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nǎnɡ xī
  • Past;former times;olden days
曩昔 [nǎng xī]
  • [formerly] 从前

  1. 抹失踪所有关于你曩昔记忆失踪败的消极意识。

    Erase all negative thoughts about past failure of you memory .

  2. 这使我想起了我曩昔犯过的一些错误。

    It reminded me of the mistakes I had made before .

  3. 掳掠犯猛击阿谁卫兵的头部使他晕了曩昔。

    The robber stunned the guard by banging him on the head .

  4. 很多己曩昔还常把剪纸做绣花以及喷漆艺术的模子。

    People also often before a paper-cut art of embroidery and painting models .

  5. 2009年,你打算比曩昔多赚多少钱呢?

    How much more money will you make in2009 ?

  6. 而今,我再也未能与你相见,但我依然时常暗暗拾起那些曩昔的记忆。

    I can 't see you anymore , but I often peek inside again .

  7. 曩昔十年,我以写小说为生。

    For the last ten years , I have written novels for a living .

  8. 他曩昔养了一只合情合理的狗,姓名叫“黄耳”。

    He used to have a reasonable dog , the name call " yellow ear " .

  9. 奶奶晓得了房子的工作,又气又急晕了曩昔。

    Grandma know that the house work , was angry and urgent dizzy an empty purse yesterday .

  10. 很多服装加工场在曩昔两周内的利润已相当于往年全年收益。

    Many clothing factories have made a whole year 's earnings in only the last two weeks .

  11. 实现价值打点手艺的体例仍是按照曩昔的实施结不美观展望未来绩效的一种手段。

    The earned value management methodology also provides a means to forecast future performance based upon past performance .

  12. 我认为曩昔七年我们已经在上面尽可能的去实现了。

    I think that we 've tried as much as possible to prove that in the last seven years .

  13. 中国苯胺财富的当前市场情形与曩昔几年对比已经有了很年夜的转变。

    The current market situation of Chinese aniline industry has changed a lot compared to that in the past few years .

  14. 是以,我们避免采纳曩昔那种打算不周的权宜体例释放在押人员。

    That is why we are doing away with the poorly planned , haphazard approach that let those detainees go in the past .

  15. 我们但愿这些新的记实会让人深切体味水兵历史,而且鼓舞激励人们体味英国水兵的曩昔和他们在海战中阐扬的浸染。

    We hope these new records will give people a fresh insight into naval history and encourage people to find out more about Britain 's naval past and the role their relatives played in it .

  16. 一向让我没有健忘和放下的人,就在昨天晚上,我终于决议真正的放下了,从此,我起头新的糊口,我不再去想曩昔的工作。

    I have not been forgotten and let the people down , just yesterday evening , I finally decided to put aside the real , From then on , I started a new life , I no longer think about the past things .
