首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 彰显了独一真神的荣光。

    Reflecting the glory of the one and only God .

  2. 其中,动态能力如何产生和演化的核心问题一真是个瓶颈制约,没有得到系统的分析。

    Within it , how dynamic capabilities emerge and evolve is a bottleneck and lacks systematic analysis .

  3. 这表示将来你的弟子在学道时都能具足每一真弟子所应有的信心、精进、智慧和慈悲。

    This signifies that your disciples will have first of all the zeal , perseverance , wisdom , and compassion necessary for every disciple .

  4. 只有在把握了先秦德治思想的这一真精神的前提下,我们才有可能对儒家德治思想的得失与现代价值做出正确的评价。

    Only if we master the true spirit of pre-Qin CTRV , can we obtain a justified remark on the pros and cons of CRTV and its modern value .

  5. 当你在此一真相面前幡然醒来,你开始去面质自己对所有的这些所谓的力量源头所抱持的信念,同时你会很快地对人类经验到的完美性赞叹不已。

    As you awaken to that Truth , you begin to confront all your beliefs about these so-called sources of power , and you quickly become amazed at the perfection of the human experience .

  6. 那一刻真是吓人。

    It was a really scary moment .

  7. 最后进的一球真绝!

    That last goal was a beauty !

  8. 那一局真漂亮。

    That was a good knock .

  9. 这是一份真的文件吗?

    Is this document authentic ?

  10. 当想到年轻人通常比老年人对出行相关的技术更感兴趣时,这一现象真的特别有意思。

    This is especially interesting when you consider that younger people are generally more interested in travel-related technologies than older ones .

  11. 目睹这一刻真是太好了,但也没有那么好,因为我没有告诉那位妈妈,她的孩子们说话是多么可爱。这是我直到今天还在后悔的事情。

    It was great to witness the moment , but not so great because I didn 't tell the mom how beautiful her children were in their language . This is what I regret to this day .

  12. 天上有一条真的龙,听说叶公这样喜欢龙,高兴极了。

    In the heavens there was a real dragon . It was very happy to hear that Ye Gong was so fond of dragons .

  13. 研究多个假目标保护一个真目标(雷达)对抗反辐射导弹(ARM)的作战效能。

    The operational effectiveness of antagonizing ARM using multiple fake targets to protect a true one was investigated .

  14. 更重要的是,克莱斯勒需要Jeep成为一个真真正正的国际品牌。

    More importantly , Chrysler needs jeep to become a truly global brand .

  15. 但其他人说让一个人真的为vista而兴奋,公司需要更多的媒体合作伙伴。

    But others say that for anyone to really get excited for vista , it needs more media partnerships .

  16. 现在我们需要记住,JAXP本身并不是一个真的解析API(在需要SAX或DOM解析器运作的情况下)。

    Now keep in mind that JAXP is not a true parsing API on its own , in the sense that it requires a SAX or DOM parser to operate .

  17. 不过Twitter信息仍然有140字的限制,对于那些坚持将它用于聊天的用户而言,这一点真令人讨厌。

    But it still has that 140-character limit , which is the very thing that , for some users anyway , makes twitter so annoying when the accounts they follow insist on using it for conversations .

  18. TAFs即TATA框结合蛋白相关因子,是一类真核生物TATA结合蛋白(TBP)的联结因子。

    TAFs , the TATA box-binding protein associated factors , is a class of the coupling factor of eukaryotic TATA-binding protein ( TBP ) .

  19. FLn的标准真值集为单位区间[0,1],并且联结词的真值函数使得[0,1]成为一个真值代数。

    In FLn , the standard set of truth-values is the unit interval [ 0,1 ] and the truth functions of connective make it to be an algebra of truth degrees .

  20. “我认为这一趋势真的很重要,”在TUAW上看到这一报告的读者戴维•埃默里写道,“如果这种趋势延续下去,计算机行业必将迎来翻天覆地的变化。”

    " I think this trend is really important ," wrote reader David Emery , who spotted it on TUAW . " If it continues then computing is in for a huge sea change . "

  21. 一个人真的要笨起来,你是没有办法的。

    Now you finally know that life is beautiful , indeed .

  22. 凯文一家真是引狼入室了。

    The Kevin 's do lead the wolf into the house .

  23. 我们觉得我们有一支真的很好的团队。

    We feel like we 've got a really good group .

  24. 我们这里有一个真的很难办的问题要对付。

    We have a real Gordian knot to deal with here .

  25. 杀另一个人真是件激动人的事。

    Murdering another human being can be a very moving experience .

  26. 这酒卖350英镑一瓶真是太值了。

    This wine is smashing value at $ 350a bottle .

  27. 能够用一生去爱一个人真的很伟大。

    It 's amazing to love somebody for one 's entire life .

  28. 最近的这一丑闻真使总统名誉扫地。

    This recent scandal has really knocked the president off his pedestal .

  29. 让我们把话题从陌生人转向正在交谈的交流者。那两队一交锋真是棋逢对手,互不相让。

    Turning from strangers to those who are communicating with one another .

  30. 隔段时间在外面吃一顿真不错。

    It 's a good idea to eat out once a while .