
duàn miàn tú
  • section;sectional drawing
  1. 按摄动法编制的BASIC程序,能进行单跨索道的承载索设计计算,绘制索道的纵断面图;

    The basic program based on the perturbation method can be used for the design calculation and the drawing of the vertical section profile of the single span cableway .

  2. 在地面沉陷区域,层状结构被打破,瑞雷波速度存在明显差异,特别在冒落区和煤柱上方,其速度断面图多呈V字型分布。

    In subsided areas , obvious differences in Rayleigh wave velocity are in existence , especially above subsided areas and coal pillars and the velocity section shows itself mainly in ″ V ″ type .

  3. 利用Excel在AutoCAD中绘制断面图的实践应用

    Cross Section and Profile Diagram Drawing by Using Excel in AutoCAD

  4. 在AutoCAD中利用VBA编程绘制抛物线断面图编译程序的诊断程序

    Drawing the Parabolic Cross-section Chart with VBA Program in the AutoCAD

  5. 利用ExcelVBA程序绘制铁路纵断面图

    To Sketch out Profile Diagram of Railways with Program of EXCEL VBA

  6. 基于ActiveX技术的河道断面图信息提取

    Method of information extraction from section map based on activeX technology

  7. 所编制的BASIC语言程序,能根据给定条件自动绘制单跨或多跨索道纵断面图,并标出主要参数和有关尺寸。

    The BASIC program designed can draw automatically the vertical sectional profile of single span or multispan cableway , mark the main parameters and the relevant dimensions according to given conditions .

  8. AutoCAD中断面图的自动绘制

    Automatic Drawing of Section in AutoCAD

  9. ExcelVBA开发渠道纵断面图辅助绘图程序实践与探讨

    Practice and Discussion on Auxiliary Drawing Routine of Excel VBA Development Channel Profile Diagram

  10. 由AutoCAD调用DXF文件绘制公路纵断面图

    Drawing the Lengthwise Section of Highway Using AutoCAD DXF File

  11. 然而,CAT扫描仪却可以利用一束X射线照出一幅体内指定部位的断面图。

    A CAT scanner , however , uses a beam of X-rays to give a cross-sectional view of a specific part of the body .

  12. 根据悬索曲线理论,从数学意义上分析要绘制的工程索道线路纵断面图实质上是用若干段直线及曲线去拟合高低起伏的纵断面地面线,这在Matlab中很好实现;

    Analyzed from mathematics , drawing cableway line vertical section profile is fitting the measured point by curve . This is easy to do with Matlab .

  13. 基于ARX的快速标注剖视图和断面图的一种方法

    Method of Labeling Sections and Cuts Rapidly in AutoCAD Based on ARX

  14. GH平面等值线图还可以为选择GH铅垂断面图的方向提供依据。

    The GH contour map can be used to choose the direction in which the cross section extends .

  15. 在Solidworks环境中实现半剖视图的方法GB/T17452-1998技术制图图样画法剖视图和断面图

    Method of Realizing Half-cutaway View in the Solidworks Environment Technical drawings General principles of presentation Sections and cuts

  16. 在AutoCAD2000环境下,利用Visualc++6.0,开发了一个轴类零件键槽处断面图参数化绘制的ARX应用程序。

    Using the tools and platforms such as Visual C + + 6.0 , ARX , this article develops an AutoCAD application on parameterization drawing of Axis .

  17. 论述了由瞬变电磁法(TEM)测得的异常绘制深度视电阻率断面图和等标高视电阻率平面图并建立地下三维地电空间的TEM图示新方法。

    A new TEM illustration method is introduced to establish underground 3-D geoelectricity space from depth apparent resistivity section diagram and iso-elevation apparent resistivity plan mapped with the TEM anomaly .

  18. TM模式的横向分辨能力高于TE模式,水平地形下的复杂地电结构的视电阻率断面图的等值线地形并不是真实构造的反映。

    The horizontal resolution of TM mode is higher than TE mode and the shape of isoline about apparent resistivity section is not a true reflection of structure .

  19. 部分近表面区域场发射SEM断面图中有多个不连续的白亮富F(约为74%原子分数)小半圆区域,而富F的小半圆亮区之间F含量显著降低(约为4.98%);

    The SEM observations of the cross section of the surface films show that there are some discontinuous small semicircular white spots which contain about 74 % atom fraction in some near surface zone ;

  20. 本文介绍了RTK工作原理以及定位、定线的勘测方法、断面图的生成过程,经常遇到的问题及其注意事项。

    This paper introduces the work principle of RTK , the reconnaissance method of locating and alignment , the generative process of sectional drawing , the problems meet frequently and matters need attention .

  21. 利用CASS软件可进行土方量计算,利用Dat文件生成等高线、纵横断面图。

    The software CASS can be used to get the value of soil volume , and the contour maps and vertical or horizontal profiles can be created by its Dat files .

  22. 利用TEM法,对比分析不同测线视电阻率-深度断面图,得出地下岩层含水层的埋藏条件及富水性,初步确定取水井位;

    By a comparative analysis of the apparent resistivity-depth relationship on different measurement lines with the transient electromagnetic method ( TEM ), the embedding condition of underground aquifers and their capacities of water storage were obtained , and the well positions for water intake were primarily determined .

  23. 异常等级断面图的编制程序及其在电法中的应用

    Procedure of abnormal class section and its application in electrical method

  24. 空间物体断面图的多视区显示算法

    Multi - viewport Algorithm for Drawing Profile of Object in Space

  25. 编制异常等级断面图就是一种行之有效的方法。

    It is effective to draw the abnormal class section .

  26. 应重视送电线路平断面图测量中的质量隐患

    Quality Hidden Danger of Plane Cross Section Survey in Power Transmission Line

  27. 地质柱状图及地层断面图的填充方法研究

    Research on Filling Methods of Geologic Histogram and Stratum Section

  28. 对制图国家标准中剖视图和断面图内容的探讨

    Discussion on the Presentation of Sections & Cuts in National Drawing Standard

  29. 绘制剥采计划平面图和断面图的方法。

    How to draw the mining plan and cross charts an are recommended .

  30. 用拟断面图做资料处理解释。

    The data is processed with pseudosectionof apparent resistivity .