
shānɡ yè ɡuǎn lǐ tǐ zhì
  • commercial management system
  1. 建立适应市场经济的大商业管理体制

    Build in Big Commercial Management System That Fits the Market Economy

  2. 国外社会保障管理体制归结起来主要有三种类型:政府直接管理体制、半官方自治管理体制和商业保险管理体制。

    The overseas social security management system mainly divides into , the government direct management , the semi official autonomous management and the commercial insurance management .

  3. 城市商业银行薪酬管理体制改革研究

    A Study on City Commercial Bank 's Remuneration Management System Innovation

  4. 国有商业银行信贷管理体制的经济分析

    Economic Analysis of the Credit Management System of the State-owned Commercial Bank

  5. 我国商业银行IT管理体制的完善:汇丰集团的启示

    Enlightenment of IT Management System in HSBC Group on China 's Commercial Banks

  6. 商业银行资金管理体制变化对流动性的影响

    Liquidity impact from commercial banks fund management system adjustments

  7. 以委托代理理论分析国有商业银行现存管理体制的弊端,并通过一个简单的委托代理模型说明解决问题的关键所在。

    With the principle-agent theory , the paper analyzes the deficiencies in the existing management system of state-owned enterprises .

  8. 关于国有企业及国有商业银行经营管理体制改革的思考&瑞典国有企业改革的经验及借鉴

    Thoughts on Operation and Management System of State-Owned Enterprises and Commercial Banks & Experience and Lessons From Swedish Reform of State-Owned Enterprises

  9. 上述研究结论的发现利于更加贴近实际地考察信用风险,有助于金融监管更好进行防范金融风暴,有益于我国商业银行风险管理体制的进一步完善。

    All findings in this paper can benefit actual credit risk management , help financial supervision to prevent financial crisis and improve risk management system of our commercial bank .

  10. 此外,由于国有商业银行在管理体制以及人力资源配置方面存在诸多弊端,使其在这场竞争中处于劣势。

    In addition , there are many drawbacks due to the state-owned commercial banks in the management system and human resource allocation so that more short board in this competition .

  11. 本文从我国转型时期商业银行成本管理体制的弊端入手,提出了改进商业银行成本管理体制、建立成本管理模型的思路;

    Starting with the shortcoming in the commercial bank cost management system during the transitional period in China , the paper puts forward some ideas to improve the commercial bank cost management system and set up cost management model .

  12. 为商业银行完善经营管理体制提供一些可行性建议是本文的最终目的。

    For commercial banks to improve the management system to provide some feasible suggestions are the ultimate goal of this article .

  13. 商业银行分支机构管理体制扁平化研究&工商银行济宁市分行开展穿透式绩效考评的实践与思考

    Flattening of Management System by Branches of Commercial Banks & Practice of and though on Jining Branch , ICBC to conduct " penetrated " performance evaluation

  14. 面对外资银行咄咄逼人的竞争态势,重塑现代商业银行的经营管理体制,特别是建立适应市场、适应客户、科学高效的信贷经营模式,是摆在国有商业银行面前极为迫切的任务。

    It is an extremely urgent task for the state-owned commercial banks to establish a scientific and efficient credit operation pattern which suits the market and customers .

  15. 研究、分析和借鉴它们在市场经济条件下政府管理商业的成功模式,对转变我国的政府管理职能,推动我国商业管理体制的改革,具有重大的意义。

    A thorough study of these successful modes is of great help for us to learn from the experience of foreign countries , to transform the administrative role of the government and to further implement reforms in our management systems .