
xiǎo shì yī zhuānɡ
  • 熟语as easy as pie;minor/trifling incident/matter
  1. 这不过是小事一桩。

    It 'll be a snack .

  2. 你说干不了是什么意思?这不是小事一桩嘛!

    What do you mean you can 't do it ? It 'll be like shooting fish in a barrel !

  3. 摆脱掉他就是小事一桩。

    Getting rid of him will be a piece of cake

  4. 我错误地相信了媒体的报道只是小事一桩。

    I had been lulled into thinking the publicity would be a trivial matter

  5. 相信我,这是我最起码能做的了,只是小事一桩。

    Believe me , it 's the least I can do , a mere trifle .

  6. 因此,获取name属性只是小事一桩。

    So getting the name attribute is trivial .

  7. 独派苏格兰民族党(snp)招揽他们的计划是让独立看上去不过是小事一桩。

    The separatist Scottish National Party ( SNP ) will try to woo them by making independence seem trivial .

  8. 它之所以如此轻量级,是因为它利用了非常健壮的ROME项目来提供RSS支持,这是一个开源的JavaAPI,从JavaFX调用它是小事一桩。

    The reason it can be so lightweight is that it takes advantage of the very robust ROME project to provide RSS support , which is an open-source Java API that is trivial to call from JavaFX .

  9. 如果是在完美的世界里,参议院多数党领袖里德(HarryReid)和众议院议长博纳(JohnBoehner)上周发现美国奥运代表团队服乃“中国制造”这一情况时可能会这样说:相关报道小事一桩。

    In a perfect world , here 's what Sen. Harry Reid and Rep. John Boehner might have said when confronted last week with the revelation that China stitches together U.S. Olympic uniforms : ' Small potatoes .

  10. 不不小事一桩

    Nah , nah , it 's not a big deal .

  11. 因此对他们来说,这是小事一桩。

    So for them , this is a minor matter .

  12. 但和失掉你相比不过小事一桩。

    Compared with loss of thee will not seem so .

  13. 快车在三十五分钟之前已经开出去了。小事一桩。星期五之前我可以把车修好。

    The express train had left thirty-five minutes before .

  14. 只要一个女人看透了这个世界,这原本是小事一桩。

    That is but a trifle , when a woman knows the world .

  15. 从长远的观点来看,这次争吵似乎是小事一桩。

    Viewed in perspective , the quarrel seemed to have been very trivial .

  16. “小事一桩,何足挂齿。”伯爵说。

    " Pray don 't mention such a thing ," said the count .

  17. 2.:小事一桩.如果持有人失去了利息,这样就不会有大的交易。

    eg. If the holder loses the interest , it 's no big deal

  18. 小事一桩,不要这么愁眉苦脸。

    It 's small matter ; don 't get so hot and bothered .

  19. 既然移民已变成了小事一桩,那就没必要再考虑太多。

    Now that emigration has become a cinch , it 's a no-brainer .

  20. 对大名鼎鼎的尼基塔而言,小事一桩吧

    No problem for the famous Nikita , right ?

  21. 说英语是小事一桩。

    Speak English is a piece of cake .

  22. 视图就绪后,构造数据源查询就是小事一桩。

    With the view in place , constructing the source query is a snap .

  23. 他们知道,即将到来的考试将会是小事一桩。

    The approaching exam , they knew , would be a piece of cake .

  24. 我妻子把花100英镑去买一件新衣服,看成是小事一桩。

    My wife thinks nothing of spending a hundred pounds on a new dress .

  25. 这是小事一桩。

    This is a small case .

  26. 为什么是小事一桩?他只不过花几镑钱而已;也许是三、四镑吧。

    Why ? He has spent only a few pounds ; three or four pounds perhaps .

  27. 在堆环境中编写类似的功能只是小事一桩。

    If we were writing similar functions in a heap environment , it would have been trivial .

  28. 别担心,这是小事一桩。周五前我会把资料准备好。

    Don 't worry . It 's a cinch . I 'll have the files ready by Friday .

  29. 在谈到继任问题时,这位81岁的投资者将自己近日被诊断患有前列腺癌说成是小事一桩。

    On the succession , the 81-year-old investor described his recent diagnosis of prostate cancer as a non-event .

  30. 她在曼斯菲尔德忍受不了的事,到了朴次茅斯就会变成小事一桩。

    What might have been hard to bear at Mansfield was to become a slight evil at Portsmouth .