
  1. 1990年凌烟的《失声画眉》则透过台湾土生土长的剧种-歌仔戏-以召唤具有台湾意涵的精神乡土。

    In1990 , Ling Yan 's The Thrush that Lost Her Voice turned to a native art form , the Taiwanese Folk Opera , to summon a Taiwanese spirit of homeland .

  2. 因此,对唐代凌烟阁功臣的群体研究,对当今世界元老政策的制定,也有一定的启发和借鉴意义。

    Therefore , the person having rendered outstanding service group studies to Ling cigarette cabinet Tang Dynasty , working out to world " grand old man " policy in the nowadays , also has certain enlighten and draw lessons meaning .