
xián yí
  • suspect;suspicion
嫌疑 [xián yí]
  • [suspect] 猜疑;怀疑

嫌疑[xián yí]
  1. 他们仍未解除所有的嫌疑。

    They were still not clear of all suspicion .

  2. 他是位受人尊敬的学者,根本没有嫌疑。

    He was a respected academic and above suspicion .

  3. 枪击事件可能是对逮捕嫌疑恐怖分子进行的报复行动。

    The shooting may have been in retaliation for the arrest of the terrorist suspects .

  4. 这件事从头到尾都有腐败嫌疑。

    The whole business stank of corruption .

  5. 这个电视节目有些伪善和夸耀的嫌疑。

    The TV show had the whiff of hypocrisy and pomposity .

  6. 对某些有不忠嫌疑的官员已经提起了诉讼。

    Charges had already been made against certain officials suspected of disloyalty .

  7. 格雷格用他的汽车电话向警方报告了一个有酒后驾驶嫌疑的司机。

    Greg tipped police off on his car phone about a suspect drunk driver

  8. 地方长官被赋予禁止罢工、驱逐嫌疑闹事者的权力。

    The regional governor has been given powers to outlaw strikes and expel suspected troublemakers .

  9. 昨晚伊莎贝尔·奥利娃法官说:“此案我已审结,并无谋杀嫌疑。”

    Judge Isabel Oliva said last night : ' I have closed the case . There was no foul play . '

  10. 海关人员仔细搜查了一艘有走私嫌疑的海轮。

    The customs officers rummaged the ship suspected to have contraband goods .

  11. 因藏有赃物使他涉有偷盗的嫌疑。

    Having the stolen goods in his possession implicated him in the robbery .

  12. 他因敌特嫌疑而受审查。

    He was examined on ( the ) suspicion of being an enemy agent .

  13. 嫌疑全落在[集中在]这个仆人身上。

    The entire suspicion fell upon the servant .

  14. 他有弄虚作假的嫌疑。

    He is suspected of employing trickery .

  15. 他有作案的重大嫌疑。

    He is under strong suspicion for committing the crime .

  16. 他如果发现某人有偷懒的嫌疑就会立即把那个人开除掉。

    If he happened to find a man having a spell the culprit was immediately discharged .

  17. 他辩白自己无盗窃嫌疑。

    He exculpate himself from a charge of theft .

  18. 临时对安全构成威胁,如,不遵守规定,或行为举止导致安全威胁嫌疑

    Unplanned threatening of safety , such as failure to follow regulations , or behaving in a way that gives suspicion of a threat .

  19. Clear操作可更新时间戳,以更改来自嫌疑链接的状态。

    A Clear operation updates the time stamp to change the status from suspect .

  20. 然而,去年9月,美国监管机构&美国证券交易委员会(SecuritiesandExchangeCommission)澄清了她的违规嫌疑。

    However , last September the Securities and Exchange Commission , the US regulator , cleared her of any wrongdoing .

  21. 对于WA花纹的车胎印痕,根据其花纹的结构可以进一步推定轮胎的规格,这对于确定犯罪嫌疑车辆有着非常重要的意义。

    The tread pattern of tyre is very useful for identify vehicle .

  22. 所以,Jill的嫌疑就被排除了。

    PANSY : So Jill was no longer a suspect .

  23. onsuspicionof有嫌疑接到居民报案后,警察以偷窃嫌疑将他逮捕。

    After a report from a local resident , the police arrested him on suspicion of theft .

  24. n.怀疑;嫌疑;疑心vt.怀疑这个年轻人有谋杀的嫌疑。

    suspicion The young man is under suspicion of murder .

  25. 马克锐是警方列出的数十名有犯罪嫌疑的GSK在华雇员之一。

    Mr Reilly was among dozens of GSK employees in China named as suspects .

  26. 但是前CIA官员在被批评家质疑其在审讯恐怖嫌疑分子中的所为时放弃了竞选。

    But the former CIA officer withdrew from the running when critics questioned his role in the interrogation of terrorist suspects .

  27. 在这段时间内,关塔纳摩湾军事委员会(MilitaryCommissionsatGuantanamo)的体系成功地判决了共3名恐怖主义嫌疑分子。

    During that time , the system of Military Commissions at Guant á namo succeeded in convicting a grand total of three suspected terrorists .

  28. 不过麦科伊的嫌疑被排除了,FBI表示,他不符合乘务员们描述的外貌特征,此外还有其他一些不便透露的因素。

    But Mr. McCoy was ruled out because he did not match descriptions provided by flight attendants , and for other undisclosed reasons , the F.B.I said .

  29. 伦敦警察厅也开始使用Flickr,发布在西诺伍德(WestNorwood)和克罗伊登(Croydon)等地的嫌疑骚乱者和掠夺者的照片。

    And the Metropolitan police have used Flickr to post photos of suspected rioters and looters in places like West Norwood and Croydon .

  30. 被ST的样本公司在信息披露的程度上不如正常交易样本公司全面、详细和真实,有操纵信息披露的嫌疑。

    The ST sample company is not as comprehensive , detailed and true as the normal trade sample company on the degree of information disclosure . The ST company has the suspicion of manipulate information disclosure .
