
pèi zhì fānɡ fǎ
  • Configuration method;collocation method
  1. 近年来随着小波技术的迅速发展,快速小波配置方法(FastWaveletCollocationMethod,简称FWCM)引起了人们的兴趣和重视。

    As the wavelet technology has been quickly developed , the Fast Wavelet Collocation Method ( FWCM ) has been brought forward .

  2. 数字PID控制器的设计采用传统的定气隙控制,利用经典的极点配置方法设计了状态反馈控制器,仿真结果表明是完全可以实现稳定悬浮。

    Traditional fixed airgap control are adopted in the design of the PID controller , the state feedback controller are designed by using classical pole collocation method . The simulation result demonstrates that this method meets the needs .

  3. 基于WebServices信息系统的远程动态配置方法

    Remote Dynamic Configuration of Web Services Based Information System

  4. 再其次,提出了基于Agent模型的动态重配置方法。

    Thirdly , a new dynamic reconfiguration method based on agent model is proposed .

  5. 关于用H样条配置方法求解一类函数方程的探讨

    Investigation of a Kind of Function Equation Using H-splines as Collocation 's Solution

  6. 嵌入式GPS接收机系统的FPGA配置方法研究

    Research of FPGA configuration methods of embedded GPS receiver system

  7. 一种灵活的实时FPGA数据配置方法

    A Flexible and Real-Time Method of FPGA Data Configuration

  8. 采用DDN接入INTERNET的3种配置方法

    Three Configuring Ways of Connecting the Internet Through DDN

  9. AIX提供的连网配置方法非常简单。

    The simplicity with which AIX allows you to configure networking is very clear .

  10. 说明了数字交叉开关、DMA控制器和ADC转换器的软件配置方法。

    Configuration of crossbar decoder , DMA controller and ADC controller are illustrated .

  11. 以产品结构化方法和产品配置方法为线索,对大规模定制(masscustomization,MC)模式下的产品设计方法进行了系统研究。

    The method of product design for Mass Customization was studied from the view of product structured and product configuration .

  12. 基于MPLS和DiffServ的域内网络资源配置方法

    Intra-domain Network Resource Allocation Method Based on MPLS and DiffServ

  13. 进一步,根据适用公式给出了不同的系统优化配置方法以及MATLAB源程序。

    According to the formulas that are applicable to the different type of systems , the optimal configuration methods and their MATLAB source programs are proposed .

  14. EJB的身份验证和授权配置方法为:在部署描述符中定义安全角色,每个方法将依据部署描述符执行。

    You configure EJB authentication and authorization by defining security roles in the deployment descriptor under which each method executes .

  15. 在这种配置方法中,IBMNAS服务器的位置信息集中存储于LDAP数据库中。

    In this method of configuration , the location information of IBM NAS servers is centrally stored in the LDAP database .

  16. 基于改进粒子群算法的PMU装置数量增加过程中的最优配置方法

    Optimal placement algorithm of PMU based on enhanced particle swarm optimization during the increase of PMUs

  17. 本文没有进一步讨论LTPA的配置方法。

    This paper does not discuss the configuration of the LTPA approach further .

  18. 列出了基于区域极点配置方法的主要研究成果,包括最优控制、鲁棒性、H2性能、H∞性能等方面。

    Brief works on control objectives with regional pole assignment , such as optimal control , robustness , H_2 performance , H_ ∞ performance , etc , are listed .

  19. 为了在设备有限的网络技术实验室中,进行网络互联和Internet的实验,本文介绍了网络技术仿真实验的构建和实现,如何用计算机仿真路由路,并阐述了路由的配置方法;

    In order to doing connecting network experiment and Internet experiment in the network lab of equipments limited , this paper introduces construction and implementation of Network technology emulating experiment , how to using computer emulate router , then expatiates the methods of routing configuration ;

  20. 这种双重配置方法的存在让您可以为自己的项目选用最为简单的配置iBATIS的方式。

    The dual configuration methods allow you to configure iBATIS using the easiest method for your project .

  21. 提出了应用遗传算法求解LPM模型具体步骤,推导并给出了该算法有关公式和参数,丰富了水资源优化配置方法。

    Material processes and related formula were put forward by Genetic Arithmetic which enriched water resource optimized allocation methods .

  22. 介绍了XUL的工作机制以及相关的文件配置方法,并结合实例分析介绍了采用XUL创建用户扩展的方法和机制。

    With an example , the paper introduced the method and mechanism of browser extension that user 's demand .

  23. 介绍了ALTERACPLD/FPGA可编程逻辑器件在系统配置方法,给出了ALTERAMAX和FLEX系列器件的下载电路。

    The method of the In-System Reconfiguration based on ALTERA CPLD / FPGA is introduced . The download circuit for ALTERA MAX and FLEX is given .

  24. 项目预算与边际分析(PBMA)&与健康产出相联系的卫生资源配置方法

    Program Budgeting and Marginal Analysis ( PBMA ), Resource Allocation Relating to Health Outcomes

  25. CXF有最整洁的配置方法,对于运行时安全性参数,客户端和服务器端通常使用独立的文件。

    CXF has the cleanest approach to configuration , normally using separate files for the run-time security parameters on both client and server .

  26. 采用频域的零点配置方法,通过在系统极点附近配置多个滤波器零点设计强鲁棒性的多峰极不灵敏(EI)最优随机时滞滤波器。

    Zero placement method in the frequency domain is utilized to design robust multi-hump EI optimal arbitrary time-delay filter ( OATF ) by placing two or more filter zeros nearby the system poles .

  27. 利用图形化配置方法,企业能灵活配置IVR语音流程,从而减少二次开发和后续维护成本。

    With graphical configuration method , IVR voice business processes can be flexibly configured by enterprise , so that the costs of secondary development and follow-up maintenance can be reduced .

  28. 结合实际案例,以Cisco产品为主线,介绍了计算机网络中冗余链路及网络设备使用方法和配置方法,利用冗余技术建立一个健壮的计算机网络。

    In the interest of building a robust network with redundancy technologies , this paper presents the technologies to manage redundant network links and devices and the corresponding configurations using Cisco products on a practical scenario .

  29. 这种能源系统的分析配置方法和步骤可以推广到BCHP的前期规划设计阶段。

    The way and step for this kind of energy supply system can be extended for the earlier laying and designing stage of BCHP .

  30. 本文简要介绍了虚拟局域网的概念和作用,讨论了有关标准和在应用中应注意的问题,通过具体实例说明在实际工作中VLAN的配置方法。

    This article introduces Virtual Local Area Network technology and its effect in brief , discusses related stan ˉ dard and pays attention to application , and explains VLAN configure way in practice by an example .