
  1. 虽然YESA仅仅出现在大气边界层(ABL)中,但对我国黄海西北部海雾季节的开始具有重要影响。

    YESA is confined in the atmospheric boundary layer ( ABL ) but highly influential on the onset of sea fog season on the Chinese coast .

  2. 西北太平洋海表温度月距平优势期的分析。

    Analysis of predominant period of monthly anomaly in the north-west pacific .

  3. 冬季西北太平洋海表温度异常对太平洋风暴轴影响的数值试验

    Numerical study of effect of NW PACIFIC SSTA on Pacific storm track in winter

  4. 滇西北泥盆纪海槽中的陆源碎屑海底扇及坡脚碳酸盐异地沉积

    Submarine fan of terrigenous debris and allochthonous carbonate sediments on the base of slope in the Devonian trough in West Yunnan

  5. 平稳时间序列分析方法在西北太平洋海表温度预报中的应用研究。

    The content involved in the paper have several aspects as following : 1 . Application of stationary random series analysis in Forecasting Sea Surface Temperature in north-west pacific .

  6. 生态旅游的大气及水环境效应&以滇西北碧塔海自然保护区为例

    Environmental Effects of Ecotourism in Bita Lake Natural Reserve , Northwestern Yunnan

  7. 伦敦西北部的海威科姆车站非但不制止接吻,还踊跃激励人们享受恋情。

    High Wycombe , northwest of London , is having none of it and is actively urging commuters to get frisky .

  8. 澳大利亚西北海岸帝汶海大油井中心的一座油井发生火灾。

    An oil well at the centre of a massive spill in the Timor Sea off the north-west coast of Australia is on fire .

  9. 文中介绍了边缘海盆地的基本特征和发育模式,详细讨论了西北太平洋边缘海盆地周缘板块构造时空格架及其对边缘海盆地形成、演化和关闭过程的控制作用。

    The basic characteristics and forming models of marginal basins are introduced and evolution of plate tectonic framework around marginal basins and its control of the opening , evolution and closure of marginal basins are discussed in detail .

  10. 它位于巴尔干半岛西北部,亚得里亚海东岸,特殊的地理位置使其成为东西方文化的汇聚之地。

    It is located in the northwest Balkan Peninsula and on the east coast of the Adriatic Sea .

  11. 分析了云南西北部碧塔海自然保护区的亚高山针叶林林窗大小对林窗植被和更新的影响。

    Effects of gap size on regeneration of subalpine coniferous forests in northwest Yunnan , and species diversity , structure , distribution of the gap vegetation were analyzed .

  12. 热带太平洋西北部和阿拉伯海、孟加拉湾地区的热通量及年、季变化与亚洲季风有密切的关系,同时对我国和南亚地区的气候有重要的影响。

    The heat flux and its seasonal and annual variations in the northwestern pacific , the Arabian Sea and the bay of Bangal are closely related with Asian monsoon and significantly influence the climate in China and the South Asia region .

  13. 连同它的两个主要的岛屿,形成了一些明显的水系,例如东北部的亚得里亚海,东南部的爱奥尼亚海,西南部的伊特鲁里亚海和西北部的利古里亚海。

    Together with its two main islands Sicily and Sardinia it creates distinct bodies of water , such as the Adriatic Sea to the north-east , the Ionian Sea to the south-east , the Tyrrhenian Sea to the south-west and finally the Ligurian Sea to the north-west .