
  • 网络banbury;bunbury
  1. 班伯里巡官过来看她,却被她打发走了。

    Inspector Banbury came up to see her , but she sent him away

  2. 2010年,华为在英国班伯里(Banbury)建立了一个网络安全评估中心,负责分解并剖析在英国使用的硬件设备和软件,以缓解对国家安全构成的风险。

    A cyber security evaluation centre in Banbury was established in 2010 by Huawei to take apart the physical equipment and software used in the UK to mitigate risks to national security .

  3. 世界粮食计划署亚洲地区主管托尼•班伯里(TonyBanbury)向英国《金融时报》表示,尽管未来数月有可能避免这种危机,但没有人采取实际行动,目前看来也没有明显的解决方案。

    Tony Banbury , the WFP 's regional director for Asia , told the Financial Times that , while such a crisis could be averted over the coming months , there are no real actions being taken and no obvious solutions in the immediate horizon .

  4. 然而,班伯里认为,此种方式对于长期投资者而言是有意义的。

    Yet Mr Banbury believes that this type of approach makes sense for long-term investors .

  5. 班伯里指出,只要不是发生一场灾难性的金融衰退,这种做法可以分散风险。

    This spread of risk , suggests Mr Banbury , should mitigate against anything other than a catastrophic financial downturn .

  6. 班伯里说,北韩目前的粮食危机大概是1990年代末期以来最严重的。当时估计有50万人饿死。

    Banbury says the food crisis is probably the worst since the late 1990s when an estimated million North Koreans died of hunger .

  7. 班伯里表示,弗朗西斯富尔福德“正是那种我们可以设法帮助的人”。

    Francis Fulford of Fulford hall , says Mr Banbury , is " exactly the type of person we can try to help " .