
duàn zòu
  • staccato
断奏 [duàn zòu]
  • [staccato] 不连贯的,不连接的演奏方式(如乐器的演奏)

  1. 短行造句帮助我创造了一种断奏的效果。

    The short lines helped me create a sort of staccato effect .

  2. 这首音乐介于断奏的舞蹈节奏和催人心碎的和声组合之间。

    It switches between staccato dance rhythms and heartbreaking a capella arrangements .

  3. 她以断奏方式很坚定地弹出三个快速和弦音。

    She played three quick chords , very firm and staccato .

  4. 以断奏和连奏方式演奏键盘可以得到完全不同的效果。

    The instrument will behave completely different when played'staccato'than when played'legato ' .

  5. 从本质上说,断奏动作其实是投掷动作。

    Essentially staccato motion is a throwing motion .

  6. 如何使不同层次,不同基础的学生尽快掌握钢琴基本演奏能力,应注意四个环节:断奏练习;

    How can the students at different levels and on different basis be trained to obtain the essential ability to play the piano ?

  7. 我们在颤音中使用断奏是为了确定手指在弹奏下一次时在琴弦上已经做好准备。

    We use staccato in tremolo to ensure that the right hand fingers is properly prepared on the string before the next stroke .

  8. 在专辑的某些曲子之中,声音有些像鸟儿的啼鸣,叠录了急促的断奏,有种活力十足的效果;

    In some tracks , sounds similar to the chirps of birds are overlaid with hurried streams of staccato for an energizing effect ;

  9. 卡尔森描写她的管理风格是“独裁专断”,她的说话方式是“断奏般的长篇大论”。在某一段里,他甚至认为她可能患有阿斯波哥尔综合征(一种不善交际、兴趣偏狭的内向症状——编注)。

    Mr. Carlson describes her management style as " dictatorial " and her manner of speaking as " staccato verbosity . " At one point , he goes so far as to suggest that she may have Asperger 's syndrome .