
  • 网络Digital Trunks;Digital Relay
  1. 采用VOIP落地技术,在语音服务器上安装上语音板卡,通过语音板卡上的E1接口连接数字中继线,通过中继线的连接方便的将公司IP电话局域网集成到了PSTN传统电话网中。

    Using VOIP integration technology , installed voice board on the Asterisk voice server , through the voice interface card on the El digital trunks , through the trunk connection to the IP LAN could be integrated conveniently into the PSTN traditional telephony network .

  2. 一种数字中继卡路由器的技术研究与分析

    Research and analysis of a router based on digital relay cards in PC

  3. 程控交换机2M数字中继故障分析

    Failures analysis on the 2 M digital trunk of SPC exchanger

  4. 即将筹建的跟踪及数字中继卫星系统(TDRSS)是国防和载人航天的重要支撑系统。

    Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System studying and constructing is an important sustaining system in China .

  5. 讨论了跟踪及数字中继卫星系统(TDRSS)一种新的扩频调制方案,即并行MSK扩频。

    A novel spread spectrum scheme of Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System , i.e.the parallel MSK spread spectrum modulation is discussed in this paper .

  6. 在具体操作中,利用调度程控交换机中的数字中继电路(E1)可配置信令功能,结合现代SDH设备的交叉连接技术,实现了一种新型调度电路交换传输模式。

    In the course of practice , by making use of the function of configurable signaling of digital trunk unit ( E1 ) in the switch and by associating with the technology of cross-connection in SDH equipments a new type switching and transmitting mode of dispatching telephone circuit is realized .

  7. 跟踪及数字中继卫星系统扩频调制方案研究

    The Study of the Spread - spectrum Modulation Scheme of TDRSS

  8. 数字中继物理网优化方法体系的研究

    Study on Systematic Optimization Method of Digital Junction Physical Network

  9. 程控用户交换机的中继方式及数字中继模块的设计与实现

    PABX 's Trunking Scheme and the Design and Implementation of Digital Trunk Module

  10. 数字中继话费催缴系统

    Digital trunk telephone payment calling up system

  11. 数字中继接口同步性能分析

    Synchronization performance analysis on digital trunk interface

  12. 在数字中继网优化中,物理网优化是一个势必解决的新问题。

    In the optimization of digital junction network , the optimization of physical network is a new problem which must be solved .

  13. 对开关信号进行直接编码,采用3个连续出现的大码距字节表示开关信号的一个状态,编码后的信号利用电信网的数字中继线路传输。

    The switch signal was encoded directly and one state was expressed with 3 long distance sequence code , then it was transmitted through the digital relay line of telecommunication network .

  14. 本文探讨数字光纤中继系统中的抖动积累问题,具体分析谐振槽路(RC)作定时提取时的抖动积累特性,并给出适于工程估算抖动积累特性的简化公式。

    This paper inquires into the jitter accumulation in digital optical fiber regenerative transmission systems . Jitter accumulation properties with the resonant circuit as the timing circuit are discussed , and a simplified formula for the jitter accumulation that adapts to that estimation in engineering is given .

  15. 数字光纤中继系统的抖动积累特性

    Jitter Accumulation Properties in Digital Optical Fiber Regenerative Transmission Systems

  16. 数字微波中继系统是近些年发展起来的一项集高频微波技术、数字调制技术、集成数字复接技术、计算机控制及通信技术等于一体的无线数字通信方式。

    The digital microwave relay system is a wireless digital communication technology , which contains with high-frequency microwave technology , digital modulation , integrated digital multiplexing , computer control and communication technology .

  17. 本文结合作者工作实际,讨论了华为CC08数字程控交换机中继信令、话路数据的设置原则及技巧。

    Depending on the experience of author , this paper discusses the setting principles and skills of trunk signaling and Interregnum Data and Route Data CC08 Digital SPC Exchanger used in Huawei .

  18. 介绍S12-J型数字程控交换机的中继组织、来话局向和去话局向的创建、删除等。

    This paper introduces the trunk organization , creation and deleting of incoming route and outgoing route for S12 J family digital program control exchange .

  19. 数字通信系统中PCM数字中继接口设计与实现

    Design and Implementation PCM Digital Relay Interface in Digital Communication System