
  • 网络ft HITA;Three Lifetimes
  1. 另外,刘亦菲同时还是Dior,Tissot,Garnier和Pantene等品牌大使,最新的爱情剧《三生三世,十里桃花》,在中国暑期市场捞金8千2百3十万美元。

    Liu , who has served as a brand ambassador for Dior , Tissot , Garnier and Pantene , most recently starred in the fantasy romance Once Upon a Time , which earned $ 82.3 million in China this summer .

  2. 《三生三世十里桃花》《三生三世十里桃花》是唐七在2009年出版的一部网络小说。

    The online novel Once Upon A Time by Tang Qi was published in 2009 .

  3. 电视剧版《三生三世十里桃花》于1月30日首播,由人气女演员杨幂和迪丽热巴主演。

    The TV version premiered on Jan 30 and starred two popular actresses , Yang Mi and Dilraba .

  4. 《三生三世十里桃花》的豆瓣评分为6.4分,一些网友认为,这部剧的爱情戏码太多了。

    Rated 6.4 points out of 10 on the review website , some users said the drama focused too much on romance .

  5. 另一部电视热播剧叫《三生三世十里桃花》,这个奇幻故事的背景设定完全不同,但是在我看来和其他玛丽苏电视剧却如出一辙。

    Another show that 's on TV is called To the Sky Kingdom , a fantasy story in a totally different setting , but to me it seems similar .

  6. 其他的项目还包括《古剑奇谭2》、《三生三世十里桃花》、《阿修罗》、《奇幻之旅》和《青禾男高》。

    Other projects include Sword of Legends 2 , Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossom , Asura , as well as Qi Huan Zhi Lv and Qing He Male College .

  7. 继热播电视剧《三生三世十里桃花》之后,根据同名网络小说改编的电影版也即将在今年暑期上映。

    After the popular TV series Eternal Love , adapted from the online novel Three Lives Three Worlds , Ten Miles of Blossoms , a movie adaptation of the same book will hit Chinese theaters in the summer .

  8. 今年早些时候播出的电视剧版本的《三生三世十里桃花》,在当时全国各大卫视收视排行榜上独占鳌头,而在包括腾讯和爱奇艺等在内的五大视频网站上的播放量也达到了创纪录的310亿。

    The TV series , which was broadcast earlier this year , topped the ratings on TV channels across the country , and saw a record 31 billion online views on five video-streaming sites , including v.qq.com and iqiyi.com .

  9. 电视剧版本的《三生三世十里桃花》由大陆演员杨幂和台湾演员赵又廷联袂出演,分别饰演女主角狐族帝姬和男主角龙族太子,电影中相对应的人物角色则分别由刘亦菲和杨洋饰演。

    The TV series saw mainland actress Yang Mi and Taiwan actor Mark Chao , respectively , as the fox and the dragon , but their roles will be played by actress Liu Yifei and Yang Yang in the movie .

  10. 《三生三世十里桃花》搬上大荧幕最新网络平台阿里影业出价购买电影版权,宣布计划在粉丝的支持下将一部畅销网络小说搬上大荧幕。

    Online fantasy to hit the big screen with fan support Alibaba Pictures is the latest online platform to make a bid for the big screen , announcing it plans to turn a popular Internet novel into a movie with the help of fans .