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  1. 古都西安,文明之都,永恒之都,人文自然,世界风范。(二品)

    The Ancient Capital of the Xi'an , The Civilization City , The Eternal City , Humanity in harmony with nature , The World style .

  2. 如果一等品无货,二等品也可以。

    If grade A is not available , grade B will do .

  3. 是否有处理每天二等品的书面流程?

    Is there a documented process that reconciles seconds on a daily basis ?

  4. 所有的货都是二等品。

    All the merchandise was second-class .

  5. 谈进口二级品冷轧钢板和马口铁的品级鉴定及对外出证

    About grade appraisal and foreign COUNTIES-ORIENTED certificate issuing of imported cold rolled steel sheet and tinplate of second grade

  6. 特级品稀奶油可直接供给食用,一级品和二级品可作为加工奶油或其他食品的原料。

    Suitable For : The fancy cream eatable without any processing ; Grade one and tow for butter processing & ingredients .

  7. 物品种繁多,从来不必用二等品来凑合。做广告来吹嘘一种产品

    There is so much variety that you never have to make do with second best . Build up a product by advertising

  8. 可知,尽管如此,那些标着二等品或三等品的服装应该仔细查看,因为它们可能会有严重的瑕疵。此题关键在于对。

    Those marked as seconds or thirds should be examined with a fine-tooth comb , however , as they may have serious flaws .

  9. 是的。瞧,这里的产品品种繁多,规格齐全。物品种繁多,从来不必用二等品来凑合。

    Yes , indeed , it is . look ! There are various articles in different sizes . There is so much variety that you never have to make do with second best .

  10. 在年产百万吨级的工业装置上进行生产性试验,结果为抽出率达炭泥量的50%以上,溶剂回收率达90%以上,回收的增塑剂产品达到部标二级品标准。

    The extracted rate of plasticizer exceeds 50 % of the activated carbon mud , the solvent recovery reaches 90 % and the quality of reclaimed plasticizer products is suitable to the standards concerned .

  11. 介绍了一类结构为叔胺化合物的新型防色污染剂及其消除硫醚型二当量品成色剂色污染的作用原理,并介绍了这类化合物的结构特点、制备方法与应用效果。

    The paper introduces a new kind of anti stain agent having the structure of tertiary amine compounds and the mechanism of eliminating aryl sulfide two equivalent magenta coupler color stains , and describes structure characteristics , manufacturing method and applying effects .

  12. 利用胃蛋白酶法对国产鱼粉的消化率进行了测定,得出国产鱼粉特级品的消化率在90%以上,一级品在88%以上,二级品在85%以上。

    The pepsin digestibility of domestic fishmeal was tested . The result showed that the pepsin digestibility of super class fishmeal was above 90 % , that of the first class was above 88 % , and that of the second class was above 85 % .

  13. 目前,当局并不知道这些由瑞海国际物流(RuihaiInternationalLogistics)运营的仓库里储存着什么。瑞海国际物流是天津市持有许可证的第二大危险品处理企业。

    Authorities do not know what was stored in the warehouses operated by Ruihai International Logistics , the city 's second-largest licensed handler of hazardous cargos .

  14. 证据之二是消费品委员会(ConsumerProductCommission),在过去数年中,该机构的工作人员少了,预算也至少削减了10%。

    Exhibit B is the Consumer Product Commission , where staff have been cut and budgets reduced by at least 10 per cent over the past few years .

  15. 具备二年以上品保系统推动工作。

    Worked on quality system push side more than two years .

  16. 咖啡也是继石油之后的全球第二大贸易品。

    Coffee is also the second largest trade goods following the petroleum .

  17. 美国逾三分之二的出口品出口至环太平洋国家。

    More than two-thirds of US exports are made to Pacific Rim countries .

  18. 系统地介绍了长链烷基硅油及二次加工品的合成及用途,并对其应用前景进行了展望。

    Synthesis , application of long-chain-alkyl silicone oil and secondary products were introduced in the paper .

  19. 将制得的苄叉二氯粗品进行真空精馏得到高纯度的精品;

    The refined product with high purity is obtained by vacuum distillation of crude benzal chloride .

  20. 作为抗生素的第二代替代品,益生元已成为动物营养研究的新热点。

    Being second-generation substitute of antibiotic , prebiotics have been the hotspot in the research of animals nutrition currently .

  21. 美丽的新娘就好比是一杯玫瑰红酒而新郎就是那红酒杯就这样二者慢慢品?

    The beautiful bride is like a glass of red wine while the bridegroom is the roses red wine tasted both so slowly ?

  22. 对第二种不良品,发现是操作手法不当和磨具关键位置不精细造成的。

    To the second inferior goods , the detection is to operate skill not appropriate with whet to have key position not fine result in .

  23. 工作对照品(也就是内部标准品或二级标准品)是根据一级对照品标定的,并用来代替一级对照品的。

    A working standard ( i.e. , in-house or secondary standard ) is a standard that is qualified against and used instead of the reference standard .

  24. 而且,降低了合金的二次枝品间距对冷却速度的敏感性。

    In result , the dendrite arm spacing and grain size are refined significantly , and the sensitivity of the dendrite arm spacing to the cooling rate is reduced .

  25. 第二,工业品营销情境中,交易利益和关系利益并列成为企业-顾客关系质量的影响因素,二者对顾客满意和顾客信任均具有显著的正向影响,而对顾客承诺没有直接影响。

    Secondly , in industrial marketing context , either transaction benefit or relationship benefit has a significant positive impact on the two of three dimensions of relationship quality : customer satisfaction and customer trust . But they have no direct impact on the other dimension : customer commitment .

  26. 取得的D-二聚体粗品经微孔滤膜过滤除菌免疫小鼠,四周后提取小鼠脾脏细胞总RNA。

    D-dimer in the crude product obtained by the filter membrane sterilization was used for immunization of mice whose spleen cells were strengthened the immune by four weeks .

  27. 二级减速原品采用的是美国产Hindley蜗杆传动。经过改造后采用平面二次包络蜗轮副传动。

    The original two stage reducer was the worm gear by Hindley U.S.Now the secondary plane envelope ring surface worm gear pair is used in substitute of the original one after the revamp .

  28. 单甘酯、甘二酯高纯品的生产、理化性质及特殊用途

    The manufacture , physic-chemical properties and special use of mono-and diglycerides

  29. 这些完善将体现在第二代血液替代品中。

    These advances will appear in second-generation blood substitutes .

  30. 自制D-二聚体质控品在临床中的应用

    Self-made D-dimer quality control products in clinical application