
pèi zhì fú wù qì
  • configure server
  1. 转到配置服务器拓扑结构和组件分配页面

    Go to the Configure Server Topology and Component Assignments page

  2. 若要转到配置服务器拓扑结构页面,请单击取消。

    To go to the Configure Server Topology page , click Cancel .

  3. 在服务器B上配置服务器场来接收传入作业。

    B.Configure the farm on Server B to accept incoming jobs .

  4. 您的web应用程序已经随时可以运行了,但首先您必须要创建并配置服务器。

    Your web application is ready to run , but first you have to create and configure a server .

  5. 配置服务器(ConfigurationServer);它的任务是管理配置,以及集群中非专用节点的加入与离开。

    The Configuration Server ; its task is to handle the configuration , joining , and leaving of the non-dedicated nodes to the cluster .

  6. 文中主要介绍了使用RealSystem系统软件在图书馆实现声像服务的具体方法&配置服务器、配置客户端、制作媒体文件。

    This paper mainly introduces how to use real system and realize the specific methods for serving image material in library & arranging the server , arranging client and making the media files .

  7. 您必须配置服务器来在开发模式下运行,这样WebSphereIntegration开发人员就可以同服务器进行交互。

    You must configure the server to run in development mode , so that WebSphere Integration developer can interact with the server .

  8. 您必须配置服务器来接受ZIP文件,让其使用压缩文件而不是原始文件。

    You must configure your server to accept ZIP files for it to use the zipped files instead of the originals .

  9. 缺省情况下,在配置服务器的过程中,mksecldap将所有的AIX用户迁移作为LDAP中经过身份验证的用户。

    By default , mksecldap migrates all AIX users as LDAP authenticated users while doing server configuration .

  10. 本文简要介绍如何在服务器上激活SSI(配置服务器)、SSI的功能以及SSI编程实践。

    This paper describe how to configure the SSI for you , the functions of SSI and programming Practise .

  11. 配置服务器和基础架构的高昂成本曾一度限制了开发软件即服务(SaaS)应用的能力。

    Historically , the high cost of provisioning servers and infrastructure limited the ability to develop Software as a Service ( SaaS ) applications .

  12. 在运行JDBC资源适配器应用程序之前,您需要配置服务器,以便资源适配器可以对数据库进行身份验证。

    Before you run the JDBC resource adapter application , you need to configure your server so that the resource adapter can authenticate with the database .

  13. 例如,重新配置服务器或为您的域重建域名系统(DNS)文件需要多长时间?

    How long , for example , would it take you to reconfigure a server or recreate the Domain Name System ( DNS ) files for your domain ?

  14. 当您在为协作性生命周期管理(CLM)配置服务器时,这里概括的步骤支持总体的流程。

    The steps outlined here support the overall flow when leveraging a server configured for Collaborative Lifecycle Management ( CLM ) .

  15. 您需要配置服务器以便查看报头中的User-Agent字段,并向InternetExplorer发送text/html,向所有其他浏览器发送application/xhtml+xml。

    You need to configure the server to look at the User-Agent field in the header and send text / html to Internet Explorer and application / xhtml + xml to everyone else .

  16. 要实现这种功能,需要配置服务器来使用ldap客户机工具,例如ldapadd和ldapsearch。

    To do this , you configure the server to use the ldap client tools such as ldapadd and ldapsearch .

  17. 如果其中一个出现故障,配置服务器进入只读模式,但Shard会在读/写模式下继续运行。

    If one of them goes down , the configuration servers enter in read-only mode , but the shards continue to run in read / write mode .

  18. 安装程序必须配置服务器。这需要几分钟。

    Setup must configure your server . This may take several minutes .

  19. 您需要具有管理特权才能配置服务器。

    You will need administrative privileges to configure the server .

  20. 为用户设置管理配置服务器共享和组策略

    Configure server shares and group policy for user settings management

  21. 配置服务器上的网域、网络和系统管理设置。

    Configures domain , network , and administrative settings on the server .

  22. 创建和配置服务器,并同步化规则

    Set up and configure the server and synchronization rules

  23. 配置服务器时出现错误。请重新运行安装程序。

    An error occurred while the server was being configured . Rerun Setup .

  24. 必须为此类别至少指定一个手动配置服务器。

    You must specify at least one manually configured server for this class .

  25. s设置次配置服务器节点。

    The-s sets the secondary configuration server node .

  26. 包含已配置服务器的主应用程序配置。

    Main application configuration containing the configured servers .

  27. 没有正确配置服务器发布规则。

    The server publishing rule is configured incorrectly .

  28. 这里只需配置服务器信息和选择目标表。

    You only need to configure the server info and select the target table .

  29. 创建并配置服务器实例。

    Create and configure the server instance .

  30. 该过程以配置服务器并提升为域控制器;

    This process includes these steps : disposing server and promoting it as domain controller ;