
  1. 在西部,是天山分裂形成的伊犁河谷。

    In the west , the Tian Shan split , forming the Ili River Valley .

  2. 从水平分布来看,有5个分布较集中的区域:阿尔泰山地、准噶尔西部山地、天山中西部山地、天山东部山地、昆仑山和帕米尔高原,其它地区零散分布。

    On level distrbution , there are five regions of more species distribution : Altay Mountain Region , West Mountain Region of Junggar , Centre West Tianshan Mountain Region , East Tianshan Mountains Regin , Kunlun Mountains Regin and Pamir plateau , and rare distribution in other regions .

  3. 天山西部伊犁河谷及天山北坡由西向东冬季降雪存在10a,7.5a和6a的显著波动周期,天山南坡及吐鄯托盆地冬季降雪周期不明显。

    The snowfall in the Yili Valley and on the north flank of the Tianshan Mountains has a variation period of 10 , 7.5 or 6 years . The period on the south flank is not obvious .