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xián xì
  • grudge;enmity;feeling of animosity
嫌隙 [xián xì]
  • (1) [feeling of animosity] 因猜疑或不满而产生的

  • 久结嫌隙。--《三国志.陆逊传》

  • 今以睢眦之恨,乃成嫌隙?

  • (2) 仇怨

  • 从来做事的人,一生嫌隙,不知火并了多少!--《初刻拍案惊奇》

  1. 总统和反对派之间的嫌隙是不可弥合的。

    The gap between the President and his opponents is unbridgeable .

  2. 你和达西先生有什么嫌隙?

    What is the manner of your disapproval of Mr Darcy ?

  3. 这个问题给了彼得一个除去嫌隙的机会。

    This question gave Peter the opportunity to make things right .

  4. 他们的友谊已出现嫌隙。

    Figurative a wedge had been tapped into their friendship .

  5. 都是为了让我们夫妇二人心生嫌隙

    has been designed to drive a wedge between us .

  6. 有些人担心苹果和特斯拉是否会因此产生嫌隙。

    Some wondered whether Apple and Tesla had endured a falling out .

  7. 她试图消除嫌隙,重新修好。

    She tried to patch things up .

  8. 他们的关系很快有了嫌隙。

    Their relationship soon went sour .

  9. 钱财生嫌隙,朋友化仇敌。

    Money makes friends enemies .

  10. 只要他们之间有嫌隙,他们就不克在这个项目上进行合作。

    As long as there is a wedge between them , they cannot work together on this project .

  11. 自从那两个女的爱上同一个男人之后,她们彼此之间就有了嫌隙。

    There 's been bad blood between those two women ever since they fell for the same man .

  12. 捐弃嫌隙当人们在一起工作时,出现伤感情、误解和口角是难免的。

    Get Rid of Grudges When people work together , hurt feelings , misunderstandings , and cross words are inevitable .

  13. 研究人员很早就知道,如果我们认为自己在一段关系中一直付出却得不到任何回报,我们就会对它心生嫌隙。

    Researchers have long known we feel bad about a relationship if we believe we 're giving but getting nothing back .

  14. 将语文、文化、宗教、几世纪的冲突与战争所造成的深刻嫌隙扔到一边是可能做到的。

    It is possible to put aside deep divides of language , culture , religion , centuries of conflict and war .

  15. 尽管她没有说一句不真实的话,却充分暗示了她同自己丈夫的关系非常融睦,从来没有任何嫌隙。

    Strickland , without saying a word that was untrue , insinuated that her relations with her husband had always been perfect .

  16. 耶稣这样问彼得,并且以他旧日的名字称呼他,是要清楚地指出,他们中间有嫌隙。

    By using Peter 's old name and asking him this question , Jesus made clear that something was not right between them .

  17. 自5月20日德普长期患病的母亲贝蒂·苏·帕尔默去世之后,两人的嫌隙变得越来越大。

    The split also comes hard on the heels of the death on 20 May of Depp 's mother , Betty Sue Palmer , after a long illness .

  18. 随着1907年海牙国际会议的召开,两国生出嫌隙,在双方外交人员的共同努力下,关系得以修复并有所发展。

    From the Hague Conference , grudges were produced between the two countries . Under the endeavor of the diplomatic personnel of the two countries , the relationship was restored and enhanced .

  19. 奥巴马自从在2008年党内候选人初选激战中打败前总统克林顿的妻子希拉里之后,一直努力修补由此造成的和克林顿之间的感情嫌隙,比如他们在一起打高尔夫时奥巴马会征求克林顿的意见。

    Mr Obama has worked to repair the damage to their relationship caused by his defeat of the former president 's wife , Hillary , in 2008 's bitter party primary , by seeking his counsel over rounds of golf .
