
  • 网络multimedia equipment;Multi-Media Device;multimedia device
  1. 利用投影仪提供的RS-232串口连接器和W77E58单片机与PC机之间的串口通信,设计了多媒体设备的自动控制方案;

    Used RS-232 Serial port to communicate with projector between W77E58 singlechip and personal computer , designed automatic control project of multimedia devices ;

  2. 哈夫曼编码是JPEG编码的一个重要的组成,他广泛用于各种多媒体设备中。本文通过一个简单的哈夫曼编码器IP核的设计,研究和实现了基于FPGA的多媒体压缩技术

    Huffman coding is an important part of JPEG coder , it is used in the all kinds of multimedia devices In this paper , we study and realize the multimedia compress technology base on the FPGA by a simple design of Huffman coder ′ s IP core

  3. Windows环境中多媒体设备的故障排除方法

    Troubleshooting Multimedia Equipment Under Windows

  4. 用VB编程播放多媒体设备的原理与方法

    Principle and method of writing programs used on multimedia device with VB

  5. 多媒体设备EMC测试项目和方法的讨论

    The discussion and consideration related to EMC test items of multimedia equipments

  6. 相比之下,iPhone和Android手机属于多媒体设备,也可以用来打电话和发信息。

    By contrast , iPhones and Android handsets are multi-media devices that can also be used for phone calls and messaging .

  7. 您的应用程序能够使用MCI控制任何支持的多媒体设备,包括波形音频设备,MIDI音序器,CD音频设备,以及数字视频(视频回放)设备。

    Your application can use MCI to control any supported multimedia device , including waveform-audio devices , MIDI sequencers , CD audio devices , and digital-video ( video playback ) devices .

  8. 随着多媒体设备性能的提高,人们对视频质量的要求也随之提升,人们需要更加清晰的视频信号,但CPU的主频提升遇到了瓶颈,CPU也转向多核心方向发展。

    With multimedia equipment performance increasing , people request video quality promoting too . People need clearer video signal , but the CPU basic frequency promotion meets the bottleneck , and CPU also changed the multiple-core direction to develop .

  9. 据瘾科技指出,骚尼想要通过以‘S1’命名的游戏以及多媒体设备打入平板市场,已经有两个独立的高可信度消息来源证实了这一点。

    According to Engadget , Sony is planning to enter tablet market with a media and gaming device known internally as the'S1 ' , two highly trusted and independent sources confirmed .

  10. 目前,UWB在商业多媒体设备、无线传感器网络、无线定位、家庭和个人网络、智能交通系统等诸多领域的应用前景已得到了专业界的普遍认可。

    At present , UWB has been an excellent candidate for a variety of applications such as commerce multimedia equipment , wireless sensor network , wireless positioning , wireless home or personal network , as well as intelligent traffic system .

  11. 高速率的WPAN技术主要用在数字多媒体设备互连中,而低速率的WPAN技术主要应用在传感器网络、自动化控制中。

    High speed WPAN technology is mainly used in the digital multimedia equipment interconnection , and low speed WPAN technology is mainly applied in sensor network , automation controlling .

  12. 从硬件的角度分析了微机通过8031单片机和8255控制多媒体设备的思路方法,从软件的角度介绍了多媒体设备的通信控制的实现方法,最后介绍此方法在多媒体语言教学CAI中的应用。

    It not only analyzed the design of the hardware interface of 8031 single chip computer and 8255 interface chip with multi media devices , but also provided the communicating program . There is an application in multi media CAI system using the method in the paper .

  13. 基于PC机并口通信的多媒体设备控制系统的设计与实现

    The Design of Multimedia Devices Based on PC 's Parallel Communication

  14. 供电企业多媒体设备管理信息系统

    Multimedia Management Information System for Equipment in Power Electric Industry

  15. 对于这种类别的多媒体设备,没有需要设置的属性。

    There are no properties to set for this multimedia device class .

  16. 开发多媒体设备潜能提高教学与管理效能

    Tapping the Potential of Multimedia Equipment to Improve Teaching and Management Efficiency

  17. 基于CAN总线的多媒体设备集中控制系统

    Centralized Control System of Multi-media Devices Based on CAN Bus

  18. 客户端连接多媒体设备接收数据并发送给服务器端。

    The client incepts data from Multimedia equipment and sends to the server .

  19. 显示/隐藏多媒体设备(声卡、游戏杆等)

    Shows / Hides multimedia devices ( sound card , joystick , etc. )

  20. 每个教室配备多媒体设备。

    Every classroom is set up with multimedia equipment .

  21. 计算机遥控多媒体设备的设计与实现

    Design and realization of remote controlling multimedia device

  22. 多媒体设备使用率高、发生故障率也高,其日常维护工作极其重要。

    The campus multimedia equipment has becoming more and more widely used in school .

  23. 基于.Net技术与三层架构的高校多媒体设备管理系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Multimedia Equipment Management System Based on . Net and Three-tier Architecture

  24. 其次,端口速度持续增加,特别是便携式多媒体设备的兴起。

    Second , port speeds continue to increase , particularly with the growing success of portable-media devices .

  25. 校内外缺乏相应的物质资源,特别是能辅助教学的多媒体设备。

    The lack of internal and external material resources , especially multimedia equipment that can assist teaching . 5 .

  26. 介绍了近年来生理学实验课教学改革实践经验:在生理学实验中注重设计性实验与多媒体设备相结合;

    This paper introduced the practice experience of experiment reform to teaching and management in the physiology in recent years .

  27. 世界上许多国家都积极制定了各自的数字电视广播标准,针对手持多媒体设备的视频接收越来越受到重视。

    Many countries have developed their own standards , and video reception with hand-held mobile devices has drawn more and more attention .

  28. 如何选好、用好、开发好多媒体设备,以适应新形势下高等教育发展的需求?

    How should multimedia equipment be selected , utilized and tapped to adjust to the needs of higher education development in the new situation ?

  29. 阐述了PC机、单片机通过串口通信控制投影仪和其它多媒体设备的过程,并给出了串口通信协议;

    Elaborated PC and singlechips correspondence process through serial port controlling projector and other multimedia equipments , and produced the serial port correspondence agreement ;

  30. 整个实验分两天完成,每天一小时。实验在普通教室中进行,可供利用的是多媒体设备。

    The whole experiment consisted of two one-hour sessions in two mornings , and was conducted in a normal classroom , where only multimedia equipment was availed .