
rè bèi fèn
  • Hot Backup;hot standby;warm backup
  1. 简略阐述了HSRP(HotStandbyRoutingProtocol,热备份路由协议)的原理。

    This paper introduces the HSRP ( hot standby routing protocol ) principle .

  2. 本文研究了Client/Server体系下网络计算模型,总结了网络双机热备份应用软件的规律。

    The article studies the network computing model of Client / Server , summarizes the rule of double servers hot standby of network .

  3. 软件方法实现欧姆龙PLC双机热备份

    Dual controllers backup system in the way of software based on OMRON PLC

  4. 基于TCP协议的双机热备份系统

    A Hot - redundancy System Based on TCP Protocol

  5. Oracle数据库热备份过程中被中断的数据恢复方法

    Methods of Corrupted Data Recovery During Hot Backup of Oracle database

  6. 高可靠性集中热备份UPS供电系统

    Centralized hot-backup UPS power supply system with high reliability

  7. 利用Heartbeat实现Linux上的双机热备份系统

    Using Heartbeat to Implement Dynamic Standby System on Linux

  8. 为DB2ContentManager实现热备份将带来业务连续性,若处理得当,还将最小化数据损失,甚至完全不会有损失。

    Implementing hot backup for DB2 Content Manager affords business continuity and minimizes data loss or no loss of data if handled properly .

  9. 成功执行上述步骤后,接下来就可为DB2ContentManager执行冷备份和热备份了。

    After successfully performing the steps above , you can now move on to perform cold and hot backup for DB2 Content Manager .

  10. 由于DB2ContentManager至少包含两个数据库,因此需要以上述方式热备份所有数据库。

    Since DB2 Content Manager consists of two databases in the minimum , you need to hot backup all databases in the manner mentioned above .

  11. 使用这一选项,可以使用热备份,也可以使用MQ集群。

    Using this option , either hot standby or MQ clustering can be used .

  12. 热备份路由及负载均衡在VLAN中的实现

    Solution to hot standby routing and load - balance for VLAN

  13. SVM状态数据库存储有关卷的配置和状态信息,包括热备份磁盘(hotspares)和磁盘集。

    The SVM state database stores configuration and states information about volumes , including hot spares and disk sets .

  14. 热备份配置就是其中所有服务器都具有可运行的、服务于用户事务和查询服务的DB2数据库。

    A hot standby configuration is one in which all servers have operational DB2 databases that service user transactions and queries .

  15. 为了提高系统的可用性,不同的APServer相互备份,AccessServer采用双机热备份,使系统能提供不间断的服务。

    In order to improve the availability , AP Server uses Master-Slave backup , and Access Server the Hot Standby Redundancy , so the service is continuous .

  16. 本课题通过对HA(HighAvailability)技术与话单采集的研究,设计一个支持双机热备份的话单采集系统,确保能够对话单进行准确采集。

    This thesis is to design a bill record collection system with hot spare through researching the HA ( high availability ) technology and bill record collection .

  17. 本文研究了双机冗余系统的容错技术和方法,提出了基于双机热备份冗余模式的双DSP系统方案。

    This paper studies the fault-tolerance technology in dual redundancy computer system , and introduces a design of bi-DSP system based on dual redundancy model .

  18. 本文给出了医院ORACLE数据库在热备份过程中的断点恢复及操作过程的方法。

    The methods and operation of breakpoints recovery during hot backup in the ORACLE database of the hospital is introduced .

  19. 用GAL实现双机热备份单片机间内部通信

    Implementation of internal communication between two hot-standby microcontroller with GAL

  20. 用GAL实现双机热备份开关量输出系统

    Realization of switch signal output system with gal

  21. MD5算法在双机热备份信息同步中的应用

    Application of MD5 Algorithm in Information Synchronization in a Hot Dual Redundancy System

  22. 系统具有领先于市场上同类产品的创新之处:主从数据库的热备份和用虚拟地址池实现绑定客户端IP的功能。

    The system has the creative point that leads the internet market , hot database backup between master and slave and binding with customer IP , is described in the article .

  23. 基于LVS负载调度器的双机热备份研究与实现

    The Research and Implementation of Dual Hot-Standby Based on Load Balancer of LVS

  24. 采用冗余网络连接方式、NiosⅡ加ARM的双CPU控制模式以及上位机双机热备份等措施来确保舞台控制系统的可靠性。

    Redundant network connections , Nios ⅱ and ARM control mode and dual backup of host computer can ensure the reliability of the stage control system .

  25. 本文中所讨论的备份与还原是使用TivoliStorageManager(推荐方式)为独立DB2ContentManager系统实现的冷备份(脱机)和热备份(联机)。

    In this article , the backup and recovery discussed are cold ( offline ) and hot ( online ) backup using Tivoli Storage Manager ( the recommended way ) for a standalone DB2 Content Manager system .

  26. HACMP双机热备份集群系统

    HACMP Cluster System with Computer Duplex

  27. 本文详细讨论了应用热备份路由协议建立具有容错IP路由功能的网络备份,提高互联网络系统的可靠性。

    ? This case study examines , in detail , using the Cisco 's Hot Standby Routing Protocol ( HSRP ) for network backup with fault - tolerant IP routing , so that the reliability of an internetwork is improved .

  28. 介绍了一个基于Linux的双机热备份高可用性系统,这个系统采用的IP地址接管保证了网络失效时主备系统间的平滑切换,并给出了基于ARP欺骗的IP地址接管的实现。

    A hot standby high available system based on Linux was introduced . It used IP address takeover to guarantee the smooth swift between the host system and the backup system when the network was failed .

  29. 利用STANDBY服务器与主服务器间的高速连接,进行数据及系统的快速热备份,使系统在主服务器意外损坏的情况下能继续工作;

    Rapid hot backup of data and system is performed by use of highspeed connection between STANDBY server and master server to make system work continuously as master server damaged accidentally .

  30. 文章介绍了提高电子调速器可靠性的措施,重点阐述了基于CΑΝ总线的双机热备份系统的可靠性设计,并以某型数字式电子调速器为对象,对冗余前后进行了可靠性分析计算。

    Some measures are introduced to enhance the reliability of electronic governor especially the reliability design of backup system on line based on CAN bus in the paper . Also , the reliability of a digital electronic governor is analyzed and calculated before and after backup on line .