
  1. 他的自性、佛性、气、拙火、妙用等都已经充分地彰显;

    He shines completely with self-nature , Buddha-nature , Qi , calmness and refinement .

  2. 自性、佛性与艺术心理&佛学对中国古代艺术心理学思想的影响二题议

    Self-reliance , Buddhism Nature and Art Psychology On Buddhism Influences upon Ancient Chinese Art Psychology

  3. 他们让自性、佛性、气、挫火、妙用等完全掌控跟修行有关的一切。

    They resign practice totally to self-nature , Buddha-nature , Qi , calmness and refinement .

  4. 此时他的身体是由自性、佛性、气、挫火、妙用等在维持生机。

    Then his vitality is maintained by the self-nature , Buddha-nature , Qi , calmness and refinement .

  5. 其自性、佛性、气、挫火、妙用等与大自然合而为一,成为大自然的一部份。

    Qi , calmness and refinement integrate with the nature so they become a part of nature .

  6. 同样的道理,没有肉身的我,自性、佛性、气、挫火、妙用等也就没有发挥的空间。

    The same goes with that there is no space to exert the self-nature without flesh body .

  7. 他们的身体废了,自性、佛性、气、挫火、妙用等反而重得新生。

    Their flesh bodies ruin but self-nature , Buddha-nature , Qi , calmness and refinement rejuvenate instead .

  8. 人类本性中自性、佛性、气、拙火、妙用等则不同。

    Self-nature , Buddha-nature , Qi , calmness and refinement in human nature however , are different .

  9. 道、自性、佛性、气、挫火、妙用等存在于每一个生物的体内,无一例外。

    Tao , self-nature , Buddha-nature , Qi , kundalini and refinement exist in each creature without exception .

  10. 当自性、佛性、妙用、气与物质分离时,构成躯体的物质也分别散离,各自回复它们本来的面目矣!

    When they separate , the material that constitutes our body is apart and recovers to its original form .

  11. 道、自性、佛性、气、妙用、拙火等,我们是无法用意识清楚地窥其全貌的。

    We can 't use consciousness to watch the panorama of self-nature , Buddha-nature , Qi , calmness and refinement .

  12. 他的心、他的意识已经完全停止运作,只是静待着气、自性、佛性、拙火、妙用等的升起。

    His heart and consciousness have ceased , waiting for the arising of self-nature , Buddha-nature , Qi , calmness and refinement .

  13. 百年前你与神释,自性、佛性、气、拙火、妙用等结合成为人。

    A hundred years ago , you combined with soul , self-nature , Buddha-nature , Qi , calmness and refinement to form a man .

  14. 作为可眼见的分身应化佛,和作为你们真实体性的佛性的佛,这两种应该是一,他们恒为一。

    The Buddha manifested as a sight , and the Buddha as your true nature , they are one , they are always one .

  15. 所以,主观条件的心,自性、佛性、气、拙火、妙用等的提升与净化,是非常重要的。

    So , it is vital to improve and purify subjective conditions , such as mind , self-nature , Buddha-nature , Qi , calmness and refinement .

  16. 禅宗心性本体论是通向审美的。禅宗提出了自性是佛,自性还需自度的本体论主张,自性是永恒的、不生不灭的终极的佛性。

    With its mind ontology leading to aesthetics , Zen proposed that ontology of ideas is " self-nature is Buddha , which need self reaching " .

  17. 他们知道,意识只是辅佐自性、佛性、气、挫火、妙用等德性的工具,是补其不足,绝非主导的源头;

    They know that consciousness is not the leading source but the complement and assistant tool of self-nature , Buddha-nature , Qi , calmness and refinement .

  18. 这些人,他们忘了,除了肉身之外还有自性、佛性等自然的本性。只有这些才是真正贵重值得我们珍惜的。

    Beside the flesh body , they forget the original natures , such as self-nature and Buddha nature , only these are actually worthy of being cherished .

  19. 一个人真正令人觉得可爱的,是他内在的修养,他的自性、佛性所散发出来的智慧、温暖、体贴、稳重等的感觉。

    It 's the intrinsic culture and the wisdom , warmth , consideration and composure give out from his self-nature and Buddha nature that made a man lovely .

  20. 知识成为欲望的帮凶,助长欲望的无限延伸,因而蒙蔽了人们的自性、佛性、气、挫火、妙用等的正常运作;

    Knowledge becomes the accessory of desire and helps it extend , so that normal operation of self-nature , Buddha-nature , Qi , kundalini and refinement is hampered .

  21. 我们不应该让客观条件对自己造成残害。应该设法使自己的自性,佛性,拙火,妙用等处在沉稳,安宁,舒适,平静之中。

    We should prevent objective conditions from hurting ourselves and should keep our self-nature , buddha-nature , calmness and refinement in stability , tranquilness , coziness and peace .

  22. 因此,在生活中,他们完全放手,让自性、佛性、气、挫火、妙用等去决定自己的命运,去选择应该走的路。

    In the daily life , they expect the self-nature , Buddha-nature , Qi , calmness and refinement to choose freely their fate and way that they should go through .

  23. 主观条件上他勤练瑜伽、禅思默想,提升自性、佛性、气、挫火、妙用等;

    The subjective conditions are to practice Yoga and to meditate in the way of Zen so as to improve himself , his Buddha-nature , breath , calmness and refinement .

  24. 祂必须经由禅修,让自性、佛性、气、挫火、妙用等升起,让大智慧在你体内苏醒,如此,你才能彻底地了解道。

    When self-nature , Buddha-nature , Qi , calmness and refinement arise by practice of Zen and the great wisdom arouses in your body , you can understand Tao throughout .

  25. 我想,我的这个方法,是以自性、佛性、气、拙火、妙用等大智慧,按照自然的天性去完成的。

    I deem that my work is accomplished by the great wisdom , such as self-nature , Buddha-nature , Qi , calmness and refinement , according to the natural instincts .

  26. 他们知道,物质组合成生物的过程中还有气、自性、佛性、拙火、妙用等,它们是看不到、摸不着,也是无从讨论或加以研究的;

    They know that in the combination for creatures , there are self-nature , Buddha-nature , Qi , calmness and refinement that are invisible , touchless and out of research .

  27. 我认为这是因为他的意识已经完全脱离了身体,而身体此时是由自性、佛性、挫火、气、妙用等掌控的关系。

    I think that it is because his consciousness leaves his body completely and then his body is commanded by the self-nature , Buddha-nature , Qi , calmness and refinement .

  28. 如果我想做心斋,我必须谦卑地承认有一股叫自性、佛性、拙火、妙用、精等在我体内真实存在的事实。

    If I wanted to practice it , I would have to admit humbly the factor that the self-nature , Buddha-nature , calmness and refinement , essence really exist in my body .

  29. 没有自性、佛性、气、挫火、妙用等主导管理、经营,光是肉身是没有用的,它只是一堆废铁,不能成为驰骋千里的汽车;

    The flesh body without the supervision and operation of self-nature , it is just like a pile of waste iron , not like a car that can be driven to thousand li .

  30. 在此期间,我力求意识靠边站,心中没有一点成见。让自性、佛性、气、拙火、妙用等来主导四肢的行动。

    In these days , I try my utmost to put aside my consciousness , remove my prejudice and have self-nature , Buddha-nature , Qi , calmness and refinement to dominate my limbs .