
  1. 王通的三教可一思想,代表了中国古代思想发展的正确方向,他所提出的穷理尽性和义利问题,成为其后儒学争论和发展的核心问题。

    The fusion of Confucianism , Taoist and Buddhism , one thought of Wan Tong , represents a right direction for the development of ancient philosophies .

  2. 王通对儒学思想的破旧立新、繁荣发展起了关键的作用,他在三教关系发展史上的地位及其三教可一的思想都是很有价值的。

    Wang Tong played a key role for the reform and prospered development of Confucianism . It is very important that the status as Wang tong in history of Confucianism , Buddhism , Daoism .