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línɡ rén
  • humiliate;insult
凌人 [líng rén]
  • [pressing;threatening;arrogant] 气势压人;气势逼人

  • 盛气凌人

  1. 为此,游华日本人,始终表现出一种傲气凌人的态度。

    For this reason , the Japanese travelers have always shown a bully attitude of arrogance .

  2. 我们也一样,也会害怕那些仗势凌人,与我们为敌者。

    We , too , may be fearful of some great ones who are bitter against us ;

  3. 我猜他准是骄气凌人,不把我放在眼里。

    I suppose he will be awfully proud , and that I shall be treated most contemptuously .

  4. 英勇和对公共服务的忠心而非凌人的盛气。

    gallantry , and devotion to the public service than for unobtrusive bearing and high moral tone .

  5. 她去过肯尼亚,是和仨表兄夫妇同游打猎,还有一个不请自到而气势凌人的追求者。

    She had been on safari in Kenya , traveling with three of her male cousins and their wives , and an overbearing suitor who had invited himself along .