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衔接 [xián jiē]
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  • 大桥把两条公路衔接起来

衔接[xián jiē]
  1. 法律全球化的趋势及我国入世时的承诺要求我国国内的法律制度必须与WTO规则相衔接。

    Legal global trend and promise to join WTO demand legal system of China link up with rules of WTO .

  2. 在试验基础上,提出了计算SRC受弯构件的刚度公式,它能与计算RC受弯构件的刚度公式衔接。

    On the basis of the experimental study of the stiffness of SRC beams under shortterm loading , a calculation formula of stiffness of SRC flexural members is proposed which can link up with that of RC flexural members .

  3. 他飞往阿姆斯特丹的班机与下午飞往纽约的一趟航班相衔接。

    His flight to Amsterdam connects with an afternoon flight to New York .

  4. 中午有一趟相衔接的航班。

    There 's a connecting flight at noon .

  5. 剧本吸收了三个苏格兰民间故事并把它们相互衔接起来。

    The play takes three Scottish tales and interlinks them .

  6. 写作中上下文的衔接非常重要。

    Coherence is very important in writing .

  7. 列车在车站与公共汽车衔接。

    The train connects with a bus at the station .

  8. 这座大桥把小岛和大陆衔接起来。

    The bridge joins the island to the mainland .

  9. 从镇里开出的早班公共汽车可与七点的火车相衔接。

    The early bus from the town connects with the7:00 train .

  10. 北上和东行的列车在纽约衔接。

    Northbound and eastbound trains connect at new york .

  11. 要扛稳粮食安全的重任,稳步提升粮食产能,要深入推进农业供给侧结构性改革,要深化农业农村改革,激活乡村振兴内生动力,深入研究接续推进全面脱贫与乡村振兴有效衔接。

    We should shoulder the heavy responsibility of ensuring food security , and steadily with rural vitalization .

  12. 这个不寻常的故事拍得很漂亮,它的配乐非常温柔,它与你在屏幕上看到的画面无缝衔接、让你身临其境。

    This unusual story is beautifully filmed , with a soundtrack so tender that it seamlessly becomes one with what you ’ re seeing on your screen .

  13. 在语言行为中语结和语境是不可分割的统一体,且语境对语结具有两大基本功能,即投射(projection)和衔接(cohesion)。

    Nexus and context are one inseparable integrity and context has two basic functions for nexus : projection and cohesion .

  14. 商务英语证书(BEC)写作中衔接手段的实证研究

    A Study on the Cohesive Ties in BEC Writing

  15. 方案B则以“统一分类”体系为框架,同时又照顾方案A的分类习惯,使两种方案能够衔接。

    Solution B is one that uses the " Uniform Classification Method " as the scenario and at the same time gives some consideration of the practice of Solution A so that the two solutions are properly linked .

  16. 本文分析和研究了平台罗经与GPSOEM板一体化设计的组合导航系统的工程实现方法,解决了理论仿真和工程实现之间的衔接问题。

    This paper analyzes and studies the integrated navigation system of GPS OEM Card and the stabilized gyrocompass , and resolves the existing problem between system simulation and engineering realization .

  17. 文章通过马克·吐温Luck(运气)的两种译文,讨论了英汉两种语言衔接手段以及在英译汉过程中的转化问题。

    The paper discusses the conjunction methods of English and Chinese and the transfer of them in the process of translating English into Chinese through two translation versions of Luck by Mark Twain .

  18. 提出了运用MATLAB代码生成工具将快速控制原型控制算法移植到ABS控制器中的方法,解决了快速控制原型设计和真实控制器设计的衔接问题。

    Put forward the method to apply MATLAB code generation tool to transplant the control algorithm of rapid control prototype into ABS controller , and solve the transit problem between rapid control prototype design and real controller design .

  19. 自从Halliday和Hasan于1976年首次提出衔接理论,长期以来围绕这一理论展开了许多研究。

    Since the cohesion theory was first proposed by Halliday and Hasan in 1976 , there has been lots of research on the cohesion theory .

  20. 东乡铜矿位于萍乡&广丰EW向深大断裂与赣东北深断裂的切交接部位,又恰好处于江南地体与华夏地体的衔接地带。

    Dongxiang copper deposit located in the transition zone between Pingxiang-Guangfeng deep faults and northeast Jiangxi deep faults , and in the transition zone between Cathaysia and Jiangnan terrains .

  21. 凡·戴克(VanDijk,1978)区分线性连贯和宏观连贯,实际上,在衔接模式上表现为线性衔接和宏观衔接。

    Van Dijk ( 1978 ) differentiates linear coherence and macro structural coherence , which manifest themselves in cohesive patterns as linear cohesion and macro structure cohesion .

  22. 其次,根据世界高教发展趋势,指出21世纪高校GIS人才的3类不同培养目标及其相应的培养模式,力求与国际GIS教育相衔接;

    Second , in accordance with the trend of world higher education development , this paper puts forward three different targets and their corresponding modes for college GIS talents education in the 21st century , with an aim to connect with the international GIS education .

  23. CHINANET及中国公众多媒体网无疑是今后发展的重点。湖北省宽带多媒体通信网将基于ATM技术,以便与国家骨干网相衔接。

    CHINANET and the multimedia network will surely be the future developing focus , Hubei broadband multimedia communication network will be based on ATM and linked to the national backbone network .

  24. 自Halliday于1976年系统地提出衔接理论之后,在语言学界引起了极大的兴趣,但对衔接和连贯也一直存在着争论。

    Halliday put forward the theory of cohesion and coherence in 1976 and hereafter it has attracted much attention of many linguists and also become a contentious topic in the field of textual linguistics .

  25. 结合本研究,文章还讨论了采用2D-PAGE技术在玉米分子生物学研究中的优化以及基因组学与蛋白组学研究的衔接。

    Using the 2D-PAGE system we optimized and trends and directions of the joint studies for genomics and proteomics were discussed here .

  26. 在ELT和CLT的及物系统中,物质过程所占比例极高,但及物结构不如其他三种结构显而易见,对语篇衔接的作用易被忽略。

    Although material processes prevail in both ELT and CLT , the cohesion function of transitivity structure may be less noticed because it is not so obvious as the other three types of structure .

  27. 根据Halliday和Hasan的系统功能理论,衔接和连贯作为语篇的重要特征是语篇语言学研究的核心。

    According to Halliday and Hasan 's theory , cohesion is one of the linguistic features of text and it , together with coherence in discourse , is the core of the study of text linguistics .

  28. 阐述如何采用计算机编制铁路工业劳动定额以及如何将劳动定额与企业的BOM表进行衔接,最终计算出产品各大部件及整个产品的劳动定额的方法。

    It was explained how to formulate the work quota for railway industry , how to link up the work quota and the enterprise BOM form , then computed the work quota of every part and the whole of the product finally .

  29. 在Fillmore的框架理论的基础之上,探讨构建认知框架这一深层/隐性衔接手段如何作用于语篇连贯性的生成与建立。

    Based on Fillmore 's frame theory , this paper discusses how this deep / implicit cohesive tie of cognition frame effects on formation and construction of discourse coherence .

  30. 通过对试验数据的分析,分别建立了与普通混凝土相衔接的CFRP与SFRC有效粘结长度以及极限粘结力的计算公式,计算结果与试验结果一致性较好。

    Based on the experimental data , formulas for calculating the ultimate bond strength and critical bond length of CFRP-to-SFRC , which link up to those of CFRP-to-concrete , are proposed , and the calculated results are agreement well with the results measured .