
  • 网络Korean movies;Cinema of North Korea;Korea,cinema in
  1. 不过,也许该片最有力的视角正是他们在制作过程中展示的朝鲜电影作为宣传机器的一面,以及由其释放的真实的狂热和情感。

    But perhaps the strongest aspect of the film was exactly that they showed propaganda in the making , and the real passions and emotions that generates .

  2. 她说:当我看见韩国朋友看朝鲜电影时,他们可以从中知道朝鲜不是只有政治宣传,我们也有友谊、爱和日常生活。

    When I see my South Korean friends watch North Korean movies they learn there 's more than just propaganda . There 's friendship , love and everyday life in North Korea too , and some movies show that .

  3. 你会比一部赞扬北朝鲜的电影制造更多的敌意。

    That would create even more hostility than a movie praising North Korea .

  4. 《亚洲名人聊天窒》安姿丽:不过,那部电影让你后来有机会主演《太极旗飘扬》这部关于朝鲜战争的电影,而且又再次打破了所有的票房纪录。

    ANJALI RAO , TALK ASIA : That movie though paved the way for your starring role in Taegukgi about the Korean War , which again smashed all known box-office record ( s ) .

  5. 对于朝鲜政权来说,电影一直都很重要。

    Film has always been important to the North Korean regime .

  6. 朝鲜电视剧和电影都讲得是为领导作出牺牲。

    In the DPRK dramas and films are all about making sacrifices for the leader .

  7. 在接受中国实时报采访时,余华似乎对这部在黄海对岸的朝鲜半岛拍摄的电影感觉冷淡。

    Contacted by China Real Time , Mr. Yu seemed lukewarm about the film 's journey across the Yellow Sea .

  8. 在接受“中国实时报”采访时,余华似乎对这部在黄海对岸的朝鲜半岛拍摄的电影感觉冷淡。

    Contacted by China Real Time , Mr. Yu seemed lukewarm about the film 's journey across the Yellow Sea . '

  9. 对于许多国际代表团成员来说,这个电影节最大的诱惑力就是能够体验与朝鲜人一起观看电影的感觉,尽管他们知道,自己接触的只是平壤社会中的特权阶层。

    For many international delegates , the primary attraction of the festival is the experience of watching films alongside North Koreans , despite an awareness that they are interacting with only a privileged section of Pyongyang society .

  10. 朝鲜还正在审判两名美国记者,她们是在朝中边境拍摄一部有关朝鲜难民的电影时被捕的。

    North Korea is also trying two US reporters who were arrested while making a film on North Korean refugees on the border with China .