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  1. 窦娥三桩誓言所蕴涵的信仰民俗

    Folk Beliefs of Three Oaths on Injustice of Dou'e

  2. 西部信仰民俗中象征文化的美学意蕴

    The Aesthetic Connotation of Symbolic Culture in the Belief Custom of the Western Areas

  3. 还必须考虑道教在信仰民俗上的复杂性;

    One must take the complexity of Daoism in religious beliefs of the folks .

  4. 变迁中的信仰民俗

    Folk Belief in Change

  5. 在中国传统节日与信仰民俗中,中秋节与月崇拜是值得深入研究的课题。

    In traditional Chinese festivals and folk beliefs , the Mid-Autumn festival and the worship of moon are worth further study .

  6. 尤其是人生民俗和信仰民俗的超越性功能,更为审美活动提供了同构超越的心理基础。

    The transcendence of living in and believing in folk customs , in particular , offers a psychological basis of uniform transcendence for aesthetic activity .

  7. 它的制作和应用大都与民间游戏、竞技密切相关;民间玩具作为民俗生活的产物,又与节日习俗、信仰民俗、地域文化有着割舍不掉的联系。

    As the material form of folk games and sports culture , the appearance and survival of folk toys are closely linked with folk life .

  8. 本文以土族民间“传闻”及其背后的信仰民俗事象为研究个案,试图去破解传闻与信仰民俗之间的一种意义联系。

    The article , through studying folk legends and folk beliefs of the Tus in Qinghai and Gansu , attempt to explain many cultural relations in folk legends and folk beliefs .

  9. 文章通过分析民间玩具的美韵以及民间玩具与信仰民俗之间和谐关系,归纳并总结了在市场经济下民间玩具的生存现状,并对中国的玩具产业发展进行思考。

    In this paper , we first look at the beauty of the many kinds of Chinese folk toys and also the harmonious relationship of the folk toys to the folk beliefs and customs .

  10. 它的存在和发展与丰富的民俗活动紧密联系着,本文主要分析了民间动物造型艺术与生产民俗、人生礼仪民俗、信仰民俗和装饰游艺民俗的关系。

    Its existence and development is closely related with rich folk custom activity , this article has mainly analyzed the folk animal plastic arts and the production folk custom , the life etiquette custom , the belief custom and the decoration recreation custom relations .

  11. 壮族的民间信仰与民俗医疗

    About Popular Religion and Folkloric Medical of the Zhuangs

  12. 伏羲与大禹&基于信仰与民俗起源意义上的比较研究

    Fu Xi and Da Yu & A Comparative Study of Faith and Folk-Culture Genesis

  13. 形式多样的民俗(包括信仰性民俗)是回族穆斯林高度独立的表现形式之一。

    Folk custom of all forms is one of the forms which express the Hui Moslem 's high degree of independence .

  14. 中国传统文化与中国民俗心理的含义及民间信仰在民俗心理中占有重要的地位。

    This paper narrates the connotation of Chinese traditional culture , Chinese folkloric psychology and people 's belief 's role in folkloric psychology .

  15. 在跨民族文学文本中,某个民族的文化、历史及其宗教信仰、民俗习惯等被放置到另一个民族的语言文化框架中加以表达,从而具备了文化翻译的功能。

    Cultural translation happens when a nation 's culture , history and beliefs are represented by another nation 's language in transnational literary texts .

  16. 本文从经济生活、宗教信仰和民俗习惯、教育观和生育观几个方面来分析石河子特殊的移民文化对当地少数民族文化产生的影响。

    This article focuses on an analysis of the influence of this new culture on local minorities culture regarding economy life , religion belief , customs .

  17. 文章从历史文化、地理环境、宗教信仰及民俗风情的角度出发,分析了汉、英两个民族的谚语特色。

    The paper analyses the national features of proverbs in the aspects of historical backgrounds , geographical conditions , religions and customs of Chinese and English nations .

  18. 民间信仰是民俗文化的一种表现形式,其中包含着健康的内容,也含有消极的因素。民间信仰对建设社会主义精神文明有重要影响。

    Folk belief , as a form of folk culture , contains healthy contents as well as negative factors , and exerts great influence on the socialist construction of spiritual civilization .

  19. 信仰和民俗表现为仪式行为,仪式必然的伴随着乐舞,而乐舞得以作为仪式的一部分并以此来表达信仰或民俗文化。

    Beliefs and folklore are expressed as rituals and rituals must go with music and dance . Thus music and dance as a part of the rituals become the expression of beliefs and folk cultures .

  20. 其目的不仅具有体育竞技的功能,同时也是人们通过仪式性的表演、娱乐活动来表达一种信仰、民俗习惯和期望的集体性的传统体育活动形式。

    It aims not only at athletic functions . At the same time , as the collective form of sports activities , it also aims at the expression of a belief , traditional folk customs and expectations through ritual performances , and recreational activities .

  21. 满族民间信仰是满族民俗文化的重要组成部分。

    The folk belief of Manchu is the main component of Manchu folk literature .

  22. 从词源学和方言学的角度认识这些词语,有助于我们从语言学的角度了解九寨沟县的历史沿革、宗教信仰和民风民俗。

    Understanding these words from the angle of etymology and dialectology conduces to our understanding of the historical changes , religious beliefs and folk customs in the Jiuzhaigou County from the angle of linguistics .

  23. 目前学术界对中国农村的村治、村庄经济、宗族、宗教信仰、风俗民俗等层面研究较多,但关于村民价值观念的研究几乎还是空白。

    Academe has many studies of village regulation , economy , clan , religion faith , customs and folk-customs in Chinese countryside at present . But there are few studies of villagers ' values .

  24. 本文根据我国少数民族的传统文化资料,重点阐述了少数民族传统习惯法规范与生态保护的关系,并依据传统经济生产、宗教信仰和民风民俗所反映的生态保护事例加以说明。

    This article , according to traditional cultural data of Chinese minority nationality , emphatically expounds the relations between the standard of traditional habit laws of minority nationality and ecological protection , illustrates by examples of ecological protection reflected in the traditional economic production , religious belief and folk customs .

  25. 然而,保护节日信仰是传统节日民俗文化得以传承的关键。

    The protection holiday belief is the key which the traditional festival folk custom culture inherits .

  26. 琉球民间习俗,从饮食、服饰、建筑,到岁时节庆,婚丧,民间信仰,与中国民俗,尤其是福建民间习俗有着极大的相似性。

    Various aspects of the folk customs in Ryukyu , such as diet , dress , architecture , fasti festivals , wedding and funeral and folk beliefs , etc. , are all shared great similarity of the folk customs in China , especially the ones in Fujian .