
duàn xínɡ
  • Broken line;categorically carry out
断行 [duàn xíng]
  • [categorically carry out] 断然施行

  • 争执不下的时候,只有断行才能办事

  1. 解析之前输入中的断行规范化为“xA”。

    Line breaks are normalized to " # xA " on input , before parsing .

  2. 这一错误是由描述域(R2)中的特殊字符和断行所引起的。

    The errors were caused by special characters and line breaks in description fields ( R2 ) .

  3. 此循环迭代这个数组并打印每一行,与它在命令行上所做的无异,只不过在每次打印后均强制使用一个XHTML断行元素。

    The loop simply iterates through the array and prints each line as it would do on the command line , but enforcing an XHTML break-line element after each print .

  4. 针刺方向皆刺向投射区的中心,得气后以180~200次/min的频率捻转2min,施行平补平泻手法,留针20min,中间间断行针2次。

    Acupuncture was all towards the center of projective area . After depi , twirling for 2 minutes at the frequency of 180-200 times per minute , uniform reinforcing-reducing method was conducted , retaining needle for 20 minutes , and intermission for twice at interval .

  5. 该代码是故意断行的,以适合屏幕显示。

    This code is intentionally broken to fit on the screen .

  6. 常温下第一肝门血流间歇阻断行肝叶切除的体会

    The experience of liver resection in normothermic first hepatic portal intermittent ischemia

  7. 补上正确断行断句,补增条号搜寻,加快部份程式执行速度。

    Corrected law content formatting , added law item number search , minor speed improvements .

  8. 在用草秸覆盖的土地上,要注意留断行以防止火灾。

    Where straw is used , breaks must be left to reduce the fire risk .

  9. 单击“行”选项卡,然后清除“允许跨页断行”复选框。

    Click the row tab , and the clear the allow row to break across pages check box .

  10. 实际的结果没有断行,而是连成一行。

    The actual results have no line breaks , and are " crammed " together all on one line .

  11. 她开始着手写一本从头到尾都是幽默散文体的回忆录,没有140字的限制,也没有断行。

    She began a memoir , an attempt at flat-out funny prose , no 140-character limits , no line breaks .

  12. 不要断断续续地背诵字句,要背得更流利些。插入断行字符,让文本从新的一行开始

    Don 't jerk out your words , try to recite more smoothly . Insert break to continue text on a new line

  13. 泰国语的实现表明基于词典的断行可以用于没有分词标志的语言中。

    Implementations in the Thai language show that dictionary based line-breaking can be done in languages that do not separate their words .

  14. 其次,因为服务返回的消息没有断行,所以在这里稍微整理了一下。

    Second , because the service returns a message without the extra line breaks , I 've cleaned up the retrieval a bit .

  15. 为了处理代码行较长的函数,我们采用开发人员认可的语法识别的断行方式实时分解长代码行。

    To handle functions with long lines , we use syntax-aware reflow that runs in real time to wrap these long lines the way a programmer would .

  16. 约定的可读性目标包括使用断行、将空格当做制表符和空白对待,以及条件语句的格式。

    Conventions aimed at readability includes such things as the use of line breaks , treatment of whitespace like tabs and spaces , and the formatting of conditional statements .

  17. 结果:28例陈旧性神经离断行神经外膜对端吻合及神经移植术,恢复优13例,良4例;

    Results : After 28 cases with old-nervous cutting were treated with anastomosis of outer-membrane of the nerves and transplantation , of 13 cases excellently recovered and 4 cases moderately recovered .

  18. 语法感知的长句断行基于语言的解析树(抽象语法树),其他功能需要各个语言的定制。

    The syntax-aware reflow we use to wrap long lines is based on the parse trees ( abstract syntax trees ) for the language , and some other things need per-language customization .