
  • 网络Gabrielle;Gabriel;Gabriele
  1. 加布里尔只是让年轻的园丁给她的生活添点色彩。

    Of course , Gabrielle only saw her young gardener as a way to infuse her life with a little excitement .

  2. 如果我仔细观察,我会看见加布里尔是一个溺水的女人,急切地寻找着救生筏。

    Had I looked closer , I 'd have seen that Gabrielle was a drowning woman desperately in search of a life raft .

  3. 事实上,像加布里尔这样的政界人士他曾说过:我们必须驯服硅谷资本主义之所以跟亚马逊和Uber过不去,原因就在于,这样做铁定可以帮他们赢得选票。

    Indeed , the reason politicians like Mr. Gabriel who has said we must tame Silicon Valley capitalism go after Amazon and Uber is that it is a surefire way to get votes .

  4. 我不明白德国社民党(SPD)主席、经济部长西格马尔•加布里尔(SigmarGabriel)为何如此热情地支持TTIP。

    I do not understand why Sigmar Gabriel , leader of Germany 's Social Democrats and economics minister , is such an ardent advocate of TTIP .

  5. 事实上,像加布里尔这样的政界人士——他曾说过:“我们必须驯服硅谷资本主义”——之所以跟亚马逊和Uber过不去,原因就在于,这样做铁定可以帮他们赢得选票。

    Indeed , the reason politicians like Mr. Gabriel - who has said " we must tame Silicon Valley capitalism " - go after Amazon and Uber is that it is a surefire way to get votes .

  6. 你的故事没有结局,加布里尔。

    Your story doesn 't have an ending , gabriel .

  7. 能信任你很关键,加布里尔。

    It 's important I be able to trust you , gabriel .

  8. 加布里尔,8年后我就死了。

    Gabriel , for eight years I was gonna die .

  9. 你不想和我问好吗,加布里尔?

    Aren 't you gonna say hello , gabriel ?

  10. 弟弟加布里尔坐在旁边,两只小腿前后摆动,眼睛看着不远处。

    Gabriel sits there , swinging his legs and looking off into the distance .

  11. 艾力克斯说:她以前经常训斥加布里尔,不过也会教他很多东西。

    She has scolded Gabriel in the past . But it is as much about trying to teach him .

  12. 现在贝尼特斯即将完成又一次的重要转会,在此之前他对加布里尔·海因策的追逐已经取得明显的进展。

    Now Benitez is closing in on another significant transfer breakthrough after dramatic developments in his pursuit of Gabriel Heinze .

  13. 另外,加布里尔表示,他将继续与德国汽车制造商展开较量,直到它们实践早前的承诺,生产出低排放车型。

    Separately , Mr Gabriel said he would continue his battle with German carmakers until they fulfilled earlier promises to produce models with lower carbon emissions .

  14. 汽车行业的高管们上周曾表示,关于控制排放的呼吁已经有点歇斯底里。对此,加布里尔表示:我不知道到底谁正变得歇斯底里。他补充称,德国汽车制造商的防卫心理有点过头了。

    Responding to comments by auto industry executives last week that calls for emissions controls had become hysterical , he said : I 'm not sure who is being hysterical , adding that German carmakers were being too defensive .