
bān jí
  • class;classes and grades in school;classes and grades at school
班级 [bān jí]
  • [classes and grades at school] 学校里的年级和班的总称

班级[bān jí]
  1. 再增加班级人数,是大家都极不愿意的。

    It would be highly undesirable to increase class sizes further .

  2. 政府已经改变了缩小班级规模的承诺。

    The government had retreated from its pledge to reduce class sizes .

  3. 他录下了演出前班级的排练。

    He recorded the class rehearsing before the performance .

  4. 班级的数目从25到30不等。

    Class numbers vary between 25 and 30 .

  5. 班级大小因院校类型而异。

    Class size varies from one type of institution to another

  6. 他认为7岁大的学生的测试分数和班级的规模有关系。

    He suggested a link between class size and test results of seven-year-olds

  7. 削减班级规模应该是首选方案。

    Reducing class sizes should be a top priority .

  8. 孩子们在学生能力参差不齐的班级学习,每年升一级。

    Children learn in mixed ability classes and move up a class each year .

  9. 这个学生的回答也许并不能代表该班级整体的理解。

    The pupil 's answers may not have been reflective of what the class as a whole had understood .

  10. 这些拔尖的学生成了班级的精华。

    The cream of the class is made up of the best students .

  11. 报告对学校大班级规模的影响一带而过。

    The report downplayed the effects of large class sizes in schools .

  12. 他用严厉的手段管理班级。

    He rules his class with a heavy hand .

  13. 由于生病,彼得没法跟上班级的其他同学,他落后一大截了。

    Owing to his illness , peter couldn 't keep up with the rest of the class and get badly behind .

  14. 在上一届毕业的三个班级中,有16名高中生被麻省理工学院录取。

    From the last three graduating classes , 16 seniors were admitted to MIT .

  15. 他说,“随着班级规模的不断扩大,大多数老师都不太可能就学生的作文给出有意义的反馈。”

    With increasingly large classes , it is impossible for most teachers to give students meaningful feedback on writing assignments , he said .

  16. 如果我们用优秀的任课教师来替换我们一半的行政人员,我们或许真的能够将大部分班级的人数降至每班20人或更少。

    If we replaced half of our administrative staff with classroom teachers , we might actually get a majority of our classes back to 20 or fewer students per teacher .

  17. 两个月前我们的班级选举开始时,我决定竞选班长。

    Two months ago , when our class election started , I decided to run for class president .

  18. 或者在你的班级安排座位时,当你害怕坐在你不喜欢的人旁边时,你最终会和他或她成为同桌。

    Or during a seating arrangementin your class , when you are afraid to sit next to someone you don ' t like , you end up sharing the desk with him or her .

  19. 班级里一个胆子比较大的同学问主任是如何知道的。

    One student bolder than the others asked him how he knew .

  20. 老师把班级分成6个小组。

    The teacher split the class up into six groups .

  21. 对学生人数较多的班级可分班教学或错时上学。

    The protocols advised that large classes be divided up into smaller ones , or that students of large classes go to school at staggered hours .

  22. 在台北市郊的一个山谷,很多学校班级、家庭和旅游者拥堵在国立故宫博物院(NationalPalaceMuseum)的入口处。

    In a valley on the outskirts of Taipei , school classes , families and tourists clog the entrance to the National Palace Museum .

  23. 在加州大学洛杉矶分校安德森商学院(UCLAAndersonSchoolofBusiness),2015届MBA班级有30%的毕业生进入科技公司。

    At UCLA Anderson School of Management in Los Angeles , 30 per cent of the 2015 MBA class took roles in technology companies .

  24. 班级QQ群&网络时代高校构建和谐德育的新天地

    The Class QQ Population : A New World of Harmonious Moral Education Constructed by Higher Education Class Teachers during Internet Era

  25. 先在SPSS软件内通过主成分分析,在学生个体水平上和班级水平上各提取4个主要影响因素:再进行多层线性模型分析。

    Principle component analysis method was first employed to produce four major influence factors at student individual level and classroom level , respectively by SPSS software .

  26. 大型班级和中等班级的大学教室全年课末平均CO2体积分数都高于0.10%,小型班级教室则低于0.10%。

    The average volume fractions of CO_2 at the end of classes in university classrooms during a year were above 0.10 % in both large and medium-sized ones while below 0.10 % in small classes .

  27. 抽样调查了GX实验教材的编者、实验班级的教师和学生;

    Third , investigating the compilers of the GX experiment textbooks and the teachers and students participating in the experiment by samples ;

  28. 在学籍管理程序设计中使用TREEVIEW控件以树形目录的方式来分层显示、定位学生,以学校、班级、学生三层作为控件的三层结点。

    Using Tree View Control in a Student status application , we can display the schools , classes and students information in a tree structure .

  29. 根据Bandura自我效能感理论,班主任自我效能感的高低不仅可以预测班主任对教育工作投入的兴趣和动机,影响班主任本身经营班级的能力的表现程度,另一方面也是影响班主任有效经营班级的关键因素。

    According to the Bandura 's self efficacy theory , the level of the teachers in charge of classes not only can predict the interests and motivation of the teachers devoting to classes but also can affect the level of the ability of teachers themselves managing classes .

  30. 方法以班级为单位,采用整群随机抽样的方法,利用中国身心健康量表(CPSHS),对某综合性大学940名在校大学生进行问卷调查。

    Methods Taking a class as a unit , 940 students were selected by cluster random sampling in the Yangtze University . Data were collected through questionnaire ( Chinese Psychosomatic Health Scale , CPSHS ) .