
  • 【铁道】thermal relay
  1. 煤电钻采用热继电器进行过载保护方式已逐渐被IC型过载保护电路取代。

    IC type overload protection circuit has gradually replaced thermal relay overload protection mode .

  2. 本文开发的保护装置在节省热继电器,简化MCCB构造的基础上,能更好地保护用电设备。

    This device can protect electrical equipment better in the basis of saving relays and simplifying the MCCB construction .

  3. 基于PIC16F876单片机设计了一种电子式热继电器。

    A heat relay is designed on the basis of single chip PIC16F876 .

  4. 本文针对传统热继电器存在的不足,提出了以JJBFS电子保护器实现电机可靠保护的新方案,并介绍了JJBFS电子保护器的基本结构、工作原理和使用效果。

    This paper puts forward a new scheme using JJB - FS electronic protection to realize reliable protection for the motor aimed at shortcomings existing in traditional thermal relay protection and presents basic construction , working principle , effect of utilization of the JJB - FS electronic protector .

  5. 开关并接有热继电器。

    The switch is connected in parallel with a thermal relay .

  6. 动态模拟热继电器利用微机实现过电流保护

    Dynamically Imitating Thermal Relay to Achieve Over - current Microcomputer Protection

  7. 将双金属片用等效网络表示,用网络分析手段求解温度继电器、热继电器的工作参数;

    The working characteristic of bimetal strip is expressed by equivalent network .

  8. 基于模式识别理论的热继电器自动检测和分档

    Automatic Detection and Classing of Thermal Relays Based on Pattern Recognition Theory

  9. 热继电器的简易调试装置

    Discussion on the Simple and Easy Device Debuged Temperature Relay

  10. 热继电器失去保护作用原因分析

    The heat overload relay loses protect function reason analysis

  11. 带有微处理器的电子式热继电器

    Electronic Thermal Over - Load Relay Using Microprocessor Technology

  12. 单片机控制热继电器自动等离子弧焊接系统

    Automatic Plasma Arc Welding System for Thermal Relay on Base of Single-Chip Computer

  13. 模糊模式识别理论在热继电器自动检测系统中的应用

    Application of Fuzzy Pattern Recognition Theory in Automatic Detection System to Thermal Relays

  14. 浅谈三相异步电动机断相运行及其热继电器保护

    Talking on Open-phase Running of a Three-phase Asynchronous Motor and Its Thermorelay Protection

  15. 热继电器特性曲线模糊检测系统的研制

    The Development of Fuzzy Test System to Thermal Relay

  16. 模糊逻辑推理在热继电器中的应用研究

    Research on Fuzzy Logic Inference Applied to Thermal Relay

  17. 热继电器可靠性试验中的高速数据采集

    High Speed Data Acquisition of Overload Relay Reliability Test

  18. 热继电器在电机过载保护中的应用

    Application of Hot Relay in Protection of Over-loaded Motor

  19. 检查热继电器是否跳闸。

    Check the hot relay whether is cut .

  20. 浅谈热继电器的合理选用

    Discussion about Rational Selection of the Heat Relay

  21. 对三相交流异步电动机的缺相保护,传统的方法是采用热继电器。

    Proper selection and use of thermal relay are over expounded from six aspects .

  22. 热继电器的选择与使用

    The Selection and Usage of Thermal Relay

  23. 正确的调整和使用是实现热继电器动作稳定性的重要因素

    Correct Regulation and Use Are Important Factors of Realizing the Action Stability of Thermal Relays

  24. 传统的热继电器缺相保护存在反应慢、误动作或不能及时切断电路等问题。

    The traditional relay features in slow response , wrong actions and failure to punctually shut the circuit .

  25. 提出解决电子式热继电器过载保护中的热量积累与发散的一种方法。

    This paper also put forward a method to solve thermal accumlation and radiation when the relay is on working .

  26. 从热继电器和电子式电动机保护器的特点出发,强调了电子式电动机保护的优点。

    From the features of thermal relay and electronic motor protector , the advantages of electronic motor protector were emphasized .

  27. 设计中使用了热继电器,从而可以有效地利用高压电动机的过载能力。

    A thermorelay is used in the design , thus can make effective use of overload capacity of the HV motor .

  28. 校核、调整热继电器的设定值,其动作值应符合被保护设备的容量。

    Check and commission set value of thermal relay , the operation value shall comply with the capacity of protected equipment .

  29. 所有产品的快速保护特性,能确保电机的安全,是目前仍在使用的热继电器保护装置的最好替代产品。

    The products are the best substitutes for the heat transducers that are still being used because of its rapid protection characteristics .

  30. 接触器还可方便地加装辅助触头组,和适当的热继电器组合,保护可能发生过负载的电路之用。

    Contactor can be easily retro-fitting auxiliary contact group , and appropriate combination of thermal relay to protect the load that may have been circuits .