
  • 网络One source;Yi-yuanTANG
  1. 我去掉了同一源代码中多余的xmlns,并且在HTML标记中去掉了惟一的xmlns。

    I took out redundant xmlns for the same source and moved unique xmlns within the HTML tag .

  2. A公司MES系统的应用,实现了企业的生产过程实时管理和数出一源,加强了企业安全生产受控和量化考核,提高了企业产品质量,降低生产成本。

    The implementation of MES System , achieves the real-time production process management and the data coming from the same source , enhances the controlled production safety in enterprise and quantitative assessment , improves production quality and reduces production cost .

  3. 不同层次的叶源变化,各种生理补偿作用主要发生在同一源库单位上。

    When removing leaves of different plant section , we found that all sorts of physiological compensation mainly appeared within the source-sink unit mentioned above .

  4. 编程用的源程序通用性好,叶盆、叶背的粗、精加工和带阻尼台的叶片型面均用同一源程序;

    The same source program can be used to program both the suction side and the pressure ide of the blade , aad also to program their rough cutting and fine cutting ;

  5. 现代性的进化启示我们:现代性是一源而多元的,当今的现代性是可选择的现代性;现代性与传统有着本质的连续性;

    The evolution of modernity reveals that modernity is single-source but multiplex and alternative , that modernity has close continuity with tradition in nature , that modernity is a process of reflection , that modernity is an unfinished career .

  6. 以异构多核处理器Cell为实例,基于分布式存储模型为Cell处理器设计并实现了一个源到源编译器。

    Based on the distributed memory model , a source-to-source compiler is designed for a heterogeneous multi-core Cell .

  7. 由于您只加载了一个源&Allattack,所以从下拉菜单中选择它。

    Because you have only loaded one source All attack select it from the drop-down menu .

  8. 这确保了这些SQL语句都共享同一数据源。

    This ensures that the SQL statements share the same data source .

  9. Linux是一个源代码公开的免费操作系统,有很强的移植性。

    Linux is a free operation system with open source code , and it is easy to be ported .

  10. 在基于XML的应用程序的实际开发中,XML文档中保存的信息不太可能来自一个源。

    In the real world of XML-based application development , it 's unlikely that your XML document will hold information from only a single source .

  11. 在结构良好的BI系统中,数据仓库充当多个数据集市的一个源。

    In a well structured BI system , the data warehouse serves as a single source for multiple data marts .

  12. 粒子群优化(PSO)算法是一种源于人工生命和演化计算理论的优化技术。

    Particle swarm optimization ( PSO ) algorithm as one of optimization techniques comes from artificial life and theory of evolutionary algorithms .

  13. 它主要维持一个源容器单元(它拥有目标特定类型requirement类型成员)和目标类型的目标成员单元之间的关系。

    It basically holds the relationship between a source container unit ( that has a member type of requirement for a specific type of object ) and target member unit of that object type .

  14. 在一些情况下,MTK会将一个源DBMS数据类型迁移到DECIMAL(x,0)。

    In some cases , the MTK migrates a source DBMS data type to DECIMAL ( x , 0 ) .

  15. 如果某个项目文件夹被标记为一个源文件,那么该文件夹中的所有JavaScript将包括在全局作用域中。

    If a project folder is marked as a source folder , all of the JavaScript in that folder is included in the global scope .

  16. 如果AssemblyEditor不允许您将一个源节点映射到一个特定目标,这是因为它不遵守上述规则。

    If the Assembly Editor does not allow you to map a source node to a specific target , it is because it is not adhering to the rules above .

  17. 如果一个源系统是非分区的,那么WebSphereDataStage首先会连续地读数据,然后将数据分区,以便利用并行。

    If a source system is not partitioned , WebSphere DataStage initially reads the data sequentially , and then partitions it in order to take advantage of parallelism .

  18. 请记住,即使您和您的团队正确地执行许多CI实践,如果团队成员不坚持至少每天签入一次源代码修改,那么CI的好处会大打折扣。

    Remember , even if you and your team are performing many CI practices correctly , if team members aren 't committing source changes at least daily , your team will receive minimal benefit from CI .

  19. 对于需要手动编辑此文件源代码的高级用户,PDE提供了一个源代码编辑器,其中提供了针对插件清单定义中的各种文件头的代码完成功能。

    For advanced users wishing to edit the source of this file by hand , PDE offers a source editor with code completion for the various headers found in a plug-in manifest definition .

  20. 利用S参数分析和负阻分析设计了一个源端调谐的Ku波段HFET单片集成VCO,并获得了一次设计投片成功。

    Based on S-parameter and negative impedance analyses , a Ku band HFET MMIC VCO , which is turned at source , is designed and fabricated successfully for the first time .

  21. 要想创建嵌入式Informix部署,需要安装并配置一个源实例,获得产品和数据库空间的快照,最后使用DU在目标系统上部署预先配置的实例。

    To create an embedded Informix deployment , you install and configure a source instance , take a snapshot of the product and database spaces , and finally , use DU to silently deploy the preconfigured instance on the target .

  22. 土壤空气中的CO:浓度远高于大气中的C02浓度,土壤释放使土壤成为大气CO:的一个源。

    CO2 concentration in soil is much higher than that in air , CO2 release makes soil to become a source of CO2 in air .

  23. BitKeeper是一个源代码控制管理系统,很多内核开发者已经成功地将其应用于他们自己的内核开发工作中。

    BitKeeper is a source control management system that many kernel developers had already been using successfully for their own kernel development work .

  24. 这个调用从./linux/kernel/printk.c中的printk函数开始,它会在使用vastart解析可变长度参数之后调用vprintk(在同一个源文件)。

    The call begins in . / linux / kernel / printk . c in the printk function , which calls vprintk ( in the same source file ) after resolving the variable-length arguments using va_start .

  25. 例如,来自一个源的组件可能使用PartNumber类型,而来自另一个源的组件使用PartNum类型。

    For instance , components from one source might use a PartNumber type , while components from another source use a PartNum type .

  26. Rankine卵形体是由一对源-汇以一定速度在分层流体中运动时由零流面包围的流体团,它是形状相同的水下运动物体的近似。

    Rankine ovoid is a fluid body enclosed by a zero-stream surface , which is generated by a pair of source and sink moving at a given velocity in the stratified flow , the fluid body is an approximation of a kind of moving body in stratified ocean .

  27. 曼波舞一种源于拉丁美洲的舞蹈,类似于伦巴舞。

    A dance of Latin American origin , resembling the rumba .

  28. 分支操作有一个源和一个目标。

    A branch operation has a source and a target .

  29. 一类源于土壤次级冻胀的非平衡问题

    A class of non-equilibrium problem arising from secondary frost heave

  30. 点标记标识一个源或目标资产。

    Dot notation identifies a source or target asset .