
  • 网络The Gospel of Thomas
  1. 多马福音中的一些语段倒是看上去更古老。

    Some of the sayings in the Gospel of Thomas look actually older .

  2. 耶稣是揭示隐秘知识的人,这就是多马福音的基督论。

    So Jesus as the revealer of hidden knowledge is the main Christology of the Gospel of Thomas .

  3. 多马福音的基督论,是耶稣作为一个,已经重生的形象出现。

    The Christology of the Gospel of Thomas though is that Jesus comes across as practically an already resurrected figure .

  4. 多马福音,中还有一些,有趣的小地方,让我们来看看。

    There are really interesting peculiarities of the Gospel of Thomas , and let 's look at some of those .

  5. 你可以上网看看,就会看到成千上万,无穷无尽的关于多马福音的东西。

    You could go online right now and you will see tons and tons , and tons of stuff written about the Gospel of Thomas .

  6. 依据传说,依据多马福音,耶稣有个双生兄弟,叫低土马·犹大·多马。

    According to the tradition , according to the Gospel of Thomas , Jesus had a twin brother and his name was Didymus Judas Thomas .

  7. 现在来和其他福音对比一下,拿出你们的书,多马福音,和我一起读一下这些。

    Now comparisons with other gospels ; get out your text , your Gospel of Thomas and read with me through some of these things .

  8. 在此之前,我们知道有多马福音,因为早期基督教作家都会提到,通常是谴责。

    Before this , we knew that there was a Gospel of Thomas because early Christian writers would talk about it , usually to condemn it .

  9. 然而在多马福音和约翰福音中,我们看到了关于律法的观点吗,没有。

    Then we saw from the Gospel of Thomas and the Gospel of John where is the concern about the law at all ? It 's not really there .

  10. 因此在多马福音中有些语录,不像四福音书及正典里的语录,它们并不末世论,它们更多指向当下。

    There are several sayings in Thomas , unlike the sayings in the Gospels and the canon , that are not eschatological , they very much point to the present .

  11. 一些学者认为,多马福音可以追溯到主后初世纪,可能跟马可福音一样早,甚至更早。

    Some scholars believe that the Gospel of Thomas goes all the way back to the first century and may even be as early as Mark or Q or even earlier .

  12. 但是多马福音在二十世纪后期,突然变得非常出名,因为那时它被重新发现并出版,制造了一时的轰动。

    The Gospel of Thomas has become very famous , though , in the last part of the twentieth century because it was rediscovered and published and created something of a sensation .

  13. 有的人说这是诺斯替神话最基本的东西之一,而却没有出现在多马福音中,因此多马福音不是诺斯替的。

    Some people said that 's one of the fundamental things about the Gnostic myths and it 's not in the Gospel of Thomas , therefore the Gospel of Thomas is not Gnostic .

  14. 有一些莎草纸的片段,三张莎草纸片段,上面有希腊语版的部分多马福音,只在埃及的俄克喜林库斯发现了几张。

    We had a few papyrus fragments , three papyrus fragments , that had Greek versions of just parts of the Gospel of Thomas , just pieces of it from Oxyrhynchus , Egypt .

  15. 于是有些人就说,即便多马福音源于主后二世纪,它可能也包含了,耶稣语录更古老的版本。

    And so some people have said , even if the Gospel of Thomas itself comes from the second century it may well contain what are more ancient versions of sayings of Jesus .

  16. 多马福音由于一些原因未被列入正典,如果你们想知道原因的话,我们可以在学期末找个时间进行探讨。

    The Gospel of Thomas is not in our canon for several reasons , but we can talk about that at some point at the end of the lecture if you want to know .

  17. 有的学者会说多马福音,可能与当时的柏拉图主义有一些共同点,可能在某些诺斯替方面有相通之处,但它本身不是诺斯替。

    Some scholars would say the Gospel of Thomas may have some things in common with Platonism of the time , maybe something in common with certain Gnostics , but that it itself is not .

  18. 比方说,看看。。。,最后几分钟我们回到多马福音,读一读那些困扰我们的语录,如果我们假定这神话是对的,也许我们会从不同角度来读。

    For example , look at & back to Thomas for our last closing minutes and let 's read some of these sayings that sound puzzling to us , and if we assume this myth maybe we 'll read them differently .

  19. 在多马耶稣婴孩时期福音里耶稣作为一个小孩,很是有点顽皮,但那是人们想象的他小时候的样子。

    Jesus as a little kid in the infancy Gospel of Thomas , is kind of a little rat but that 's the way people imagined him as a child .