
yì guó
  • foreign country;foreign land;abroad
异国 [yì guó]
  • [foreign country] 外国,国土之外的异域

  • 异国他乡

异国[yì guó]
  1. 他注定要客死异国。

    It was his destiny to die in a foreign country .

  2. 我认为,在异国居住可以改变一个人。

    I think living in a foreign country can change a person .

  3. 她特别喜爱异国花卉。

    She has a partiality for exotic flowers .

  4. 他说英语带有浓重的异国口音。

    He spoke heavily accented English .

  5. 他的最新影片只不过是老一套——异国的场景、追车场面,以及最后的一场枪战。

    His latest movie is just more of the same ─ exotic locations , car chases and a final shoot-out .

  6. 他经常和朋友们到一些具有异国情调的地方公款游玩。

    He took frequent junkets with friends to exotic locales .

  7. 她辗转于异国他乡。

    She flits from one exotic location to another .

  8. 把异国风味的芳草和香料加到你最喜爱的菜肴里调味。

    Flavour your favourite dishes with exotic herbs and spices

  9. 这些香草会激发你去品尝各种异国风味的菜肴!

    These herbs will inspire you to try out all sorts of exotic-flavoured dishes !

  10. 很多情况下,宗教迫害是导致人们逃奔异国他乡的原因。一个典型的例子是殖民统治时期的印度。

    In many cases religious persecution is the cause of people fleeing their country . A case in point is colonial India .

  11. 她更愿去有异国风情的地方旅行。

    She prefers to travel to exotic places .

  12. 我喜欢色彩鲜艳的异国花卉。

    I like brightly-coloured exotic flowers .

  13. 想在异国他乡落地生根可不是件容易的事。

    It 's difficult to settle down in a foreign land .

  14. 想不到我和儿时好友竟在异国他乡相逢。

    I never thought I would meet my childhood friend in a foreign land .

  15. 这座建筑物有一种异国情调。

    The building has a foreign tone .

  16. 这是我第一次走出国门,踏上异国土地。

    This is the first time I have left my country and set foot on foreign soil .

  17. 有些宠物很有异国情调,比如猴子、蛇、蝴蝶甚至狼。

    Some of the pets are exotic , such as monkeys , snakes , butterflies and even wolves .

  18. 盖茨选择把他的微软(Microsoft)财富和他的时间都奉献给慈善事业,而不是用飞机运送艺人和异国美食,来举办奢侈的聚会。

    Mr Gates has chosen to devote his Microsoft fortune and his time to philanthropy rather than fly in entertainers and exotic foods for lavish parties .

  19. 这也许对80后(megeneration)的人来说是不可思议的,但是快乐并非来自于住大房子,购买最新的科技产品,以及在你的护照上盖上充满异国情调的章。

    This may come as a surprise to the Me Generation , but happiness doesn 't come from living in a big house , buying the latest techno-gadget , and getting stamps from exotic locales in your passport .

  20. 上述地区能与蔚蓝海岸(C?ted'Azur)、米兰及巴巴多斯等更具异国情调的区域比肩,这一事实验证了过去10年英国房地产牛市的强劲程度。

    The fact that these rub shoulders with more exotic locations such as the C ? te d'Azur , Milan and Barbados attests to the strength of the bull run in house prices in the UK during the past decade .

  21. 在《秘谍夫妻》中,特工萨曼莎•布鲁姆(SamanthaBloom)不在异国他乡追踪俄罗斯军火贩子的时候,便在洛杉矶经营一家餐馆。

    In'Undercovers , 'special agent Samantha Bloom runs a Los Angeles catering business , when she 's not chasing down Russian arms dealers in exotic locales .

  22. 经济繁荣、MTV播放的是具有异国情调的度假村,《老友记》描绘了年轻人居住在曼哈顿宽敞舒适的公寓里。

    The economy boomed , MTV broadcasted from exotic spring-break locales , Friends portrayed young adults living comfortably in roomy apartments in Manhattan .

  23. 在那里,我认识了乔夫•罗伯斯(GeoffRoberts),他是一个很真诚的人,去过许多遥远的国度,是个在异国他乡生活的专家。

    It was there that I found Geoff Roberts , one of the hearty souls who have become veritable specialists at living in exotic locales .

  24. 太平洋汽车公司(AutoPacific)产品分析经理戴维o苏利文说:“4C将比莲花集团(Lotus)的任何车型都要更为引人注目。”莲花集团是生产异国情调跑车的英国制造商。

    Dave Sullivan , manager of product analysis for AutoPacific , said " the 4C will turn more heads than anything from Lotus , " the British maker of exotic sports cars .

  25. 它使用英语对白,有各种口音,夹杂着约翰·福斯克(JohnFusco)生硬的台词,让人觉得好像是一出发生在异国他乡的老式好莱坞情节剧。

    It 's an English-language production , and the variety of accents coupled with John Fusco 's stilted dialogue call to mind an old Hollywood melodrama set in exotic lands .

  26. 受Snapchat和Instagram上的增强现实滤镜热潮启发,电子化妆师让你能够下载异国风情的妆容来美化你的照片。

    Inspired by the craze for AR filters on Snapchat and Instagram , " e-make up " artists enable you to download outlandish make-up looks to enhance your digital self .

  27. 西方授权本土制作兼具异国情调和(中国)当地审美。歌曲比赛类尤其受欢迎:中国达人秀,中国好声音和X音素(激情唱响)均已登陆(中国市场)。

    Locally produced versions of western franchises combine the sheen of the exotic withthe familiarity of local aesthetics . Singing competitions are especially popular : China 's Got Talent , The Voice of China and a version of The X Factor ( China 's Strongest Voice ) have all been major hits .

  28. 网友在社交网站Reddit上发帖子写道:“在异国他乡的Airbnb民宿中,我刚刚把自己锁在阳台上三个小时。你在旅行期间做过最傻的事是什么?”该帖子“一呼百应”得到很多人评论回复。

    The slew of revelations came in response to a Reddit user posting : ' I just locked myself out on the balcony of an Airbnb in a foreign country for three hours . What 's the dumbest thing you 've done while traveling ? '

  29. 有些武器看起来更有异国情调。

    Some weapons will be more " exotic " than others .

  30. 我在异国他乡,寻找着自己的方向

    I 'm looking for my own way in the alien land