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  1. 中国是我们显然要看一看的地方,亨斯迈纺织染化部门全球总裁胡铭(PaulHulme)表示。该部门为服装制造商生产先进染料和化学品。

    The obvious place to look is China , said Paul Hulme , global president of Huntsman 's textile effects division , which makes advanced dyes and chemicals for clothes manufacturers .

  2. 不过,胡铭承认,他不能肯定危机真的已经结束。

    Yet Mr Hulme admits he is uncertain that the crisis is really over .

  3. “我们处于十分有利的地位,”胡铭在接受英国《金融时报》采访时表示。

    " We are in a very comfortable position , " Mr Hulme said in an interview with the financial times .

  4. 胡铭表示,这两家欧洲跨国集团也许在短期内不愿按亨斯迈愿意支付的价格,出售自己的工厂。

    Mr Hulme said the two European multinationals might be unwilling to sell in the short term at prices that Huntsman would be willing to pay .

  5. 胡铭表示,亨斯迈正在研究中国境内一系列可能成为收购对象的工厂,包括一些中国化工集团(他没有点名)旗下的工厂,以及科莱恩和巴斯夫拥有的工厂。

    Mr Hulme said huntsman was looking at a range of possible plants in China , including some owned by Chinese chemicals groups , which he did not identify , and plants owned by Clariant and BASF .