
  1. 油田原油深加工中多级分布式控制系统

    The Multilevel Distributed Control System in Finishing in Crude Oil

  2. 主站PLC通过电台与四个单井从站通讯,形成了多级远程分布式控制系统。

    PLC of master station communicated with four single well slave stations by radio station , a multilevel remote distributed control system was formed .

  3. 多级分布式过程控制系统在人造板厂的应用

    Application of Multi-grades Distributive Process Control System in the Man-made Board Plant

  4. 建立了多级分布式过程控制系统实现了对整个生产过程综合自动化。

    Multi-grades distributive process control system is built to realize integrated automation .

  5. 介绍了系统所采用的多级分布式过程控制系统的结构和实现功能。

    An introduction of the structure and realized function of multi-grades distributive process control system is given .

  6. 分布式过程实时数据库的一种设计与实现多级分布式过程控制系统在人造板厂的应用

    The Design and Realization of Real-time Distributed Database Application of Multi-grades Distributive Process Control System in the Man-made Board Plant

  7. 简单介绍了饮用水的制水工艺、制水过程多级分布式控制方案及系统组成,具体以某水厂为例介绍了整个系统的集成和各监控站的组成与功能。

    The water producing technique and multiple-stage distributed control strategy as well as system composition for potable water process are introduced briefly . The integration of whole system and the configuration and functions of every monitoring station in certain water works are presented concretely .

  8. 设计了以运动控制芯片TMS320LF2407为核心的,具有多级多目标递阶分布式控制系统,包含DSP最小系统、电机编码器信号处理、HALL传感器信号处理、FSR足尖力A/D转换等软硬件模块。

    The system includes mini-system of DSP , coder signal treatment module , Hall signal treatment module , FSR A / D transformation module and so on .