
  • 网络information storage
  1. 高密度信息存贮和再现-光盘记录和读出

    High Density Information Storage and Playback-Optical Disk Recording and Reading

  2. 全息信息存贮实验系统的研制

    An Experimental System for Laser Holographic Information Storage

  3. 该产品结合IC卡的信息存贮技术与GPS全球卫星定位系统的位置信息输出及授时功能。

    This product combines the technology of IC Card information store and the position information outputting and time service functions of GPS .

  4. 地形信息存贮在数字地图中。

    The terrain information is stored in a real digital map .

  5. 网络环境下《计算机信息存贮与检索》课程的改革

    Reform on Computerized Information Restore and Search Curriculum in Network Environment

  6. 远程终端信息存贮与处理装置的设计

    The Design of Distant Device for Information Storing and Processing

  7. 结果该操作系统简便,易学易懂,并且信息存贮安全。

    Results The information system is simple , easy to understand , and use .

  8. 使用随机相移器的全息信息存贮

    Holographic information storage by random phase shifter method

  9. 跨入九十年代的磁信息存贮技术

    Magnetic information storage technology approaching the nineties

  10. 全息信息存贮记录

    Holographic Storage Recording of Information

  11. 为满足语音信息存贮和交流对极低速率下语音压缩编码的需求,提出了一种0.6kb/s声码器算法。

    A 0.6 kb / s high quality vocoder was developed to encode phonetic information at very low bit rates .

  12. 该技术光路简单,易于实现,而且还可应用到大场景的3600全息图的拍摄。它可广泛地用于珍品的展示与信息存贮,有广泛的应用前景和可观的经济效益及社会效益。

    The technique is simple and easy to realize and can be also used for making 3600 multiplex hologram with great depth .

  13. 动力结构由无意识组成,它位于创造主体心理上的最深层,既是创造的根本驱动力,又是信息存贮场。

    The drive-power structure is made up of the subconscious , which lies in the deepest layer of creative main body mentality .

  14. 本文以医用文字资料和图象为记录对象,探讨了实现大容量高密度全息信息存贮的技术途径。

    This paper primarily described the technical approach to the medical character material and image holographic storage with large capacity and high density .

  15. 最后,通过模型主要控制参数的确定,提出了水稻根系动态生长信息存贮的数据结构以及根系的绘制机理,为实现水稻根系生长的可视化提供了关键技术支撑。

    Finally , data structure storage and protract mechanism of rice roots dynamic growth were proposed through determination of the main control parameters of model .

  16. 具有项目属性信息存贮、自动查询、智能运算分析、直观仿真图示等功能。

    It is characterized by the function of attribute information storage of items , automatic data query , intelligent operating analysis and visual graphic display .

  17. 另外,共振峰方法还可构成一种经济的语音信息存贮和传输型式,减小存贮量和传输带宽。

    Besides , by means of formant synthesis , we gain an economical way of saving and transmitting speech information by reducing the memory and the transmission bandwidth .

  18. 并提出了实行双套制管理是二者有机结合,扬长避短,最大限度发挥为人类信息存贮和传播提供服务的作用。

    Therefore Two-Set Management , as an organic combination , can not only maximize favorable factors and minimize unfavorable ones , but serve people in storing and spreading information to the maximum limit .

  19. 金属纳米颗粒因其在催化、光学、微电子学、磁学、光学传感、信息存贮、生物标记等领域潜在的广泛应用而成为倍受关注的研究热点之一。

    Considerable attention has been paid to metal nanoparticles owing to their potential applications in many fields such as catalysis , optics , microelectronics , magnetic , information storage , optical sensing , biological labeling and others .

  20. 磁隧道磁电阻效应具有饱和磁场低、工作磁场小、磁电阻大、灵敏度高等优点,从而在计算机信息存贮和高灵敏传感器方面有着广泛的应用前景。

    Magnetic tunnel junction magnetoresistance have widely potential applications in the information storage of computer and high sensitivity magnetic sensors as having following advantages : having low saturation field , so can it work in small magnetic field ;

  21. 图书馆作为人类文化知识和信息存贮的单位,其所担负的各项服务于社会的职能决定了它在构建社会主义和谐社会过程中所应发挥的积极作用。

    The library as being a department for storing human cultural knowledge and information , its functions of servicing to society determinate the active functions that it should bring into play in the course of building socialistic harmonious society .

  22. 简要地分析了数字图书馆的实质,从发行方式、阅读方式、服务对象和信息存贮方式4个方面阐明了数字图书馆不能完全取代传统图书馆的理由。

    This paper briefly analyzes on the essence of the digital library , and from four aspects of issuing mode , reading method , service target and information storage manner , expounds the reasons why the digital library can 't replace the traditional library completely .

  23. 数字图书馆采用完全不同于传统图书馆的信息存贮技术和信息传递方式,扩大了信息的传播范围,提高了信息的传播速度,但这引起了权利人的强烈不满。

    Digital libraries adopt new information storage technology and information transmission pattern , which are totally different from those used in traditional libraries and broaden the scope of information delivery , have enhanced the speed of information transmission and yet aroused strong dissatisfaction from the persons of right .

  24. 该协议是建立在TCP/IP基础上的,并详细定义了病人及相关图像信息的存贮、传输、访问的格式和要求。

    It defines abstract patient object and other relative information in detail .

  25. 基于Hash散列分布的数字信息并行存贮

    Store Style of Digital Information with Hash-based Parallel Distributed Algorithm

  26. 声音与图象信息的存贮和检索研究

    Research on Storage and Retrieval of Sound and Image Information

  27. 网络环境下,信息具有存贮数字化、传播网络化的特点。

    In network environment information is characterized by digitalized storage and network dissemination .

  28. 一个实用的、完整的几何造型系统必须有一个精心设计的图形数据库作为图形信息的存贮和管理中心。

    A practical stand-alone geometric moulding system necessitates a graphic database as its pictorial information storing and management kernel .

  29. 过程控制中计算机图形信息压缩存贮和图形滚动方法

    A new method of compressing memory and rolling of figure in the figure display of Microcomputer in process control

  30. 散列算法考虑了关键字与信息记录存贮地址间关系,效率较高。

    In the Hash algorithms , their efficiency is higher than comparison when keywords are relative to the memory address of the information records .