
  • 网络Data Definition;ddl;SQL
  1. 最后,数据定义语言(DataDefinitionLanguage)的生成已经过了改进,现在变得更容易使用。

    Finally , the generation of Data Definition Language has been improved to be more readily consumable .

  2. 浅谈C程序设计中的数据定义

    Preliminary Analysis on C Programming Data Definition

  3. 基于XML的统计数据定义与可视化方法

    Statistic Data Definition and Visualization Based on XML

  4. 利用Rose工具生成了数据定义语言和框架代码;

    The data definition language and frame of code have been generated by Rose tool .

  5. 流程的流转规则通过XML格式数据定义,支持版本升级,多版本流程的同时运行。

    Flow circulation rules through XML format data definition , support , updates version process function at the same time .

  6. 一个很好的例子就是直接操作SQL数据定义语言的物理数据模型。

    A prime example is physical data models that directly manipulate SQL Data Definition Language .

  7. 不需要连接到任何数据库,就可以建立一个新的CrystalReport,因为这个CrystalReport是基于一个数据定义文件的。

    A new Crystal Report will then be created without actually connecting to any database , because this Crystal Report will be based on a data definition file .

  8. 现有服务或数据定义被导入到Modeler中,以供重用。

    Existing services or data definitions are imported into Modeler for reuse .

  9. 首先我们必须告知网格XML元素为每一行数据定义了什么,在这种情况下将之命名为‘项’,见以下XML示例。

    First we need to tell the grid what XML element defines each row of data , in this case it 's named'Item'as you can see from the sample XML below .

  10. 如果在数据库中有多个schema,那么你就要在数据定义视图中选择合适的schema,然后在图上点击。

    If there are multiple schemas in the database , then select the appropriate schema in the data definition view , and then click on the diagram .

  11. CLAIM继承了MML2.x的基本结构,目前的版本2.1包括受理、预约、诊疗行为、结算金额等信息的两个模块和9个数据定义表格。

    It has inherited the basic structure of MML 2 . x and the current version , version 2.1 , contains 2 modules and 9 data definition tables .

  12. 此项目还包含用于DB2和Oracle的客户表的数据定义语言(DDL)文件。

    This project also has the Data Definition Language ( DDL ) files for the customer table for both DB2 and Oracle .

  13. 创建数据定义语言(DDL)

    Create data definition language ( DDL )

  14. 数据定义语言(DDL)和数据操作语言(DML)

    Data Definition Language ( DDL ) and Data Manipulation Language ( DML )

  15. 因为UCLAHealthSystem使用XML存储患者元数据,所以在PODS集合中支持新的电子表单需要为表单内容创建数据定义或模式。

    Because the UCLA Health System uses XML for patient metadata , supporting a new electronic form in the PODS collection involves creating the data definition or schema for form content .

  16. 全文提供了示例DDL(数据定义语言)语句。

    The DDL ( Data Definition Language ) statements throughout this article are provided as a sample .

  17. 又由于XML具有良好的数据定义格式、可扩展性、高度的结构化和便于网络传输等优点,我们选择由XML来表示知识库。

    We choose XML to represent the knowledge of CLIPS because of the advantages it has , such as well-defined data format , good expansibility , highly formed , easily to transfer through Internet , etc.

  18. 注意在上面的所有步骤中,DB2会基于数据库的SQL数据定义语言(DDL)来处理查询。

    Note in the all above steps , DB2 handles the query based on the SQL data definitions language ( DDL ) of the database .

  19. DBlook是随Derby数据库引擎一起发布的一个重要工具,它用于生成一个数据库模式上的数据定义语言(DataDefinitionLanguage,DDL)脚本。

    DBlook is an important tool that ships with the Derby database engine that is used to generate Data Definition Language ( DDL ) scripts against a database schema .

  20. 最后,我们用Database对象的executeCommand()方法来执行数据定义语言(DDL)语句。

    Finally , we perform the Data Definition Language ( DDL ) statements using the executeCommand () method of the Database object .

  21. VaughnRokosz是一位IBMRational系统确认测试员,为向系统添加测试数据定义了以下的方法

    Vaughn Rokosz , an IBM Rational systems verification tester , has defined the following approaches for adding test data into a system

  22. 数据定义语言(DataDefinitionLanguage,DDL)语句是不能回滚的语句,因此如果用户错误涉及到DDL,则需要采取恰当的措施恢复数据库。

    Data Definition Language ( DDL ) statements are not statements that can be rolled back , so if a user error involved DDL , you need to take proper measures to bring back your database .

  23. 这是数据定义问题&数据治理要通过有效的主数据管理(MDM)消除此类问题。

    That 's a data definition problem & the kind of problem that data governance aims to eliminate through effective master data management ( MDM ) .

  24. 此方法使表单成为XPage数据定义的源。

    This approach makes the form a source of data definitions for the XPage .

  25. XDR为数据定义一个标准的表示来支持异构网络应用程序通信的开发。

    XDR defined a standard representation for data to support the development of communicating heterogeneous network applications .

  26. 我们为容器不能访问的主机的私有数据定义一个新标签host;并且将这个标签应用到containersetup.sh脚本中的cgroups文件系统。

    We define a new label host for host-private data which containers should not be able to access ; we assign this to the cgroups filesystem in the container_setup.sh script .

  27. ISO8583的典型用途是为通过零售点设备或自动柜员机(ATM)交换的数据定义消息格式。

    Typical uses of ISO8583 are to define the message format for data exchanged with a point-of-sale device or automated teller machine ( ATM ) .

  28. 将标准的数据定义表根据中国卫生部相关标准等实际情况进行了修正;将MML的文档约束规范从DTD升级到Schema。

    The MML data definition tables were translated and modified according to the specifications published by the Ministry of Health of China ; the constraints of MML were upgraded from DTD to Schema .

  29. 您可以执行数据定义语言(DDL)和数据操作语言(DML)语句,并使用该工具来获取和显示结果。

    You can execute both data definition language ( DDL ) and data manipulation language ( DML ) statements , and obtain and display the results using this tool .

  30. 并开发了基于XML技术的远程应用程序通讯原型系统,设计了符合XMLRPC标准与XMLSQL规范的XML数据定义模式,实现了嵌入式系统对远程数据库的跨平台平滑访问。

    The remote application data exchanging prototype system based on XML is developed . XML data schema according with the XML RPC standard and XML SQL criterion is designed . Remote access for cross-platform database on embedded system is realized to demonstrate the author 's idea .