
  • 网络section shape;profile;sectional form
  1. 通过轮轨断面形状研究轮轨接触状况

    Investigation of Wheel and Rail Contact States by the Profile of Wheel and Rail

  2. 基于中厚板无切边轧制法中立轧轧边变形的物理模拟,分析了平辊立轧与倒棱轧制对中厚板断面形状的影响。

    Based on physical simulation of edge rolling process in Trimming-Free Plate rolling method , the affection of V rolling and chamfer rolling on the plate profile is analyzed .

  3. 电机通风用异形钢材是一种机械零件,其断面形状类似工字钢和H型钢。

    Electromotor ventilation section shape is similar to the I beam and H beam .

  4. GFRP对不同断面形状混凝土柱约束性能试验研究

    Experimental study on confinement behavior of concrete columns with various section shapes by GFRP

  5. 本文以现有的隧道设计研究理论为背景,采用有限元软件ANSYS,对隧道开挖过程进行了弹塑性有限元分析,并针对隧道最优的断面形状问题进行了系统的研究。

    Based on the present theory of tunnel design , this paper analyze the tunnel excavation process and research the optimal tunnel cross-section shape systematically via the elastoplastic finite element simulation analysis using the finite element analysis software ANSYS .

  6. 针对2种等宽度、不等高度的水平隧道模型,借助CFD技术分析了环境温度、火灾热释放强度、断面形状对临界风速的影响。

    Aimed at horizontal tunnel model with the same width and different heights , using CFD technology , influences of environmental temperature , fire heat releasing strength , section shape on critical wind velocity were analyzed .

  7. 在螺旋装煤机式水平煤仓模型实验台上,通过正交实验,确定牵引速度vq,滚筒转速n,煤的断面形状S三因素对煤仓输出煤量的影响程度和三者之间的最佳匹配关系。

    On the model experiment platform of HSB with helix loader , draught velocity , roller rotary speed , section shape of coal of impact extent for output quantity of coal and optimum matching among three factors were confirmed by orthogonal experiment method .

  8. CVC技术对于板带的断面形状及板形的控制是非常有效的手段,而开发这一技术的关键软件是CVC辊型的设计原理及轧机的控制模型。

    CVC technology is very efficient for controlling strip shape and profile . The main softwares for developing CVC technology are the principle for designing CVC roll profile and the control model of CVC mills .

  9. 在此基础上,针对镁合金AZ31B进行了复合热源焊接温度场、焊缝断面形状的数值模拟,提出了热源模型建立过程中的参数修改建议。

    On this basis , the numerical simulation of hybrid welding temperature field and welding seam sectional form is performed and the advice of parameters modification is brought forward .

  10. 结合某地下工程实际,运用FLAC3D模拟了巷道断面形状、开挖面距离以及开挖顺序对巷道围岩稳定性的影响,并模拟了围岩深部多点位移规律。

    The effect of cross-section shape of roadway of distance of working face , sequence of excavation on the stability of surrounding rock , and displacement of many sites in deep part of surrounding rock are simulated with FLAC 3D in some engineering practice .

  11. 结果表明,对车轮轮辐断面形状优化后,可较大幅度地降低其温度应力,有可能使840mm车轮在25t轴重下的应力接近甚至低于原结构在21t轴重下的应力水平。

    The result shows that temperature stress re - duce greatly after the shape optimization of wheel web , it is possible that the stress of 840 mm wheel under 25 t axle load is close to that of original structure under 21 t axle load , and even lower .

  12. 基于最小能耗原理的稳定渠道断面形状

    Stable channel shape based on the principle of minimum stream power

  13. 只有少数断面形状对这种情况是敏感的。

    Only a few sectional shapes are sensitive to this condition .

  14. 基于断面形状优化的地铁车轮减振降噪研究

    Optimizing cross-sectional shape of subway wheel to decrease vibration and noise

  15. 指出,在明流极限条件下临界底坡与糙率断面形状、尺寸之间的关系。

    Coefficient of rough-ness , shape and dimension in cross section .

  16. 四车道公路隧道断面形状和施工方法研究

    Research on Shape and Construction of Four - Lane Highway Tunnel

  17. 不同主梁断面形状的大跨度桥梁颤振机理研究

    Study of flutter mechanism of long-span bridges with different main girder sections

  18. 巷道断面形状最佳选择的模糊决策

    Choice The Fuzzy-decision of Optimum Selection in Drift Section Shapes

  19. 计算机辅助冷弯辊型设计中的断面形状分离推理策略

    Section Profile Disassembly Reasoning Strategy in Computer Aided Cold Roll Form Designing

  20. 巷道断面形状力学效应三维数值模拟分析

    Tree-dimension numerical simulation analysis on the mechanical effects of roadway across shape

  21. 无孔型轧制摩擦条件对轧件断面形状的影响

    Analysis of Effect of Friction on Cross-section Shape of Workpiece in Grooveless Rolling

  22. 超声测断面形状误差分析及测试方法探讨

    Error analysis and correction for measuring the shape of cross-section using ultrasonic wave

  23. 急倾斜煤层断面形状及支护方式的选择及应用

    Selection and Application of Section Form and Support Way in Steep Coal Seam

  24. 提出了缓、倾斜煤层回采巷道的合理断面形状和支护方式,为工程设计和实际应用提供了科学依据。

    This may provide a scientific basis for engineering design and practical application .

  25. 地下洞室断面形状优化设计的研究

    Optimization Design of Form of Fracture in Underground Cavity

  26. 新断面形状的摩托车中空铝轮辋

    Aluminum Hollow Rim with New Section Shape for Motorcycle

  27. 剖层机带刀断面形状控制的讨论

    A Discussion about Section Control of Splitter Band Knife

  28. 活塞环最佳断面形状的探讨

    Discussion on Optimum Shape of Piston Ring Cross Section

  29. 铝箔铸轧坯合理断面形状的判别

    A Method to Judge Reasonable Section Profile of Cast-rolled Slab Used for Aluminum Foil

  30. 立辊形状对板坯断面形状的影响

    Effection of edger shape on the slab profile