
  • 网络switched network;switching network
  1. ARP欺骗实现交换式网络数据包嗅探的原理及其防范

    Principle of Packet Sniff by ARP Spoof in a Switched Network and Defense Instrument

  2. 分析了共享式网络与交换式网络数据包嗅探的差别,利用ARP欺骗实现交换式网络数据包嗅探的原理与方法,并提出了应对措施。

    The paper contrasts the sniffing in a shared network and the sniffing in a switched network , discusses the principle and technique of packet sniff by ARP spoof in a switched network , and introduces some defense instruments .

  3. 交换式网络下HTTP会话的劫持研究及其对策

    HTTP Session Hijacking on Switch LAN and Its Countermeasures

  4. 航空电子系统FC交换式网络的可靠性研究

    Study on Reliability of FC Fabric in Avionic

  5. FC交换式网络可靠性的研究对于航空电子系统设计阶段的容错设计和拓扑选择都将起到指导作用。

    The study on reliability of fabric topologies of FC has a directive effect on both fault tolerance design and topology selection in the phase of avionics system design .

  6. 介绍了平台的总体硬件结构,从实时性和可靠性角度详细分析了层间的通信方式,提出了基于冗余100BASE-F以太网和交换式网络集线器HUB的板间通信方式,并给出了具体的硬件电路实现。

    Its hardware structure is introduced . The communication mode between levels is analyzed in terms of real-time performance and dependability . The redundant 100 BASE-F Ethernet is proposed for the communi-cation among boards .

  7. 对于采用光纤通道(FC)互连的航空电子系统,从FC的基本模型出发,给出了由多个FC交换机组成的FC交换式网络的通信模型;

    To avionics of fibre channel ( FC ) interconnection , communication model of fabric that is made up of one or more FC switches is given based on basic FC interconnection model .

  8. 在HFC网络中引入VLAN功能,并不是实现真正意义上的基于交换式网络或交换机的VLAN,而是采用软件方式对CM进行分组通信控制来实现VLAN功能。

    We introduce functions of VLAN in HFC network , not to completely implement VLAN that based on switch network , but to control the communication of CM groups in a software way .

  9. 高性能的互连结构是软件无线电的关键技术之一,目前软件无线电的互连结构有流水线结构、总线式结构、交换式网络结构和基于PC和LAN的软件无线电结构。

    The high-performance interconnection structure is one of the key technology of the software radio . There are five types of interconnection structure of the software radio at present : pipeline structure , bus structure , exchanging network structure and PC-based and LAN-based strcture .

  10. 对在交换式网络环境下基于ARP欺骗实现网络嗅探的原理和实现方法进行了分析和探讨,并给出了程序的具体实现。

    In this paper , the principal of implementation and the implementation methods of network sniffing through ARP-spoofing in switch-based network are analyzed and discussed , and the main implementation of program is provided .

  11. 不能适应现代高速、加密、交换式网络环境的需要;

    Being unable to adapt the modern high speed , encrypted switch network ;

  12. 交换式网络的技术性能分析

    Analysis for Technology and Performance on Switching LANs

  13. 交换式网络的特点及应用

    Peculiarity and Application of Transmission Net

  14. 网络通信性能是影响网络并行计算的重要原因,而交换式网络的出现有助于改变这状况。

    Network communication performance constitutes the primary factor influencing on the efficiency of networked parallel computing .

  15. 考虑到现场环境,研制了相应的工业级分布交换式网络通信单元。

    Taking field environment into account , industrial distributed and exchanged net communication unit has been developed .

  16. 在新的网络应用需求面前,交换式网络为传统共享介质网络的升级与改造提供了良好的解决方案。

    Facing the new network application . Switching LANs provide tine solution for upgrade and rebuilding of traditional Shared Media LANs .

  17. 在主机检测器中的网络端口检测功能,有效的解决了交换式网络中入侵检测系统无法检测的致命弱点。

    Network Port Detection in Host Detector can be used for detecting intrusion in switched network which IDS can not work exactly .

  18. 网络嗅探(又称网络监听)在网络安全技术中占有重要的一席之地,交换式网络的广泛应用对网络嗅探技术提出了更高的要求。

    Network sniffing is one of the important technologies of network security , and the wide application of switch-based network has set high demand on sniffing .

  19. 随着用户数目和网络需求的不断增加,共享式网络逐渐让位于交换式网络,从而可以让每一个用户获得全部网络带宽。

    With the increase of users and network bandwidth requirement , sharing network has been giving place to switching network so as for each user to gain whole bandwidth .

  20. 本文介绍了计算机网络技术的现状和发展,着重对高速网络技术、交换式网络技术、虚拟网络技术和网络管理技术分别作了较详细的分析。

    This paper introduces the research and development of network technology and mainly analyzes these new techniques such as high speed network , switching network , virtual network and network management .

  21. 今后一旦交换机的价格下降到可接受的水平,直接用光纤交换机替代该网络的星形耦合器,并升级驱动程序,即可无缝的过渡到全双工交换式网络。

    Once switches prices descend to a acceptable level in the future , this network can be easily transited to full duplex network through replacing the star coupler with fiber switch , only need upgrading driver .

  22. 然后基于以太网分析论证各种网络结构的合理性,比较总线式网络、交换式网络和子网模式网络的优缺点。

    Then analyze on the basis of Ethernet that proves the rationality of various kinds of network structure , compare the pluses and minuses of bus type network , the exchanging type network and sub net mode network .

  23. 采用基于BSTP的传输系统,可以实现在无路由、交换式IP网络上简便、高效地传输话音业务。

    Adopting the BSTP framework , the transport system can efficiently and conveniently transport voice traffic on the switch IP network without routing .

  24. 最后,用交换式以太网络构建分布式系统来对分布式计算机联锁系统进行仿真,通过模拟进路建立和人工延时解锁功能验证了基于Multi-Agent的分布式计算机联锁系统设计的可行性。

    Finally , by constructing distributed system with the Switcher Ethernet , simulating the distributed CIS based on Multi-Agent , and simulating route creating and manual delay release to validate design feasibility of the distributed CIS based on Multi-Agent .

  25. 交换式局域网络

    The Switch Local Area Network

  26. 本文介绍分布式控制网络、嵌入式控制网络及交换式控制网络等控制网络技术,阐述控制网络技术的发展。

    The distributed control network , embedded control network , switch control network and development of control network technology are described in this paper .

  27. 主要介绍了软件无线电的概念、特点及硬件体系结构的几种实现方案,包括流水式、总线式、交换式和网络式等。

    This paper mainly introduces the concept and feature of the software radio , and discusses hardware architecture of it , including platform based on pipeline , bus , switch and network .

  28. 另一个重要方面是在用交换式以太控制网络构建的通信平台下的嵌入式Linux控制器的开发。

    Now that the communication devices have been set up , the other important aspect is developing embedded-Linux controller .

  29. 基于大规模交换式环境的网络安全体系结构

    The Network Architecture Based on Large-Scale Switch Environment

  30. 基于交换式以太网的网络并行计算系统中通信性能的分析与测试

    Evaluation and analysis of network communication performance in the networked parallel computing system based-on switched Ethernet