
  • 网络distribution station
  1. 脱硫配气站原料气除尘改造运行总结

    Operation summary of de-dusting improvement for raw natural gas in desulfurizing distribution station

  2. 有结算计量装置的自动配气站。

    Automated gas distribution station with fiscal metering unit .

  3. PLANTSCAPE系统在长庆银川配气站的应用

    Use of PLANTSCAPE System in Changqing Yinchuan Distribution Station

  4. 对储配气站、燃气门站、CNG站等燃气工程设计、安装有一定的实践意义。

    Some rationalization proposals which are of practical significance for gas storage station , gate station and CNG station are put forward on pipeline improvement and valve layout in engineering design and installment .

  5. 胜利石油局配气站噪声治理

    Noise control of gas distribution station of Shengli Petroleum Bureau

  6. 提高自动化水平,实现输配气站场的全面自动化;

    The automation level will be improved to realize the automation of gas transmission / distribution stations thoroughly .

  7. 该系统定位于矿区与输配气站的应用,实现对各输配气站的数据采集、计量、管理及在管理中心的远程监测。

    The system , which is oriented to the application to the stations of natural gas , is designed to meet data acquisition , meterage , management and remote monitoring in the supervising center .