
  1. 兼相爱交相利&论商业道德利人利已对中国古代自利人描述和西方经济人假设的比较分析

    A Comparative Analysis between Self-profit Described by Chinese Scholars in Former Qin-Dynasty and Economic Man Hypothesis in the Western

  2. 全球生态可持续发展的墨家智慧&对墨家兼相爱,交相利思想的当代解读

    Wisdom of Moism on the Sustainable Development of Global Ecology & Contemporary Analysis on Moism 's Doctrine of Loving All Equally and Combining It with Mutual Benefits

  3. 从墨家兼相爱,交相利看经济行为的新理性:互惠性与互恕性关于强互惠及政府型强互惠理论的研究

    Reciprocity as a New Ration of Economic Action : An Analysis of Chinese Ancient Philosophy " Moist School " Approach The Theoretical Thinking from Cooperation to Strong Reciprocity