
  • 网络allowable concentration;admissible concentration
  1. 重金属在蒸馏水或饱和Ca(OH)2溶液中的浸出浓度均满足GB5085.3&1996对危险废物规定的浸出液最高允许浓度值。

    The soaked ~ concentration of the heavy metals in distilled water or the saturation solution of Ca ( OH ) _2 could all satisfy the requirement of GB 5085.3 & 1996 that has the highest allowable concentration ~ values of the soaked solution for the dangerous wastes .

  2. GB9137-1988保护农作物的大气污染物最高允许浓度

    Maximum allowable concentration of pollutants in atmosphere for protection crops

  3. 山西土壤Hg,Cd,As,Pb最高允许浓度研究

    Approach of Permitted Maximum Concentration of Hg , Cd , As and Ph of Soil in Shanxi

  4. 结果表明,对于菜地、麦地和稻田,当其年灌溉水力负荷分别为144cm,153cm和198cm时,经过长期运行。DDT的污染程度均低于土壤最大允许浓度;

    The results showed that the DDT pollution was below maximum allowed concentration under continuing introducing wastewater for wheat land , vegetable land and rice land .

  5. 铝酸盐最大允许浓度约为2.8M。

    The permitted maximum concentration of aluminates was about 2 . 8M .

  6. 在我国,某些污染区产的饲料中镉浓度达1.13mg/kg~5.12mg/kg,这已严重超过了饲料中镉的允许浓度。

    In some polluted region in China , the cadmium content of feed was up to 1.13mg / kg-5.12mg / kg , severely more than the permitted content of feed .

  7. 通过检测对照桶和试验桶中化学需氧量(COD)、生化需氧量(BOD5)的变化结合镜检结果,得出余氯及五种有机氯化物对活性污泥的最高允许浓度。

    According to the variations of COD , BOD5 , combined with the microscopic observation in experiment and blank buckets , the maximum allowable concentrations of residual chlorine and five organic chlorides to activated sludge were obtained .

  8. 本课题的主要内容包括以下几个方面:(1)利用人体释放的CO2浓度来计算通风量,并初步估算了在不同室内允许浓度下所需的通风量。

    The main content includes the following : ( 1 ) Ventilation volume was calculated based on the concentration of the CO2 released by the human body , and the required ventilation volumes in case of different indoor CO2 permissible concentration were preliminary estimated .

  9. 建议该矿山粉尘允许浓度以8mg/m~3为宜。

    A permissible dust concentration in this mine as 8mg / m ~ 8 was thus recommended .

  10. 方法:采用一日内最高允许浓度、最大剂量灌胃测其毒性的实验方法。

    Methods : To adopt daily Maximum concentration and dose to fill the stomach and detect its toxicity .

  11. 焊工长期吸入超过允许浓度的锰及其化合物的微粒和蒸气,则可能造成锰中毒。

    Welder to allow more than long-term inhalation of manganese and its compounds concentrations of particulate and steam , it may cause manganese poisoning .

  12. 为保护水生态系统,需研究这些污染物对水生物的毒性效应,制定其在水环境中的允许浓度和排放标准。

    In order to protect aquatic ecosystems , the toxic effect of these pollutants ought to be studied to develop the allowance concentrations in water and discharging standards .

  13. 金属形态决定其生物吸收和生物毒性,采用微量金属总浓度作为其毒性效应和允许浓度的评价标准往往会高估其毒害效应。

    Metal species determine their biological absorption and toxicity , the concentration of trace metals used as a toxic effect and allowing the concentration of evaluation criteria tend to overestimate the effect of their poison .

  14. 为了保护水资源,科学、合理的制定污染物在水环境的允许浓度和排放标准,人们采用各种方法对水体进行监测和评价。

    In order to protect the water resource , and rationally set density of permission and discharge standard of pollutant in water environment , many methods have been used to monitor and appraise the water body .

  15. 要提高其通风和治理瓦斯的能力,进而提高工作面单产量,则必须提高其沿空回风巷瓦斯允许浓度或风速。

    That if its abilities of ventilation and controlling gas would be increased , moreover single yield of coal face is increased , the permission concentration of its air return way along the stope or wind speed must be increased .

  16. 也确定了为得到透明玻璃态物质各种离子的最大允许掺杂浓度。

    The maximum allowable doping concentration of each kind of ions for obtaining transparent and vitreous materials were also determined .

  17. 我国《大气污染综合排放标准》规定了33种大气污染物的排放限值和执行要求。标准提出了一个污染源必须同时遵守最高允许排放浓度;

    The Integrated Emission Standard of Air Pollutants stipulates the requirements of emission of 33 air pollutants , as well as its implementation .

  18. 其余甲苯、对二硝基苯、对二甲酚3种有机污染物的含量符合国家允许排放浓度。

    The remaining : toluene , dinitrobenzene , and xylenol three kinds of organic contaminants in line with the state to allow emission levels .

  19. 排放限值包括排气筒最高允许排放浓度,排气筒单位产品排放量和无组织排放最高允许排放浓度。

    The emission limits should include the upper limit for emission concentration , the limit of unit product emission at exhaust funnels and the upper concentration limit for unorganized emission .

  20. 将其处理后的秸秆料液应用于厌氧发酵后,在允许的离子浓度下,钠离子表现出对厌氧发酵效果的阻碍作用仍大于钾离子。

    When the liquors after treatment by NOH and KOH respectively were anaerobically digested , sodium ion had a stronger baffle effect on anaerobic digestion than potassium ion even if ionic concentration was in allowable .

  21. 申请人必须证明他的污染排放将不会违犯允许的大气浓度增高额,他还必须同意运用“最有效控制技术”控制所有污染物,不论这对于避免超出限定的浓度增长有无必要。

    He must demonstrate that the emissions will not cause any violations of the ambient concentration increments allowed , and he must agree to apply " best available control technology " for all pollutants , whether or not that is necessary to avoid exceeding the allowable increments .

  22. 分析计算表明,由于电子行业洁净室空调冷负荷巨大,可能导致干盘管-FFU洁净空调系统的换气次数也很大,甚至超过按室内允许含尘浓度计算得出的换气次数。

    The results showed that the huge cooling load of cleaning room will probably result in the increasing of the air circulation ratio of dry coil and FFU cleaning air conditioning system , or even make the air circulation ratio exceed the allowable level decided by dusty concentration .

  23. 联邦政府也没有出台任何关于该化合物在身体护理产品中允许存在的限值的规定,但是有一些其它国家不允许任何浓度的该化合物的存在。

    There are also no federal restrictions on allowable levels of the chemicals in body care products , but several other countries do not allow the chemicals at any level .