
  1. 社会零售商品购买力

    Purchasing power for social retail goods

  2. 产品构面:包含产品品质、品牌形象、产品价格及促销、商品企划力等4项准则。

    The product dimension includes product quality , brand image , product pricing & promotion , and product marketing capacity .

  3. 汇价对一篮子六种主要货币的汇率首次连升三盘,推动了除橙汁外的所有软商品购买力下降。

    The greenback climbed for the first time in three sessions against a basket of six major currencies , pushing down all the so-called soft commodities except orange juice .

  4. 目的研究环磷酸腺苷(商品名美心力)在术中预防和治疗心肌缺血中的价值。

    Objective To determine the value of cAMP used to prevent and treat myocardial ischemia during surgery .

  5. 因为工人也是消费者,资本主义要求消费者拥有购买其商品的购买力。

    For workers are also consumers and capitalism requires consumers with the purchasing power to buy its products .

  6. 在商业经济方面,他重视商品流通,力倡商业自由经营,并注重对商业活动的宏观调控和规范。

    In terms of business , he stresses on the merchandise circulation , highly promotes business freedom management and pays attention to the macroscopic control and the standard of business activity .

  7. 观察不同剂量结合雌激素(Conjugatedequineestrogen,CEE,商品名倍美力)联合孕激素安宫黄体酮(Medroxyprogesteroneacetate,MPA)对绝经妇女乳腺X线密度的影响,并探讨其临床意义。

    To investigate the effects of conjugated equine estrogen ( CEE ) in different doses combined with medroxyprogesterone acetate ( MPA ) on mammographic density among postmenopausal women , and to assess the clinical significance .