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  1. 中宁枸杞驰名中外的品质,一切得益于中宁得天独厚的气候、地理环境及黄河上游的水质。

    The Chinese Wolfberry of Zhongning is famous all the world for the fine climate , geographical environment and upriver water quality from the Yellow River .

  2. 此外,宁夏银行还大力推行特色化、门市化经营模式,依据地域、行业和专业市场等特点,分别成立了灵武羊绒贷款中心、中宁枸杞贷款中心等8个金融服务中心。

    In addition , the Bank of Ningxia also vigorously promote character , store business model , based on geography , industry and professional markets , etc. , were established " lingwu cashmere loan center "," loans rather wolfberry center " eight financial service centers .