固高风险自营交易以银行自有资金作为押注所需的资本将大幅增加,一般可能会增加4倍或5倍。

    One of the few certainties is that the capital needed to underpin risky proprietary trading betting a bank 's own money will jump , typically by a multiple of perhaps four or five .

  29. 潘功胜采用的比较不寻常的战术之一是,一直等到该行就要开始投资者路演之前,才任命联席全球协调人,即牵头上市交易的银行。

    One of the more unusual tactics employed by Mr Pan was to wait to appoint the joint global co-ordinators – the banks that lead the deal – until just before the company embarked on its investor roadshow .

  30. 关于自营交易(银行用自己的资金进行的交易)的精确定义,是新法规引发的最具争议的问题之一,已促使金融集团及其它利益攸关方展开了大量游说活动。

    The precise definition of proprietary trading dealing done by banks with their own funds is one of the most controversial issues arising from the new legislation and has triggered a wave of lobbying from financial groups and other interested parties .