
  • 网络multiplexer;MUX;multiplexor;DSLAM
  1. 多路复用器可以很方便地采取您喜爱的电影和录像,并将其转换为智能手机或移动设备。

    Mux can conveniently take your favorite Internet movies and videos and convert them for a smartphone or mobile device .

  2. 低电压,CMOS模拟集成电路的配置为两个4通道多路复用器。

    Low-voltage , CMOS analog ICs configured as two4-channel multiplexer .

  3. ATM多路复用器的性能模型与求解

    The Performance Model of ATM Multiplexer and Its Solution Method

  4. 与反应器模式一致,Selector类是Channel的多路复用器。

    In keeping with the Reactor pattern , a Selector class is a multiplexor of Channels .

  5. PLD设计中多路复用器的实现方法

    Realized Ways of Time Division Multiplexer in PLD Design

  6. E1信道时分多路复用器-时钟和同步问题及SUBE1的应用

    The Clock and Synchronism of the Time division Multiplexer of the E1 Channel and Application of the SUB E1

  7. 而应用时分多路复用器的SUBE1功能可灵活地构成所需要的传输网络。

    And the SUB E1 function of the time divison multiplexer ( MUX ) can flexibly make up the transmission network that you want .

  8. 从三个方面讨论了PLD设计中多路复用器的实现方法,说明了每种方法的特点。

    This paper makes a attempt to discuss the realized ways of time division multiplexer in PLD design from three aspects and the characters of each method are illustrated .

  9. 根据各个通信任务不同的实时性与重要性指标,提出了数据包在发送节点上的保持(holding)延迟的调节机制,避免了交换机多路复用器过度地拥塞。

    Considering both timeliness and importance requirements of various communication tasks , we present an event-based real-time switch Ethernet scheduling mechanism is presented and an dynamical decision algorithm to assign and control the packet holding delays in each source hosts is developed .

  10. 随着数据通信、多媒体通信等业务的发展,E1信道的时分多路复用器(MUX)得到了广泛的应用。

    With the development of the data communication and the multimedia communication , the time division multiplexer ( MUX ) of Channel E1 is applied widely .

  11. HART多路复用器用于对带HART功能的现场设备进行在线组态和诊断,通过PC机或管理系统持续地记录过程参数和状态,提高工业过程控制的效率。

    HART multiplexer is used to bring the HART function of the field device on-line configuration and diagnostics , also available through PC or management system continuously record the process parameters and state .

  12. 本文将叙述E1信道时分多路复用器的时钟和同步,和E1(SUBE1)的应用两个问题。时钟与同步是在应用中常会遇到的问题;

    The paper describes the clock and synchronism of the time division multiplexer of the E1 channel and the application of the SUB E1.Clock and synchronism are two questions that we frequently face in applications ;

  13. 对NoC网络接口结构进行改进,通过增加多路复用器,使大通信量模块与邻近的多个路由器相连,降低单个路由器发生拥塞的概率。

    By adjusting the structure of network interface , the communication hot-spot could connect to multiple adjacent routers with multiplexer , thus reducing the probability of congestion resulted from excessive traffic .

  14. 根据USB规范和OHCI规范,根集线器在功能上划分为寄存器模块、端口状态机模块、端口接收模块、端口恢复模块以及端口多路复用器模块。

    OHCI root hub can be functionally partitioned as register module , port state machine module , port receiver module , port resume module , and port multiplexer module according to USB specification and OHCI specification .

  15. 着重介绍了微波智能业务节点系统软件的设计和实现,其主要功能是将微波无线终端与PDH/SDH/Ethernet多路复用器集成在同一平台之上,提供一个面向SDH骨干网的接口。

    This article focuses on the intelligence microwave traffic node system software for the design and realization of its main functions . It is to achieve wireless microwave terminals and PDH / SDH / Ethernet multiplexer integrated on the same platform , and provides for an SDH backbone network interface .

  16. 交换开关的设计也可以采用多种方案进行,例如采用三态门搭建数据选择通路,或者采用多路复用器进行搭建,在本论文中采用iSLIP算法设计了片上网络的交换开关。

    The design and implementation of switch may adopt different schemes , such as the data choice pathways which is based on tri-state gate or multiplexer . This paper implements the crossbar switch design by the iSLIP algorithm .

  17. 单模波分解多路复用器多传感器数据并联融合加法电路的设计与应用

    Design and Application of Multi-Transducer Data Parallel Connection Fused Additive Circuit

  18. 拖到绘图页后,可以添加8信道多路复用器或信号分离器。

    Drag onto the page to add a 8-channel multiplexer or demultiplexer .

  19. 每个多路复用器实例都被部署为单独的进程。

    Each multiplexer instance is deployed as a separate process .

  20. 单模波分解多路复用器波分复用串联的布里渊散射分布式光纤传感器

    Brillouin Scattering Distributed Optical Fiber Sensors Series Connected by Wavelength Division Multiplexing

  21. 局部放电在线监测多路复用器的设计

    Design of Multiplexer for Partial Discharge On-line Monitoring System

  22. 基于多层分解法和遗传算法的动态智能补货模型单模波分解多路复用器

    Dynamic and intelligent replenishment model based on multi-echelon decomposition method and genetic algorithm

  23. 数字电视多路复用器设计

    The Design of Multiplexer in Digital TV Broadcasting System

  24. 利用固定增益三通道多路复用器简化高分辨率视频设计

    Simplify High-Resolution Video Designs with Fixed-Gain Triple Multiplexers

  25. 在网络图中添加多路复用器、信号分离器或类似设备。

    Adds a multiplexer , demultiplexer , or a similar device to your network diagram .

  26. 又称为反多路复用器。

    Also known as inverse multiplexors .

  27. 分组话音与数据多路复用器

    Packet voice and data multiplexer

  28. 用户可以通过片上数字多路复用器访问各级抽取滤波器中的数据。

    An on-board digital multiplexer allows the user to access data from the various stages of the decimation filter .

  29. 本论文的主体是语音╱数据复接设备中多路复用器的软件设计、调度算法彷真和硬件设计中同步串行芯片的的实现。

    In this paper , we mainly focus on the software design of multiplexor , the design and simulation of packet scheduling algorithm and the implement of synchronic communication chip .

  30. 本文针对银行原来的多路复用器终端接入方式不能满足银行业务发展的需要而提出了一种新的终端接入方式即路由器哑终端接入方式。

    The paper focuses on the old bank system using multiplexer to link terminals into network that can not meet the need of the banks and advances a new terminal accessing method which is called router 's dumb terminal accessing technology .