
  1. 换句话说,大部分花费支付给了另一类行业:计算机安全保障行业。

    In other words , a lot goes on payments by one lot of businesses to another : the computer-security industry .

  2. 这可以让他们确定与每位参议员有利益关系的行业:如果一类行业在销售额方面排名前三,就被标记为对该州“很重要”。

    That allowed them to identify the industries of interest to each Senator : if an industry ranked in the top three in terms of sales , it was labelled " important " to that state .

  3. 公用事业是一类特殊行业,其提供的产品具有公共品特性,在一定地域内通常由少数国有企业垄断经营。

    Its product offerings are with public goods characteristics , which is usually monopolized by a few state-owned enterprises in a certain geographical area .

  4. 另一类是行业协会,以田间种植作物为对象,形成专业化的协会,如草莓协会、杂果协会、苗木生产协会、花卉协会、无公害蔬菜协会等。

    The other is industry association , take plants as the object , form specialization association , like strawberry , mixed fruit , nursery stock , flower , green vegetable association .

  5. 一类电线电缆行业的PDM系统

    A Suitable PDM System for Wire and Cable Industry

  6. 工T系统集成行业作为一类高科技的服务行业,是最近几年来在信息服务产业中发展势头尤为强劲的一个行业。

    IT system integration industry as a high-tech service industry is a strong momentum of growth industry in the information services industry in recent years .