
xìnɡ wú nénɡ
  • impotency; impotence
  1. 然而,皮质醇水平长期过高会加重心脏病、糖尿病、高血压和性无能等疾病患者的病情。

    However , chronically elevated cortisol levels can worsen medical conditions such as heart disease , diabetes , hypertension and impotency .

  2. 他说,性无能人口比例增加的另一个原因是避孕药的大量使用。

    Increasing use of birth control pills is also contributing towards rising impotency , he said .

  3. 用刀刺可能表示他性无能。

    The symbolism of stabbing them probably means he 's impotent .

  4. 李还报告溥仪的性无能,还有可能是同性恋。

    She confirmed that he was impotent , and possibly homosexual .

  5. 我因为不当治疗使她丈夫成了性无能?

    So I made her husband impotent due to malpractice ?

  6. 目的探讨抗原特异性无能T淋巴细胞的诱导及其耐受特性。

    Objectives To study the induction and tolerance properties of antigen specific T cell anergy .

  7. 多尔将在电视广告中大谈把重点放在性无能和男人一般健康的教育性广告上。

    Dole will address in TV commercials sexual impotence and general health education for men .

  8. 而这样的治疗有一些严重的副作用,包括性无能和不能节制。

    And treatment has serious side effects , including , often , impotence and incontinence .

  9. 你敢说我性无能!

    I dare say you impotence !

  10. 如今,男人们有了一个不逛街的绝佳理由&男人经常逛街购物会导致性无能。

    Now men have the perfect excuse to avoid shopping * it could make them impotent .

  11. 运动员们服用万艾可还有另外一个原因就是用它来弥补应用禁用荷尔蒙造成的性无能。

    There may be another reason athletes are taking Viagra-to compensate for the impotence brought on by banned hormones .

  12. 性无能还有可能是肝病、心脏或循环系统问题的前兆。

    Impotence can also be an early warning sign for conditions such as liver disease or heart and circulation problems .

  13. 早在古希腊时期,希波克拉底就已把肥胖列入疾病范畴,且发现其会造成性无能等问题。

    As far back as the Ancient Greeks Hippocrates defined obesity as a disease noting that it could case impotence and sexual problems .

  14. 他们二人真诚地相爱着,不幸的是,天天在第一次性生活后发现自己的性无能。

    The two were truly in love . Unfortunately , Tian Tian found out that he was impotent after their first sex life .

  15. 通过对体育竞技者的尿样进行药物检测,越来越多的发现一种被用作缓解性无能的药物即万艾可。

    Traces of the drug , which is intended to alleviate sexual dysfunction , are increasingly appearing in the testing of samples from sports competitors .

  16. 在这一过程中,人只有依赖他人才有可能成为独立的实践推理者,只有依赖他人才能在一定程度上克服自己的脆弱性和无能性,实现自己作为人类成员的兴盛。

    In this process , people rely on others to become the independent practical reasoners , to overcome the vulnerability and disability , and to achieve flourishing eventually .

  17. 与常规油藏相比,其主要有油藏动态迁移性、无能、高孔渗、油柱高度大、地质储量巨大、油藏内石油由稠而稀渐变等特征。

    Comparing with conventional reservoirs , this kind of reservoir is characterized by dynamic migration , energy-free , high porosity and permeability , high oil column , enormous geologic reserves , and oil varying from heavy to light .

  18. 结论负载异种MHC抗原的免疫缺陷型DC预处理受体可诱导抗原特异性T细胞无能,以及TH1/TH2细胞因子的低表达,从而有效地延长异种胰岛细胞存活时间。

    Conclusions Immune-deficient DC pretreated with donor MHC antigen can induce antigen-specific nonfunction of T cells and low expression of TH1 / TH2 cytokines , and thus can effectively prolong the survival time of islet xenografts .

  19. 方法:将B7-1单抗和CsA联用在体外诱致了抗原特异性T细胞无能,采用RT-PCR法检测了无能T细胞细胞因子基因的表达。

    Methods : Anergic Tcell was induced by combination of B7-1 mAb and cyclosporin A ( CsA ) in vitro , cytokine gene of anergic T cells was detected by RT-PCR .

  20. 即使在正常人身上也可以进行性别矫正手术,男变女女变男都可以,但人造性器官不会在荷尔蒙的影响下成长,这将导致性无能和无生殖能力。

    Genitoplasty is possible on a normal baby of both the sexes but later on these organs will not grow with the hormonal influence and this will lead to their infertility as well as their impotency .

  21. 工业文明对性的压抑以不同的形式施加着:康妮在无意识中被他性无能的工业家丈夫克利夫多实施着性的压抑;

    The latter imposes suppression on sexuality in various forms : Connie is unconsciously under sexual suppression by her impotent industrialist husband Clifford ;