
  • 网络polyphony;heterogloss;heteroglossia
  1. 在此基础上,对不少实际环境中的噪声模型是非白和不确定的情况下,提出一种辅助阵元的方法,以确定在未知噪声背景下利用MUSIC法确定多声源的方位角。

    Based on it , in the circumstances of nonwhite and uncertain noise model , a method of additional array component is proposed to estimate azimuth angles of sources in unknown noise environment using MUSIC .

  2. 实验一主要研究水平方向多声源条件下不同声刺激脉冲时长和ISI对AAM的影响,以确定影响听觉视在运动的时间因素;

    The first experiment tested the effect of stimulus duration and ISI on auditory apparent motion in the horizontal plane and multiple-noise source way .

  3. 实现了基于Matlab平台的虚拟静态场景的多声源耳机重发与定位,并测试虚拟声源定位的效果。

    Realizing the headphones-based reproduction and localization of multi-sound-source based on Matlab platform in the virtual static scene . This study tests the effect of the virtual sound localization by the way of making subjects to draw the scene layout .

  4. 基于EM算法的分布式多声源定位算法,采用EM算法将多个声源拆解成并行的多个单声源定位问题,通过单声源定位的分布式算法直接实现多声源定位的分布式算法。

    EM Algorithm Based Distributed Multiple Sound Sources Localization Algorithm , decomposes multiple sound sources into single sound source localization problem in parallel using EM Algorithm . It applies the single sound source distributed algorithm to implement multiple sound sources distributed algorithm directly .

  5. 因而双声和多声的效果被传达。

    Therefore , the dual voice or even polyphonic effects are conveyed .

  6. 基于特征矩阵联合近似对角化的多声源信号分离

    Blind Source Separation of Multi-acoustical Sources Based on Joint Approximate Diagonalization of Eigen-matrices

  7. 多声路超声波流量计在变断面涵道流量测量中的应用

    Application of multi-path ultrasonic flow measurement to variable-section conduits

  8. 小说的话语是一种多声交会的杂语。

    The discourse of fiction is diversified in nature .

  9. 多声源条件下听觉视在运动的研究

    Research on Auditory Apparent Motion in Multiple-Noise Source Way

  10. 多声源定位的存在唯一性问题

    The existence and uniqueness for the multiple source locations

  11. 多声话语的论辩取向小说《喧哗与骚动》的复调特征

    The Polyphonic Feature of the Sound and the Fury

  12. 一种基于机器人听觉的多声源跟踪策略

    A Multi-sound Source Tracking Strategy Based on Robot Hearing

  13. 多声路高精度超声波流量测量系统

    Multi-paths ultrasonic flow measurement system with high precision

  14. 多声源的自由场有源声吸收

    Active noise absorption by multisources in free field

  15. 数字多声束形成技术

    Digital Multi-beam forming Technique The Whale Sound

  16. 侗族拦路歌多声形态形成的历史文化根源

    On the Historical-Cultural Origins of Polyphonic Morphology of Road Blocking Songs of the Dong Nationality

  17. 三峡机组多声路超声波流量计实流校准数据分析及探讨

    Analysis and Discuss on Measurements of Multi-path Ultrasonic Flow Meter for Three Gorges Hydro Generating Unit

  18. 岭南土著多声音乐形态及其民间口头理论解读(上)

    Forms of Heterophony in Natives of Lingnan Decoding of Their Folk Oral Theory ( Part one )

  19. 数字多声束形成技术可提高成像设备的时间分辨力,进一步提高横向分辨力。

    The digital multi-beamforming technique can improve the time resolution and take further steps in the lateral resolution .

  20. 该方法简便易行,具有较好的应用前景。但是,该方法在多声源的情况下存在虚假定位问题。

    The method has some advantages , but there is a problem of false localization in the case of multiple sources .

  21. 第二章主要对该歌剧中多声手法的民族化现象进行探讨,该部分主要讲述的是多声技法的民族化处理手法,着重从和声、复调两方面来进行分析研究。

    This section focuses on the nationalization handling of multi-sound techniques , to analyze and research focus from harmony and polyphony .

  22. 文章将就多声叙事对传统叙事整一性的消解来探讨贡达尔诗歌中的两个叙事诗序列。

    The paper is devoted to the discussion and elaboration of the polyphonic narration employed in two narrative sequences in Gondal poetry .

  23. 该实验验证了文中分离算法的可行性,为今后实现多声源的定位及可视化奠定了基础。

    The experiment verifies the feasibility of the separation algorithm , and it builds up the foundation of future multi-sound source localization and visualization .

  24. 表层结构以独白形式出现的话语的深层结构往往是复杂的多声对话和论辩结构。

    An utterance , in spite of its monologic surface structure , generally has a more complicated dialogic and argumentative deep structure of multiple voices .

  25. 在这些扩展中,我们见到了他多声思维变奏的巨大艺术手法,而使勃拉姆斯在这方面成为世界上最伟大的作曲家之一。

    In such development , we can notice his great art skills in multi-thinking variation , which makes Brahms one of the greatest composers in this field .

  26. 并将视唱练耳多声思维运用于钢琴、声乐等表演艺术中,以期通过学科间的交叉与渗透,为解决演唱、演奏等音乐实践中的具体问题提供一种新的思路。

    A new way will be provided to solve the concrete problems of the piano and vocal music in practice according to the crossover of different subjects .

  27. 侗族拦路歌多声形态历史悠久,它的形成、发展与侗族人民丰富多彩的民俗文化密不可分。

    With a long history , the polyphonic morphology of Road Blocking Songs is deeply rooted in the development of the national culture of the Dong Nationality .

  28. 防窃听多声磁带记录了许多同一时刻说话声音的磁带,用作一种防窃听装置使私人的或秘密的谈话不被偷听者听到。

    A tape recording of several dozen voices talking at the same time , used as an antibugging device to make private or secret conversations inaudible to eavesdroppers .

  29. 这些改编作品在结构布局、多声思维、钢琴技巧与特色效果等方面呈现出不同于一般钢琴乐曲的艺术特征。

    These adapted compositions show their specific characteristics different from other piano compositions in structure , multi - voice thinking , piano - playing skills and special effects .

  30. 实验证明,该算法定位精度满足需求,算法能耗得到有效控制。研究了分布式多声源定位问题。

    The experimental results show that the algorithm can achieve satisfied localization accuracy with low computational complexity . Furthermore , the problem of distributed multi-source localization is researched .